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<p>The town is carved in two, and steam rises from the cracks in the roads </p>
Dispatch from Iceland

Inside Iceland’s ghost town of Grindavik

The residents had just minutes to leave the little harbour town on Iceland’s west coast, as fissures rent the streets and houses collapsed. The question now is will they ever see their homes again

<p>‘“Mayonnaise is boring!” they shout. I cringe because I was about to help myself to the squeezy bottle’ </p>

Mayo slander doesn’t make you a foodie – it makes you boring

For Kate Ng, mayonnaise is like the nectar of the gods – ripe with flavourful possibility, and a delicious treat for the side of most plates. It’s a controversial stance, though, with self-described food lovers frequently decrying mayo as worse than sewage. They are wrong, she writes

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