New Edition of Dembski's Design Inference


Last year, I published a book called The Failures of Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism with Cambridge University Press. As the title suggests, I analyze all of the major mathematical arguments put forth by creationists and intelligent design (ID) proponents and find them all to be very poor. Inevitably, I devote a fair amount of space to William Dembski’s arguments.

So I naturally raised an eyebrow upon hearing that Dembski has now released a revised and expanded edition of his 1998 book The Design Inference, now coauthored with Winston Ewert. I wondered if he would have anything worthwhile to say in response to my book, and it was gratifying to see that my name shows up numerous times in the index. I will look forward to seeing what he has to say, once I have acquired a copy of the book. However, Dembski has posted an excerpt from the book’s Introduction, and I was delighted to see that, perhaps inadvertently, he has simply conceded two of the main points I raised against his ideas.

Martyn Iles Is Now Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis

Martyn Iles
Martyn Iles. Fair Use.

Martyn Iles, who first joined Answers in Genesis in May of this year, is now Executive CEO. Iles announced this development on his own Facebook page with, the next day, an identical emailing from Answers in Genesis to its supporters, and an article, Martin Iles: Answers in Genesis CEO, in Vision Christian Media, by Tony Davenport. The article is mainly devoted to Iles’s own statement, with a flattering headshot and minimal mention of Ken Ham.

Iles’s ascendance is very bad news indeed, not only because he is a formidable figure, but also because he is explicitly far more political than Ham ever revealed himself to be. On January 21, 2021, two weeks after the Capitol riot, Iles, who was still at that time managing director of the politically explicit Australian Christian Lobby, posted,

Harmonia axyridis

Lady beetle larva
This ferocious looking creature may resemble an Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis, eating an aphid, but it is in fact an Internet Avenger eating a troll. They will be out in force tomorrow night, October 31, the eve of All Hallows Day. Trolls are hereby warned not to go online tomorrow and at all costs stay away from bridges.

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Dan Phelps reminds Ken Ham of some important tax benefits


Our indefatigable colleague Dan Phelps seems to have caught Ken Ham in a, um, mild prevarication and corrects the record here. In particular, Mr. Phelps read an October 27 tweet (or a twX or whatever they are called now) in which Mr. Ham proclaimed,

At @AiG we have stated so many times before that the Ark was funded 100% by private funding. Let me say it again, the @ArkEncounter project and the @CreationMuseum were both funded 100% from private funding.

Mr. Phelps notes that the Ark receives a sales tax rebate of $1.825 million every year. Perhaps, he says,

Ham could always decide not to cash the check and return it to the Commonwealth of Kentucky if he wishes to keep claiming lack of government support. However, even if he returned the sales tax rebate money, he would still be getting or has received all sorts of other money and benefits from state, county, and city sources. These include and have included: