Showing posts with label Surf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surf. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2010

Des Roar - Mad Things

                       Click here for bermuda shorts

I've written about this band a dozen times since starting this blog. Coincidentally, I've drank about one hundred bottles of cheap liquor. The total is probably way more, but tonight I'm inclined to be modest. I could sit here and tell you that this is the greatest band in the world. I could also confess that each bottle has been a 1.75 liter, but I won't. I'm not here to bullshit you. I'm an honest man when it comes to this sort of thing. It's the only way to be. The truth is what I'm tellin' and I ain't tellin' no lie.

Des Roar makes the kind of music that makes people drink and have a good time. Whether you're fucking, fighting, kissing, or playing pinball. Whatever you wanna do, baby... it's fine. This shit is pretty good... where'd you get it?

In a time where so many bands are being "different" it's refreshing to hear a group that is delivering straightforward Rock n' Roll. It's all guitar and drums here folks. There's even a few boy/ girl harmonies thrown in. The handclaps are free too. Grab your beers. Get your boards. Call that chick and set up some bang time. This is the record that'll get you by tonight. It's right.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

13 Crimson Ghosts - A surf tribute to the Misfits

Click here for too much horror business!

In life there are some pleasures that cannot be described in words. Fortunately, this is one of them that really can be. So much so in fact, that their old bassist has taken it upon himself to bootleg this album on his own and not share any profits with the band. Heck, their own website describes him as an asshole.

I can't say that I blame him though. I mean, this is probably thee most fantastic tribute album I've ever heard....and it's instrumental at that!

When I first popped this in I immediately cracked a wide smile. These guys are so rad to have created this masterpiece. After hearing this album you should go out there and buy more from them because it's really clear that this band doesn't simply make surf rock...they do their homework too!