Friday, December 31, 2010

rules lists rules

1. do the right thing. you know what it is. don't hurt anyone.
2. don't date your ex's friends.
3. don't date your friend's exes.
4. never move to chase a mate.
5. be direct, state your intention, follow through with honesty and respect. you will never get what you truly want if you aren't completely honest.
6. if you are not sure what you want, resist.
7. be happy. fun is fun.
8. have your own life and interests.
9. be brave. do what you want, even if it means doing it alone.
10. if you are not happy, change something.

grammar is not such a big deal, get over it. i understand, youre educated and feel big about it. good for you. i hate apostrophes. theyre like the "who gives a shit" of writing.

quit sulking. its not flattering. holding grudges is for children. something didnt work out? tough break. move on.
distract yourself if you must, but with productive means. or read a book. or write one.

time moves, it continues continuously monotonously without regard for you or me or bills or your boyfriend or whether you should cut your hair or grow a beard or if they will come over for poker night and should you buy new shoes cos the ones you got last week have a funny heel that doesnt go well with the trousers you bought them to go with for that thing your supposed to do end of the month but you may skip cos you-know-who is being a flake.

dwell in the good. keep tender sweet memories fresh in your mind with often replay. dismiss the troublesome. so you said something dumb, or you tripped on the steps outside work, release yourself from repetitive anxious mind traps.

due to the flawed nature of human consciousness, often, you assume that what you are reading is about you, when it never is. its always about me.
stop internalizing.

if there is a jam up, takes steps to correct it. forget about how it came to be. figure out how to diplomatically solve it.

past is past. let it go. yeh, thats how it was. but this is how it is now.
tomorrow it will be different, even.

Monday, December 13, 2010

less of me

i'm tryin to minimize how much space i require.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


so basicalllllly fuck i forgot what i was gonnsay.
well fuckit

today i worked all morning then went for some skate action at the park nearby. i discovered while i still remember how to skate, my body is like, WTfuck about it. so i freshend up them bearings and decided to get on that shit everyday.
also, i found three silly bands in the parking lot. cos i fell down. but that makes that ass-crash just a tiny bit sweeter. pigeon, cowboy hat and giraffe. just in case you were wondering.

its my birthday weekend coming up. no theme party this year. were takin it to Baltimore. charm city welcomes the Pinche Gringo menace once again. i love that town. i would be hard pressed to choose between baltimore and atlanta for biggest chunk of my heart. the kids up there are totally wild and like, my soul brothers.

tonight the Strange Boys, ThoseDarlins, Gentleman Jesse at Local 506 Chappy Hill. i was just there, like, two days ago for Andre Williams and the Goldstars. i might move in upstairs of 506 they keep stackin the schedule like this.
and yeh, the Andre Williams show was fuckin awesome. where was your fool ass at??

pic by Jenni Snyder

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

routine = success.

things i do everyday : moisturize my face (Oil of Olay, twice a day), floss, drink water, eat fruit and veg, put a little more effort into the way i move (sprint instead of walk, stretch and hold poses)

things i try to do as often as possible : play guitar, exercise, lay in the sun, read books, think creatively, have a hot bath, write in an actual notebook journal

trying to stay positive and expand beyond what i know. to do things im scared of, to do things alone.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


photo by Elizabeth Lemon

recorded at The Dotmatrix Project. which is this awesome artist collective of photographers, musicians, audio video guys ETC.

heres a link to some more photos from that night....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

mostly t & a

Saturday, July 17, 2010

sperm face place

so apparently theres some crazy spa somewhere in the middle of the europe, like swiss or dutch or something, where they mix lotions and honey and shit with loads of hot white cum and apply it to the faces of super rich bitches and call it youthfullizing facial treatments and they charge wicked prices for this shit. 

and here i been gettin sweet ritzy facials fo freeeeeeee dollas all these years.

 im thrifty.

Midway Charmers

menacing beer soaked rock n roll from notorious NC legends JimmyBrad Ray and SupaVal of Jimmy and The Teasers. think New Bomb Turks with surly, surfy Chrome Cranked Cramps, but tight and fast and real, real angry. If the Teasers made you drink and shake your ass, the Charmers are the fight breakin out in the parking lot out back. if you piss em off, they might just spit beer in your face and steal your girl. 

this quick one is six hard numbers spat out in a fury. stand outs are True Blue, with that dapper young buck bass machine Sweet Nich shooting a venomous rage for some poor idiot girl who prolly dint know no better, but fuck her. oh lord girl, whatd you do to deserve that?? 

the instrumental hip shaker Arcade Blues gives a lil reprieve for the heartbreakerin bitches, but wails out with just as much bitter surf dig. shake it down, straight down to the dirt.

then DIE BAD. ooo lordy that motha got one for ya.

its mean. but takes the hard edge with a shot of itchy get in your skin.  
hoorah for this lil EP, which is the first half of a full length- second half due out in the fall. lets hope shes just as cheerful.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

that aint no cigarette, steve

thinking about time and goals and all that shit makes me feel like i'm choking myself while slowly running through sand thats slipping into a pit.
BUT strangely i'm actually managing to get traction and climb out of that pit.

so cheers to not dying in quicksand.
