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Gdxilla commented on
14 points · 2 days ago

Hold my chips?

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5 points · 2 days ago

Hold my bangers and mash

1.1k points · 2 days ago · edited 1 day ago

it's better with sound

plus the clip the OP posted missed the best bit

news story about this woman

She was a bit of celebrity here, not often things here go viral

more info

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4 points · 2 days ago

Nasty Nasty woman

Gdxilla commented on

Ok, the guy's a clown, a poor communicator of his needs and he's entitled. No good.


for the past 5 years he’s been getting sex multiple times a week from me.

He’s still been getting it from me.

My husband texted me this morning asking for sex tonight

Maybe someone else has said this, but there's something REALLY FUCKED UP in the way you both view sex in this relationship. It sounds like you/he feel sex is a reward for him and a chore for you.

You might want to invest some energy figuring this out.

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The other side..... man refuses to kiss wife

I agree with his desire to want more affection. I do not not not NOT agree with his misogynistic, abusive way of expressing that need.

If one has a high sex drive and therefore a very sexually active relationship/marriage is a requirement, that's fine. However, this means they either need to find a partner who is sexually compatible or be okay with compromising and doing the deed a bit less frequently. I believe that no one deserves sex from someone who does not want to participate. Ever.

Furthermore, from what I gathered OP is just having sex with him to please him and because she fears the consequences rather than because she wants to. That's a marital problem in and of itself.

Marriage is not a one way street, but this guy seems to think it is and that he should get whatever he wants with no regard for his wife. Super shitty, and I'd be out like a trout.

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The other side of the story..... man refuses to kiss wife

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Gdxilla commented on
0 points · 3 days ago

As long as you don’t go to Africa and get one there thing I’m good!

Gdxilla commented on
136 points · 3 days ago

Seriously what the hell was she doing?!

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7 points · 3 days ago


Gdxilla commented on

This. I am a bisexual cis-woman married to a straight cis-man, and when a friend of ours transitioned (leading to divorce as her ex-wife is straight) we talked about this a lot. I had to admit to myself that even though I'm bi, I am only attracted to feminine cis-women and masculine cis-men. I'm not pansexual even a little bit. Lots of people probably think that's transphobic or sexist, but I think it's ridiculous to police/shame sexual attraction, and I don't think it's any different than when some men are only attracted to brunettes or when some women are only attracted to men taller than they are. It might make you think they are shallow, and you're entitled to that opinion, but people like what they like!

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Jesus, how do you keep all the adjectives straight?

Gdxilla commented on

The Princess Bride

Gdxilla commented on
-15 points · 3 days ago

Put your shirt back on Adele

Gdxilla commented on
38 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

Ants don’t eat the dead ants. When they die they emit a chemical and the other ants remove them from the nest and pile them up somewhere else.

When I was a kid I had an ant farm and all the dead ants just got piled up in a corner of “farm”. None were eaten.

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3 points · 3 days ago

So I guess that these kinds of hive insects have a protocol for dealing with their dead.

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