
Ireland has the lowest road deaths in entire EU. These are our road safety adverts. by greywolf_18 in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]TacitMoose 30 points31 points  (0 children)

I’m a paramedic and I get so angry about how people drive because I’ve seen first hand the results. When you drive past a crash scene you don’t really know what’s going on there. But when you work inside of that scene you know. I vividly remember many of the accidents I’ve run on. Seeing peoples bodies split open with brain matter or intestines basically flowing out of them. Limbs so mangled that they’ve become tiny chips of bone mixed in with their muscles. People screaming as they burn to death while we try frantically to put the fire out. And the worst is telling parents that their children have died. That’s a level of anguish that the world was never intended to witness.

The one I remember most was a car that got hit by a speeding driver who was texting and who ran a red light. It flipped the car upside down and under a parked truck and trailer. Absolutely mangled the car and trapped a 6-9 month old in the back seat. There were like 10 of us working on this car. We worked frantically to cut it apart as the baby’s cry got weaker and weaker and then stopped. By the time we could cut away enough metal and debris it was too late. If I could take every single driver into that scene with me and force them to watch that I would.

Slow down. Pay attention. Be patient and courteous. You’re not the most important person on the road. And you’re not nearly as good a driver as you think you are. Please, I’m begging you.

What happened in your life that you were expecting to be joyful, but was more traumatic? by RhineStonedCowgirl in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Good grief y’all have some awful families. I guess I didn’t realize how lucky we are that both our families are super kind and considerate. Our wedding was wonderful. It was very small and we just rented the back yard and some chairs at a little church. My wife had a simple, used dress. The officiant was free, the music was and photography were done by friends. My wife picked wildflowers and flowers from her parents garden and the two dads and I mowed the lawn and set up all the chairs. We didn’t do a meal, just cookies and punch. And the whole thing ran from like 2:00-3:30pm. All in all I think it cost about $1500-$2000 which both sets of parents insisted on helping cover anyway. It was absolutely wonderful and everyone was happy. I feel awful for everyone that has had an unpleasant experience. I despise the culture that has conditioned us to expect massive, opulent, “perfect” weddings.

Home is going to get HOT. What to move to a cool storage unit? by bananasandsanity in homeowners

[–]TacitMoose 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Your home gets up to 115? Are you sure? That’s insane. Anyway what I’d do is buy a small window AC and cool one room. Put your stuff in there and you’ll also have a cool place to sleep.

If you could commit murder and 100% get away with it, would you do it and who would you kill? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That’s good to know. Makes me feel a lot better cause I’ve been reading WAY too many stories about doctors molesting children. I was planning on always, always being with him at appointments anyways. But that makes me feel better that it’s a lot less likely there’s pedos out there working as doctors.

If you could commit murder and 100% get away with it, would you do it and who would you kill? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Fuck that doctor. Don’t waste your kill on him. Save it and I’ll give you my kill to use for him.

I just had my first kid and I’m trying to figure out how to eventually tell him that there’s people out there that want to hurt him. You know I think I’ll eventually figure it out and tell him no one is allowed to help with your privates except for mama, daddy, and the doctor. Then I realize there’s douche canoes like this doctor.

If you could commit murder and 100% get away with it, would you do it and who would you kill? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Makes sense. I mean no one likes pedos. Look what happens to them in gen pop. Not even society’s worst of the worst can stand them.

Help! What is going on with my baby at 5.5 weeks by Tough_Bid43 in newborns

[–]TacitMoose 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It happens. Sounds like you’re describing my son around that time. Now he’s eight months old and sleeps like a champ. He really started settling into it at 4-5 months. It’s ok, you’ll get there. I mean if you think about it being a baby is pretty rough. They pop out into this awful world and us adults expect them to act like that’s no big deal. It’s huge!

My best advice is this. 1) Accept all the help anyone offers you and nap while you can. 2) You are not instilling bad habits this early. At this point it’s a “whatever it takes” approach. There’s PLENTY of time for sleep training later on. 3) Soak up those naps where she’ll sleep in your arms. Those moments end so, so quickly. I cry when I think about the first few weeks with my son when all he wanted were cuddles. Now he’s Uber active and cuddles are few and far between. Get your headphones, let her nap in your arms, and spend time staring at her or watching Netflix. Screw the chores. 4) Verbally, out loud, remind yourself that you’re doing nothing wrong. It takes a while for babies to adjust. And that’s fine. Newborn stage is HARD but when you look back it’s oh so worth it. Just believe it even if you don’t want to. I swear to you with everything that I am, it’s worth it.

Hang in there and try to relish everything you possibly can. You’re doing a fantastic job. Caring for a helpless human is a massive undertaking but like I said, I SWEAR it’s worth it.

What makes someone bad in bed? by MidoriSpice in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I wouldn’t know. My wife makes me feel absolutely unreal in bed. It’s fantastic. (Actually she makes me feel that good in all of life.) I don’t know what on earth I did to deserve this woman but I have her and I’ll do anything for her. I’m so grateful to be married to her and I love every single moment of it.

Would you be in a sexless relationship? What circumstance would you find acceptable for this? by ItsyBitsyJoxy in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I’m a paramedic. Seen that more than one time. We unofficially say they came and went.

What's your scariest camping experience? by Dolphins_With_Dildos in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Was camping right on the Snake River in Idaho. At about 11pm we hear something splashing through the water towards us. Before I could even move a massive bull moose comes out of the river and walks RIGHT through the camp site. He stopped and looked directly at me from about 3-5 feet away. I was terrified I was about to be killed by a moose. Then he just turned and sauntered off.

And yes he in part inspired my username.

Using only food. Where do you live? by wheeliemans3000 in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Coffee stands, craft beer, apples, Dungeness crab, salmon.

Hikers of Reddit, what has been the most fucked up thing you’ve seen? by Legitimate_Eye_5382 in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 13 points14 points  (0 children)

My wife and I had a similar experience. We were hiking to a secluded hot springs way in the desert in west Texas. It was pitch dark when we got there. There were two other couples there already but they were quiet and cool and there was plenty of room. None of us had any lights on so as not to ruin night vision. Long story short eventually the moon breaks the horizon and we realize all four other people are buck ass naked. 😂

My ex didn't feed our daughter from Saturday morning until she came home on Sunday night. by [deleted] in Parenting

[–]TacitMoose 35 points36 points  (0 children)

This is borderline enough to call the sheriff’s office immediately and get a deputy out there to file a report. It seems extreme, but the longer these things go between discovery and reporting the less likely it is to go in your favor. I’m in public service and I see and report abuse/neglect all the time. Sally even coming from me it’s not always successful. The sooner your voice is on record with the authorities the better it’ll go. Exponentially so.

That SUCKS you’re going through this and I wish you the best in getting it resolved.

Women of Reddit, what things do men do that frighten you without them even realizing it? by metallicmuffin in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m a dude and I can assure you I’m not standing too close to ANYONE. My personal bubble is huge and sacred and no one, including me, is allowed to put themselves inside of it. 😂

What realization did your slow ass have way too fucking late in life? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]TacitMoose 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Figuring out my freaking finances. I should have started investing way before I did (30 years old). And I should have bought a home way sooner. (33 years old.) I’m so far behind now that my mortgage and my catch up retirement investments eat up a massive portion of my income. And I sit here and watch the smart ones who are my age but who started investing sooner and who really stretched at the time to buy a home. And they have wads of disposable income and do all kinds of fun stuff. But my idiot self thought I could save my way to being comfortable. That’s a lie.