Supple Youth

Those who miss the Mae Shi might enjoy the new Supple Youth mixtape featuring their new guise as Signals.

1. Signals - Uniforms
2. Bipolar Bear - Gabon Hippo
3. Po Po - Knife Iz Yung
4. Residual Echoes - Duds
5. Hawnay Troof - Nothing Left To Do But Go
6. Sangri-La's - GBKiss (Signals RMX)
7. Man's Assasination Man - Masters (Signals RMX)
8. Naked Ankles - You've Got It
9. Holi Buffaglo - Goldrush
10. Signals - Psalms137
11. Big Sister - Meghan Richardson
12. Signals - Angst In My Pants (Sparks Cover)
13. Abe Vigoda - Crush
14. Signals - Spector
15. Man's Assassination Man - Cavedad
16. Major Lazer - Pon De Whor (Jacob Safari ft. Kid Static RMX)
17. Bipolar Bear - New Guts (Signals RMX)
18. Crass/Liquid Liquid - Mashuup

Supple Youth: Mixtape (2010)


The Bitter Brotherhood of Toronto

Le Ladies have been a bit busy as of late, but we'd like to reward your patience with a couple new ones. The Bitters (Ben Cook and Aerin Fogel with some great Toronto cave-pop) follow their East General full-length with the Have A Nap Hotel 12" and we think it's a little bit of alright. Also, that Ty Segall/Jeff Brotherhood split has been floating around and it's also worth a listen. And don't look now, because we've tied your shoelaces together while you were reading this post...

The Bitters: Have A Nap Hotel (2010)
Ty Segall | Jeff Brotherhood Split (2010)

In addition, we would like to make a special plug for the Pow Wows (also from Toronto). They have some awesome garage-punk for the kids and we recommend them fully.

Pow Wows: Family Vacation (2010)


All Rise

Convulsive Records has this 6 song EP out from Sex Church. It's durty...

Sex Church:EP (2010)


John Dwyer's Castle Face Records puts out the much anticipated Seeking Love by Bare Wires. Itsa goodun. Thanks Cinderfella!

Bare Wires: Seeking Love (2010)


Curious George

Sorry we're so late on this one! In The Red nicely puts out some Haunted George and his new album American Crow. Le Ladies have missed him since his last appearance on the Our Boy Roy compilation.

Haunted George: American Crow (2010)


You Can Die Happy Now

Formerly Charlie & The Moonhearts, this is the self-titled album from the Moonhearts put out by Le Ladies' fave label TicTacTotally. These bay area kids put out some really great garage-punk and run with the likes of Ty Segall and his lot. Call Kenny Loggins, because you're in the danger zone!

Moonhearts: S/T (2010)


Crocodile Tears

As per request, here's the new Crocodiles EP. Some of you will be dee-lited with their Groove is in the Heart cover. And Le Ladies will try to get the new Bare Wires up soon!

Crocodiles: Sleep Forever EP (2010)


No Swimming

Dreamy and crooning pop songs from L.A. Thomas of Assassins 88. Energetic and romping at times, but plum full of doo-wop and cheek-to-cheek slow dancing at others. Danger Beach is your ticket to funshine.

Danger Beach: Milky Way EP (2010)

P.S. Thanks Soto!!!

L.A. Vampires vs Zola Jesus

Who will win???

Hint: You win, when you go one-on-one with this album.

L.A. Vampires Meets Zola Jesus: EP (2010)



It really doesn't matter what you think of the people that like Wavves, or the hype that surrounds him, because he didn't ask for any of that. So before you think that it's cool to act holier than thou regarding this album, or label it as 'hipster whatever' (people who call other people hipsters are the only real hipsters anyway), you should just listen to it for what it is: romping goodness made by a really nice guy who just wants to play some music. So, enjoy!

Wavves: King of the Beach (2010)


Le Ladies of the Week: Women

Chad VanGaalen's guidance has led this post-punk outfit to some interesting heights - and...what? There are no actual women in this band?? Hmm. Well, we don't care. It's still a solid release from the Jagjaguar roster.

Women: Public Strain (2010)

Magic Westerns

The incestuous mix-mash of this 7" release by the Magic Kids and Smith Westerns is a romping frolic and a half. Get sum.

Magic Kids/Smith Westerns: Superball/Imagine (2010)

Knock Knock?

