3 students chat and walk Edinburgh castle in background - e in coloured blocks on right

For an extraordinary future study at one of the world’s top universities.

Group of students taking a selfie at graduation

The University’s winter 2023 graduation ceremonies will take place in McEwan Hall between Wednesday 22 November and Friday 1 December.

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Edinburgh Impact

Older woman sat on sofa smiles as she reaches out to small robot

As populations become older and greyer, the more they rely on over-stretched health services and families. Can AI play a role in helping make our golden years truly golden? #EdinburghImpact

Dr Pip Thornton’s work examines the economic, political and cultural impact of Google’s monetisation of language. #EdinburghImpact

the letters "AI" in a person's hands

A bold new multi-million pound initiative that will push the forefront of generative AI to benefit society and stimulate economic growth has been launched.

Edinburgh city view

We are a truly global University, making a contribution to the world, through global partnership, community and exchange.

Regional engagement

International applicants

Global community

A University of Sanctuary

Members of the local community learning Gaelic

We're committed to contributing to the city of Edinburgh through research, teaching, facilities and events.

City Region Deal

University facilities in the city

Community projects

Our work with local schools

Photo of students in a library

Research and teaching

We're ranked 4th in the UK for research power, and have the highest rating possible for our student learning experience*.


Doctoral College

Teaching Matters

Libraries and collections

*Times Higher Education, Overall Ranking of Institutions; Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Scotland.