
Wind in the tower heralds storm from the mountains.

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    Soviet Guest on Sex and morality: Desires, exp…
    boadicaea on Shit the FBI Says
    Adrienne on Sunday, January 20th: Kasama…
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    g. bylinkin on Enemies Within: Informants And…
    Brendan on Zerohour’s Report: Žižek…
    cashwebter on Introducing: Kasama Threads
    Ken Morgan on Ambush at Keystone: Inside the…
    Ken Morgan on Ambush at Keystone, Final Part…
    Anubadridia on Zerohour’s Report: Žižek…
    eric ribellarsi on Sunday, January 20th: Kasama…
    thegodlessutopian on Sunday, January 20th: Kasama…
    eric ribellarsi on Sunday, January 20th: Kasama…
    thegodlessutopian on Sunday, January 20th: Kasama…
    land on Sunday, January 20th: Kasama…
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A number of Kasama posts and essays have been translated. Please send us any translation you have made. Please send us any corrections you think should be made to our existing translations.

[Send new translations, corrections and comments to kasamasite (at) yahoo.com]



  • Η κινεζική επανάσταση και το Θιβέτ (Greek)
    Maoist Revolution in Tibet by Mike Ely (English)


  • BNKP (M) Başkanı Prachanda’nın Londra’nın Woolwich kasabasında yaptığı konuşmasını okurlarımıza (Turkish)
    Prachanda speech at Woolwich Town Hall, London (August 10, 2009) (English)
  • Şayet Nepal’de Bir Hesaplaşma Gerçekleşecek Olursa…(Turkish)
    And if a Showdown Comes in Nepal….  by Mike Ely (English)
  • Katmandu Toplantısı, proletaryanın bir zaferi, Indra Mohan Sigdel (Basanta), BNKP(Maoist) Merkez Komite Üyesi (Turkish)
    UCPN(M)’s Paris Height Meeting, a victory of the proletariat, by Basanta, c.c. member, Unified Communist Party Nepal (Maoist). (English)


  • Los ojos puestos en el Moabadi: 4 Razones por las cuales La Revolución Nepalí es importante (Spanish)
    Eyes on the Maobadi: 4 Reasons Nepal’s Revolution Matters by Mike Ely(English)
  • La historia de Manifiesto Comunista (Spanish)
    The Making of the Communist Manifesto by Mike Ely (English)
  • Piénsenlo de nuevo – Kasama (Spanish)
    Think Again — Kasama flyer (English)
  • 9 de octubre de 1967: El asesinato de Ernesto Che Guevara por la CIA (Spanish)
    October 9, 1967: The CIA Murder of Ernesto Che Guevara (English)


  • Souvenirs d’amateurs de bière, de producteurs de chanvre et de révolution sanglante (French)
    Sale of Budweiser: Memories of Beer Lovers, Hemp Farmers & Bloody Revolution by Mike Ely (English)
  • Mumia Abu-Jamal – Ennemi d’Etat (French)
    Mumia Abu-Jamal: Enemy of the State (English)