Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta no wave. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta no wave. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

Lydia Lunch - Queen of Siam

Genere: No Wave, Experimental, Noise Rock.

Similar Artists: The Birthday Party, Swans, Foetus.

Recording Year: Cherry Red, 1980.

After leaving the seminal New York no wave outfit Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, poet/actress/vocalist Lydia Lunch (b. Lydia Koch) embarked on a solo career marked by frequent collaborations and band changes, plus an attitude of confrontational nihilism expressed in both her sound and her often violent and/or sexually oriented subject matter. Upon leaving Teenage Jesus, Lunch first formed Beirut Slump, but departed after one single. Her solo debut, 1980's Queen of Siam, proved to be one of her most acclaimed efforts, as was her next band, the funk-inflected 8 Eyed Spy. However, that band broke up due to the death of bassist George Scott, and Lunch went back out on her own.

After 1982's 13.13, which featured former members of the Weirdos, Lunch began a rash of collaborations, working with the Birthday Party on the EP The Agony Is the Ecstasy, as well as Einstürzende Neubauten, Die Haut, Sort Sol, Swans' Michael Gira, and members of Sonic Youth. Lunch founded her own Widowspeak label in 1985, immediately delving into spoken word with the EP The Uncensored Lydia Lunch and reissuing much of her back catalog, including a two-CD retrospective, Hysterie, in 1986. Her next collaboration was the first of several with Jim "Foetus" Thirlwell, who remixed a shelved project with Birthday Party members from 1982-1983; it was issued as Honeymoon in Red in 1987. The two also released the Stinkfist EP under Thirlwell's Clint Ruin alias in 1989. That same year, Lunch teamed with Sonic Youth bassist Kim Gordon in Harry Crews, a one-off, all-female noise rock band, for the LP Naked in Garden Hills. Aside from an EP with ex-Birthday Party guitarist Rowland S. Howard in 1991, Shotgun Wedding, plus her acting career in underground films, Lunch concentrated on the spoken word arena into the '90s; a three-CD retrospective of this aspect of her career, Crimes Against Nature, was issued in 1993, and Lunch continued her activities throughout the decade.

During the first decade of the 2000s, she switched primarily between spoken word and music -- though she continued to publish her writing and, occasionally, acted -- evidently as inspired and active as she was during the first years of her career. Though a confusing number of anthologies and reissues were released during this time, Lunch continued to produce a large volume of new material, highlighted by The Devil's Racetrack (2000), Memory and Madness (co-credited to Gallon Drunk's Terry Edwards, 2003), Willing Victim (2005), Touch My Evil (with Anubian Lights, 2006), and Big Sexy Noise (with Gallon Drunk, 2009).

Fields Of Haze.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

The Residents - Meet The Residents

Género /Gender: Experimental, Avant Garde, No Wave

Artistas similares / Similar Artist: John Zorn, Moondog, Fred Frith

Año de grabación / Recording year: East Side Digital, 1974.

The Residents es un grupo de música avant garde y de artes visuales. Ellos comenzaron sus actuaciones al inicio de la década de 1970 y lanzaron su primer álbum en 1974. Siempre han mantenido sus vidas y su música en oscuridad. Hasta la actualidad los miembros de la banda no han revelado sus verdaderas identidades, sus apariciones en público siempre las realizan con disfraces, usualmente con trajes de etiqueta, sombreros de copa y máscaras con forma de ojo gigante. La banda siempre se ha negado a otorgar entrevistas a los medios de comunicación y a revelar sus identidades.

Se cree que eran originarios de Shreverport, Louisiana, donde se conocieron en la secundaria en los '60s.

Buscan experimentar con grabadoras de cintas, fotografía, y cualquier cosa que cayera en sus manos y que remotamente pudiera ser a su parecer 'arte'.

The Residents it's an avant garde and visual arts music group . They began their activities in the decade of 70's and record their first album in 1974. They have always maintained his lives and their music in the dark. Until the present time the members of the band are no developing their true identities, their appearances in public realise always them with disguises, usually with hat, formal dress of glass and mask with form of giant eye. The band always has refused to grant interviews to mass media and to reveal its identities.

It is thought that they were original of Shreverport, Louisiana, where they were meet in the secondary in ' 60s.

They looking for constantly experiment with tape recorders, photography and anything that fell in its hands and that remotely could be to them seems 'art'.

Fields of Haze.

