
Traveling the revolutionary road together.

Introducing: Kasama Threads

Posted by Mike E on May 24, 2008

We have added a new feature to our site: Kasama Threads.

We have created it for one basic purpose: It allows folks to create their own threads and discussions.

Now you can post news articles, announcements, documents, reviews, comments — and start discussions around them. We encourage everyone to post important and interesting things. And dig into the debates.

The news forum on Kasama Threads can become an online newspaper. — if we all post breaking news as we learn about it. Post an article a day.

We will continue to develop the original Kasama blog itself — it is dedicated to debates about major issues. But meanwhile the new Kasama Threads allows many issues (history? films, books and video games? etc) to be explored at once.

There is a Glossary forum within Kasama threads — if you run into a political term you don’t know, post it there. And if you are able to help define these terms, post your definitions.

You want to be a moderator and driving force behind one of these forums? Volunteer and dig in.

Finally, help us promote Kasama Threads — so many people join in.

One Response to “Introducing: Kasama Threads”

  1. Linda D. Says:

    Sorry, but I am such a dolt when it comes to all this computer stuff. So I tried to put in the following, which is part of a comment made on the Rogouski debate because it is news…and am gonna at least try it this way:

    Well, Carl may be done with it…but

    AS WE SPEAK: In Iowa 270 “illegal” immigrants were rounded up, mostly for having false documents while working in a meat-packing plant. They swiftly passed through “temporary” courtrooms in some fairgrounds, and were sentenced to 5 months in federal prison before they’re going to be deported (mostly back to Guatemala–that bastion of democracy)– without “due process of law,” etc.

    Would bet that Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh are both more than gleeful–(was going to say something more risqué but…) Dobbs and Limbaugh being such sterling henchman and propagandists for the r.c.–who more often than not paint undocumented workers and immigrants with the terrorist brush.

    And in Iowa…no less.

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