In Winnipeg and in Halifax flight attendants continue to agitate against Air Canada's planned closure of their flight attendant bases. Down East the Premier of Nova Scotia has "made an offer", and flight attendants want to see if he will carry through on his promise. Here's the story from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).
Halifax flight attendants want to take Premier up on his offer:
(Halifax) – The union representing almost 200 Air Canada flight attendants based in Halifax wants to take Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald up on his offer from earlier this week.
(Halifax) – The union representing almost 200 Air Canada flight attendants based in Halifax wants to take Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald up on his offer from earlier this week.
CUPE Local 4090 President Lisa Vivian Anthony says, “The premier’s Communications Director said MacDonald supports retention of a base in Halifax and would be prepared to quote ‘jump on a plane’ and lead a delegation to Air Canada headquarters in Montreal.
“We’re saying to the premier, let’s go! Just name the date and the flight attendants will be there. With almost 200 jobs on the line, and the future of air travel in Atlantic Canada hanging in the balance, we fully support the idea of a business and all-party group, led by the premier, going to Air Canada to make the case for Atlantic Canada,” says Vivian Anthony.
CUPE Nova Scotia President Danny Cavanagh says, “We need to see some decisive leadership from the premier on this issue. It’s time Nova Scotia stood up to the corporate decision-makers and bean counters at Air Canada and reminded them that dependable air travel in Atlantic Canada is not a luxury – it’s a basic right.”
Says Cavanagh, “Without these highly trained individuals based out of Halifax, there is no doubt that Halifax flights will be more vulnerable to disruption by storms in Central Canada.”
“On behalf of the 187 workers and their families who will have their lives turned upside down by this decision, we anxiously await the premier’s reply,” says Cavanagh.
For information: Danny Cavanagh, CUPE N.S. President -(902) 957-0822 (Cell); Lisa Vivian Anthony, President, CUPE Local 4090 - 873-2307 (o); John McCracken, CUPE Communications Rep.- (902) 455-4180
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