
Name of your squad affects the type of people who join, kinda by UpvoteCircleJerk in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

True but half the time if you wait, you're wafting 20 minutes for the player base to cycle and your squad to actually fill, if it fills at all. Which is a big sacrifice if the other SLs are incompetent.

Name of your squad affects the type of people who join, kinda by UpvoteCircleJerk in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 15 points16 points  (0 children)

It seems completely random to me. Squads usually fill in the first two minutes and basically everyone is just joining the first one that opens trying to get the kit they want. Same as PR really except we dont all scramble to an ammo crate for kits.

Why does M28 USMC Marksman rifle have only semi-auto fire mode? It supposed to have full-auto mode because it's just M27 with mods. by Alternative-Ad-6616 in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah IDK why there isnt a rifleman kit with a bipod. Also SLs get grip pods they cant deploy. And no resting system yet? Come on OWI.

Least patriotic Ukrainian pilot by lttl2316 in CombatFootage

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I live in coastal Florida. Fly a helicopter over where I live and it looks like a concrete mess of shit. The beaches are nice but everything else. Shit.

Taco Bell manager throws scalding water on customers by CharityOk4970 in PublicFreakout

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Im kind of interested to see the injuries. Its very rare boiling water does much more than second degree burns unless it really sits on you for a minute or you sit in it for a minute. I actually spilled a pot of boiling water down my pants at a catering event once. Surprisingly didnt leave any scarring or even blister. I did treat with fresh aloe vera immediately though which has always worked wonders for me. After that happened I realized it wasnt that bad and I would wash my hands in boiling water spout to freak people at work out.

Fall Out New Vegas or Kingdom Come Deliverance by DaftMau_5 in ShouldIbuythisgame

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Id go with KDC if you like a challenging and immersive game. Granted it gets easy about half way through once you have decent gear and some skill foundation. Although be warned it is not hack and slash. You need to fight smart not hard or you will die. You cant win every fight either so routing needs to happen sometimes. Its really not a game that gives you the demi-god/main character feeling a lot of people seek from a video game.

The combat is top tier for a medieval game though. If youve ever fenced or done a form of martial arts with sword training you'll see. Its something no other game has managed to do and the combat is heavily based off ancient sword manuals. It can be brutally realistic but that goes both ways. Get a nice mount and a good bow and youll be fucking up everything you come across.

Although Id avoid it if you dont like new concepts and challenges. Its really not a run of the mill video game and you wont find the clichés the casual side of gaming tends to love.

Fall Out New Vegas or Kingdom Come Deliverance by DaftMau_5 in ShouldIbuythisgame

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The combat was top tier for a medieval game. I loved it. Every fight felt like launching a sortie. You actually have to plan it and cant just charge in hacking and slashing like a TES game. It felt like Mount and Blade but upgraded and more fluid.

Did you get your skills up or just give up when you couldn't immediately beat high level enemies? A lot of people seemed to have just given up before really getting into the game.

Fall Out New Vegas or Kingdom Come Deliverance by DaftMau_5 in ShouldIbuythisgame

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Really need to play more than two hours of that game lol. Its really not that hard its just that at the beginning your skills are shit. Its closer to a classic RPG where you actually start out as a powerless nobody. Id say its a medium difficulty game whereas New Vegas is easy and good for people new to video games in general. I wish it was a Medieval sim but it is a story based RPG at its core.

But still by about half way through KDC youll be besting 5-6 bandits at a time and by the end youll be able to take groups of Men at Arms that size. Its also a game where you have to fight smart which I think is whats difficult for people. Most people see a melee focused game and get straight to hack and slash. KDC requires a bit more real world tact than your average RPG.

New Vegas is good but far less immersive. KDC really gets you into it once you get going with the story. Having to maintain yourself and sleep adds a lot to the game. Taverns start to feel like home. The game also has some great characters which is pretty rare for me. Normally I find video game characters to be corny two dimensional clichés.

Completely on the fence about giving Escape from Tarkov a try... by bwitt33 in ShouldIbuythisgame

[–]Fart_Huffer_ -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Tarkovs alright but very deathmatch feeling. Kind of kills tactical shooters for me when they have a DM feel. Just two opposite concepts in my opinion.

Base not getting attacked. Considering restarting by TransitWizard in TheForest

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Just go kill some cannibals. Theyll come attack if provoked. Fuck with their villages and go caving.