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009

Laibach - Occupied Europe NATO tour 94-95 (Limited Edition)

Género /Gender: Industrial Avant garde, No wave, Conceptual art

Artistas similares / Similar Artist: Skinny Puppy, Front 242, Coil

Año de grabación / Recording year: Mute, 1996

Laibach es un grupo industrial cuyos miembros prefieren ser reconocidos como colectivo antes que nombres individuales. Las ilustraciones que Laibach presenta a lo largo de sus trabajos son creaciones del artista John Heartfield, en el se presentan montajes fotográficos anti-Nazis.
En entrevistas sus respuestas nunca efectúan manifiestos en favor de ninguna causa política.

Formado el mismo año en que el líder yugoslavo Josip Broz Tito murió, Laibach comenzó su actividad en el año 80 en la ciudad industrial carbonera de Trbovlje, lo que hoy es Eslovenia. Tomaron su nombre de la ciudad próxima Ljubljana, nombre empleado durante la ocupación nazi. Su primera presentación fue cancelada por las autoridades por el uso polémico de símbolos, mientras que el servicio militar los mantuvo alejados de los escenarios hasta junio de 1981. Laibach hizo su primera gran presentación en Ljubljana en enero de 1982, y la colección de 'Ljubljana-Zagreb-Belgrado' captura las apariciones en público las cuales fueron grabadas y vendidas en casete durante las presentaciones. Milan Fras se integró como vocalista, y su distintivo gruñido lo convirtió en el miembro más reconocible de la banda. Una aparición en la TV yugoslava con las cabezas afeitadas y el traje militar provocó que fueran vetados por el estado por medio de una interdicción la cual les impedía efectuar presentaciones públicas, acción que no fue suspendida hasta 1987.

El concierto de 'Occupied Europe NATO' fue documentado en la caja de edición limitada CD y video en 1996.

Este es el concierto que te presentamos en esta ocasión en FOH.

Laibach is an industrial group whose members prefer to be known as a collective rather than reveal individual names. Laibach's releases featured artwork influenced by anti-Nazi photomontage artist John Heartfield, and the group's live shows portray rock concerts as absurd political rallies. In interviews their answers are wry manifestos, and they never break character. Formed the same year longtime Yugoslavian leader Marshall Josip Broz Tito died, Laibach started activity in 1980 in the industrial coal-mining town of Trbovlje in the center of what is now Slovenia. They took their name from the nearby city Ljubljana's title during Nazi occupation. Their first performance was canceled by authorities for their controversial use of symbols, and military service kept them away from performing until June of 1981. Laibach first played Ljubljana in January of 1982, and the Ljubljana-Zagreb-Beograd collection captures some the group's performances from this time from cassettes sold at shows. The Laibach/Last few days cassette from 1983 was the group's first proper release, and cassettes from labels like Staal Tapes and Skuk followed. Milan Fras joined as vocalist, and his distinctive growl and grim stare still makes him the group's most recognizable member. An appearance on Yugoslavian TV with shaved heads and military attire provoked the state to issue a ban on the name Laibach in Ljubljana that was not lifted until 1987. The NATO world tour was documented on the limited-edition CD and video box set 'Occupied Europe NATO' in 1996.

This is the concert FOH presents to you this time.

Fields of Haze.

martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Swans - Filth

Género: Dark ambient, noise rock

Artistas similares: KYoung gods, Foetus, Pussy galore

Swans fue un grupo estadounidense de post punk, activa de 1982 a 1997, dirigida por su cantante, letrista y multi instrumentalista Michael Gira. La banda fue uno de los pocos grupos en emerger de la escena neoyorquina No Wave de los 80's, y permanecer intacta en la siguiente década.

Formada por Gira en 1982, los Swans emplearon una línea muy cambiante de músicos hasta su disolución en 1997. Aparte de Gira, el único miembro constante fue la tecladista/volcalista/letrista Jarboe, de 1984 a 1997, y el guitarrista Norman Westberg. La banda se caracteriza por usar instrumentación extraña y vocales muy sórdidas.

"Filth" es el primer disco de la banda. Fue realizado después de su primer EP, el cual tiene el mismo nombre del grupo. Este es la primera producción de Swans en la que se presenta un sonido experimental y ruidoso, estilo por el que sería conocido. El sonido distintivo del álbum es parcialmente producto de incluir en la alineación a dos baterístas (Roli Mosimann y Jonathan Kane).

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