
It's why their pushing to end WFH by newtworedditing in antiwork

[–]theciaskaelie 24 points25 points  (0 children)

holy shit. their obsession with ending wfh never really made sense until now.

honestly... big corpos should be happy they dont have to have people in the office. that doesnt make them make less/more money. the peoole are still soing the work.

hell, they now have empty office building they could make more money with while while still having the business going.

whats really going to hurt their pocketbooks is if WFH fucks up the gerrymandering and screws up their insane tax breaks and ability to do whatever they want without real regulation.

My top 10 Steam Deck Games by inspiredtobeinspired in SteamDeck

[–]theciaskaelie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

its ok but man... it freezes for like 10 seconds all the time and in the meantime you get killed. im running on a r7 5700x and a 6800xt 32gb ram. so i doubt its my rig.

i uninstalled the hi res stuff and that seemed to help for a little while but its back to nearly unplayable with all the freezing again.

Did Bungie break matchmaking or is it really low population ? restorethirdpartyapps by MiloxG in CrucibleGuidebook

[–]theciaskaelie 4 points5 points  (0 children)

No pinnacle weapons. Point gains and losses are totally whacked. Lame/no new tital. Diablo 4.

Americans Don't Need To. They Care About Us. by Monsur_Ausuhnom in antiwork

[–]theciaskaelie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

LOL pensions? wtf this guy talking about?

wev'e got 401ks so the stock brokers can fleece us of our retirements with all their bullshit stock market tricks.

What games are yall playing? by Wolfe022 in SteamDeck

[–]theciaskaelie 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Im playing the "try to fix the battery health glitch" for like the 10th time.

Brother wants to borrow Steam Deck on 90 world tour. Bad idea? by [deleted] in SteamDeck

[–]theciaskaelie 5 points6 points  (0 children)

dude.... hes 33. tell him to grow the fuck up and buy his own.

$75 Sovereign Stainless Fermenter Flash Sale at Austin Homebrew by homebrewfinds in Homebrewing

[–]theciaskaelie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yesh i was super surpised. i dont need it any time soon... or so all really so i can wait for $4 shipping lol

$75 Sovereign Stainless Fermenter Flash Sale at Austin Homebrew by homebrewfinds in Homebrewing

[–]theciaskaelie 2 points3 points  (0 children)

needs $99 for free shipping. nevermind. cant qualify bc on clearance.

edit: shipping was less and 4 bucks and i dont live anywhere near austin.

What constitutes as running "well" for you? E.g whats your mimimum requirement for running well at 1440p? by AlexisOhanianPride in buildapc

[–]theciaskaelie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

im like 3000k hrs in D2 and this is one of my biiggest gripes. in a loot focused game that the deva are always tweaking weapon and armor build balance.... 500 vault space is just not enough. i am eternally at 498/500 and all 3 characters full with my postmaster half full bc i dont know what i should keep or delete.

that and the writing is so inconsistent. lately its just bad.

Came for Taylor, fell in love with your city by autummcoffee in pittsburgh

[–]theciaskaelie 179 points180 points  (0 children)

why would you say all this and then not explain what DMV means? lol

How you guys keep high spirit? Restorethirdpartyapps by Albert_Flagrants in CrucibleGuidebook

[–]theciaskaelie 3 points4 points  (0 children)

yeah i have it. its fun with a group. definitely get my ass handed to me compared to 6s in D2 though.

How you guys keep high spirit? Restorethirdpartyapps by Albert_Flagrants in CrucibleGuidebook

[–]theciaskaelie 31 points32 points  (0 children)

play diablo 4 like almost all of my destiny clan has been doing.

why is the leave rate for Deep Dive so high? by Volitaire in DestinyTheGame

[–]theciaskaelie 5 points6 points  (0 children)

dude... get out of here with rational thinking and common sense. most people of this sub are no life try hard basement dwellers and will shit all over you for not knowing every damn thing about this game.

Announcing a new home & future for the r/mead wiki by dmw_chef in mead

[–]theciaskaelie 4 points5 points  (0 children)

smart move. bookmarked and i joined the discord too.

hopefully my other favorite subs will do something similar bc once i cant use RIF anymore i wont be on reddit nearly as often. the desktop version kinda sucks and and cant use it at work. heard the official app is trash too.

Canoe Camping Allegheny by AcanthocephalaDue494 in PAWilds

[–]theciaskaelie 3 points4 points  (0 children)

3 days is a good casual paddle for that stretch but youll want to camp at a different spot each night to keep moving.. check the dam discharge rates to see if the river will be too high or too low. its mostly slow moving and only a couple areas with light rapids. the toughest part is usually just after you pass west hickory if the winds blowing right in your face.

lots of camping spots on the islands along the way. please leave them cleaner than you find them! and dont shoot guns on them like some idiots do. i literally had bullets whizzing through the leaves of my campsite one year. one of the locals flew across the river in a kayak faster than ive ever seen to chew them out after one hit the lawn where his kids were playing.

if you start at warren (just down river feom the dam), be aware you cant park overnight in the park where the launch is. make sure your launch permits are up to date. they check pretty regularly and especially at tionesta in my experience.

further down river the buckaloons launch you can pay to park overnight. there is another launch just UP river from buckaloons (but downriver from warren) that is free to park but theres no security or anything there.

make sure nothing is visible in your cars. my brothers truck has been broken into multiple times and at different launches.

if you have your own boats and have 2 cars, you can shuttle yourselves. otherwise try calling the various canoe companies along the river. if you have just 1 car and if theyre slow, they might shuttle you for a small fee.

dont forget sunscreen. theres a very bare bones grocery store in tidioute and a gas station as well if you need to resupply.

EDIT: I found some old notes of mine.

Directions given as though facing downstream. Star Brick is the out in I mentioned that is upriver from buckaloons.

0 miles Star brick (launch permit required)

2.4 - buckaloons boat ramp (on right no permit needed, but has a fee)

3.4 to 4.4 Crulls island

5.4 to 6.7 Thompsons island

8.9 tanbark trail access (on left, limited parking, dirt trail, no permit neesed)

10.9 to 11.5 stewards island (private? has buildings on island)

13.7 to 14.3 fuelhart island

15.2 Bonnie brae boat launch (on left, permit required, muddy)

17.4 Tidioute (right, boat launch with permit, store)

23.6 to 24.5 Hemlock Island

25.8 West Hickory bridge (on left, boat launch, no permit needed?)

  1. to 27.6 King Island

29.1 to 30 Baker Island

31 Tionesta (left, boat launch with permit. general store with camping gear and a distributer in town but about a mile down the road iirc)