Hotel Employee Quits On The Spot by undermunder in PublicFreakout

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Not sure why but all the hotels I worked in treated their employees like trash. Last I heard the resort I worked at was having to refund and discount pretty much everyone because they couldnt keep enough housekeepers on staff. People were being checked into dirty rooms. It was strange too because there were no rules to treat employees like that, it was just the housekeeping supervisor woman who was a total witch for some reason.

SIB Baldur's Gate 3? by Sir_Wack in ShouldIbuythisgame

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

You might not like BG3 if you didnt like DOS2. They play the same for the most part.

Do you guys believe there are instances where TKs are morally justified? by Subject-Worker6658 in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Of course lol. Ive had people just shoot at me for a solid minute or two before it got old and I just shot them. At a certain point people either cant read, aren't listening, or are just being so incredibly stupid you have to put them down.

[MEGA-SUGGESTION] - Multiplayer campaign in Squad, just like the ones in Red orchestra 2 or Rising Storm 2. by Europa_Teles_BTR in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Flavor is banned here. We will play AAS variations and Invasion for eternity. A game with more features and options? Bad. This game is perfect as is and should stay the same FOREVER.

[MEGA-SUGGESTION] - Multiplayer campaign in Squad, just like the ones in Red orchestra 2 or Rising Storm 2. by Europa_Teles_BTR in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Why would you be stuck as one faction? It would be NATO vs a general OPFOR force meaning factions would change depending on map. It would basically just be a map vote system lol. Except the winning team decides the next move.

You've played RO right? It seems like you dont really know what OP is talking about and are making a lot of assumptions about how these game modes work.

Providing Overwatch. by Deadliest_Death in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 3 points4 points  (0 children)

nOOooO! You didnt help the team! Kills dont help! You were supposed to talk so much no one could hear gunshots or footsteps around them. Throw in some military jargon and RP a bit. Thats how you win.

SIB: Divinity Original Sin 2 (Switch First Then Maybe On Pc) by Yendia in ShouldIbuythisgame

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah just buy it on PC. Its nice CRPGs are on console but holy shit I cant imagine dealing with the menus on a controller. Let alone a mobile device.

Arkansas State Police Trooper Goes Airborne After 109 MPH PIT Maneuver by IncognitoMyGuy in PublicFreakout

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Whats with Arkansas State troopers?

Records show they were basically warned that they were pitting needlessly during chases, and even chasing needlessly creating more danger than they stop.

Then we get this incident which is kind of the karma that comes after ignoring common sense. All this because the guy ran a red light lol.

At what point do we realize the police are charging us millions to do GTA Role Play in real life.

Tactics might be the most OP and underappreciated skill in the game. by Lazereye57 in Bannerlord

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 4 points5 points  (0 children)

If Im lucky enough to defend in a siege no way Im auto-resolving lol. I was lucky enough once with similar numbers and we just chomped through them like nothing. I put all the inf in one big group in front of the gate and all the archers on the wall. They must have lost 2.5k troops by the time they even hacked the gate down only to be greeted by a shield wall of legionaries and vets. Player manning the catapults alone is OP as fuck.

WSIB Looking for a Complex and Diverse combat/character building system. by Killerdroid1230 in ShouldIbuythisgame

[–]Fart_Huffer_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You could try SCUM. If you take the time to grind a nice character in that game you can be OP as fuck. It is a survival game though so grinding those skills can be tedious. If you spec right though you can aim to only grind the easier skills and attributes. Skills like demolition wont be easy to grind if you spec low as defusing bombs is high risk. Its kind of like DayZ but a bit faster paced in terms of run speed and gun play. Somewhere in between DayZ and PUBG. If you look into how the skill system works in that game its very innovative. It works very well.

A bugged spot or just bad BTR aiming you tell me by ShillMeHere in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Oh and if you look even closer initially he is turned sideways and catches a burst to his side before turning to face me.

A bugged spot or just bad BTR aiming you tell me by ShillMeHere in joinsquad

[–]Fart_Huffer_ -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I dont necessarily think the things bullet proof lol. Maybe in Squad. Also multiple bullets go right under the barrel in between the Kornet and the sandbag. You can see his little MEC torso get hit 2-3 times. Its hard to see the regular rounds though only the tracers are visible. At least once tracer beams him in the chest though.