Le Noise is back and you're gonna be in trouble (hey now, hey now...). It's been a quick minute, but we've been able to digest all of the kickin' jams that have come our way recently. Here's the latest project from Mark Sultan and Bloodshot Bill - the Ding Dongs!

Ding Dongs: S/T (2010)


And Two Steps Back

Some of you might recall ///▲▲▲\\\, and if you're down with that kind of awesomeness, then this is their latest doom-pop release under the moniker Horse MacGyver.

Horse MacGyver: EP (2010)


We would be lying if we didn't say that the new Overacheivers video wasn't kind of lame. But we swear up and down to the latest release under the same name. Here's a few new tracks from Liars (and we love the last song...a remix that doesn't sound like laptop vomit, yay!).

Liars: Overacheivers EP (2010)


This was a request from a while back. We would've posted it early but you're not the boss of us!

Fresh And Onlys: Vanishing Cream (Plastic Spoons 2010)



So much music to sort out these days, and so many recent records that are really great. All of this means that Le Ladies have less time to buy/review/post new music. But we hope that this new 7" by PENS will hold you over for a spell. And we'll be back soon with more great sounds!

PENS: You Only Like Me When I Tell You I'm Wrong (2010)


Mind Spiders

A quick note: Dead Plane recently reviewed Mind Spiders, "the incredible new solo effort of Mark Ryan (formerly of Marked Men) from Fort Worth, Texas. His debut self-titled 7" is available now on Dirtnap Records." Both the blog and the band are worth your time.

Mind Spiders: Worlds Destroyed (2010)


Sheesh! We were still listening to the self-titled LP by lo-fi noise popper Nerve City and now we have to make room in our clock-radio speakers for the latest installment from the Sacred Bones series of EPs? Le Ladies are not a machine!

Nerve City: Sleepwalker EP (2010)


Green Bricks

Thanks to STRATOSPHERING for the link!


Goner Records brings us the latest from Ty Segall. Garage rock's golden boy strikes again, and we predict that this might just be full of your fave summertime grooves. Rumor has it that the songs won't play if listened to on the beach, within 500 feet of an Urban Outfitters, or if smoking illegal substances. Now that's what we call progress!

Ty Segall: Melted (2010)

Besty Coasty

We would like to take this opportunity to plug Beth's latest release with Best Coast by officially retiring the worst phrases that have ever happened to music:


Enjoy these tracks, and visit us soon for the long overdue retirement of the music that people listen to when they are too high to remember that they are listening to music: drone.

Best Coast: Far Away/Everybody's Gone (2010)


Expo 86

Oh Canada. You are so much more than maple syrup and Quebecois separatists, much much more. Wolf Parade continues to make some fantastic tunes, and their longevity might have something to do with their socialized health care?

Wolf Parade: Expo 86 (2010)


Le Ladie of the Week: Colleen Green

If Nobunny and The Dum Dum Girls had a kid, it would be just as useless as this tired analogy. However, Colleen Green does seem to fuse lo-fi-punk-pop elements with a drum machine soaked in Ramones records, and she's played shows with Justin (close enough, right?). Le Ladies are dying to order the Milo Goes to Compton cassette, but we are happy to jam with the 4 Loko 2 Kayla release until we can get our hot hands on it. Click the link if you want to be degraded...

Colleen Green: 4 Loko 2 Kayla


This remix album of HEALTH will cure your phobia of remix albums. Side effects may include Tobacco, Small Black, Gold Panda, Crystal Castles (simmer down), Salem and more. Click the link and call us in the morning.




Noise pop thrashers Sleigh Bells are sick of the Christmas jokes. But, it does sound like someone got a new sampler for their birthday...

Sleigh Bells: Treats

Best Pens

Best Fwends (Austin) put together a pretty rad-i-cool remix of Pens' "Networking"...
Networking (Best Fwends Remix)byPENS

Brilliant Colours

SF's pop-core group Brilliant Colors have released seven inches of angular jams this year. Each of these were recorded by one Ty Segall at Slumberland (getting pretty hard to find...). If all this math and counting makes your little head hurt, maybe we might make it easy:

1 click = 1 awesome record.

Brilliant Colors: Never Mine 7" (Slumberland, 2010)


This Is The Tits

The latest from Puffy Areolas and their brand of psych-core belligerence...and this is why we can't have nice things.

Puffy Areolas: In The Army 1981 (2010)