Wednesday 22 November 2023

Self-Help For Cynics #14: The Age Of Uncertainty

Future is uncertain
The past is fading away
Future is uncertain
The past is fading away
I remember laughin', I can't remember what I was laughin' about
And I remember cryin', I can't forget what I was cryin' about
That won't fade away

Tim Heidecker - Future Is Uncertain

Are you one of those people who checks their route on Google Earth whenever you have to go somewhere new, following the little Google car down every street, looking for car parks and petrol stations and supermarkets where you might be able to stop for a wee?

Diana Ross - Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To?)

If you have to buy something new for your home, do you research it for hours, reading Which? Best Buy reviews and google feedback? Are you obsessed with making certain you’ve found the best possible price out of all the retailers that stock it… and is it definitely in stock? What if you have to return it? Does that retailer have a good track record for customer service?

Bruce Springsteen - The Price You Pay

If you’re going on holiday, do you try to plan a timetable for the whole week? Where you’ll go each day, where you’ll eat, the routes you might take between destinations… and all the stuff I mentioned in the first paragraph?

The Screaming Blue Messiahs - Holiday Head

If any of these sound even remotely familiar, then you have Intolerance of Uncertainty.

Blondie - Will Anything Happen?

In her book Don't Feed the Monkey Mind, Jennifer Shannon identifies three basic assumptions shared by all anxious people: Intolerance of Uncertainy, Perfectionism and Over-Responsibility. They relate to specific personality types – some people will have far more of one than the others, but all anxiety sufferers will sample the delights of each assumptive buffet at one time or another.

The Raveonettes - Uncertain Times

Anxiety Canada says…

When people who are intolerant of uncertainty are exposed to a little bit of uncertainty, they also have a strong reaction: they worry, and do everything they can think of to get away from, avoid or eliminate the uncertainty.

If you’re invited to a party, does the very idea fill you with dread? Who will be there? What should you take? (What will other people be taking?) What time should you arrive? Is it better to be fashionably late… or might that be considered rude? Is it better off just to make your excuses and not go in the first place?

I'll have a shower
Within the hour
I'll smash another cup
Please don't start saying that
Or I'll start believing you
If I start believing you
I'll know that this Party Fears Two
And then phone my brother up

Life is uncertainty. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, next week or even in the next five minutes. But our monkey brain (remember the amygdala?) hates uncertainty. How can it keep us safe if it doesn’t know what the threats are or where they might be coming from? And it’s not just threats to our life and wellbeing it’s trying to protect us from, but the threat of exclusion from the tribe… hence the party fears mentioned above.

The Everly Brothers - That Uncertain Feeling

Jennifer Shannon says…

Difficulty tolerating doubt can lead to compulsive checking behaviours like making sure doors are locked and appliances are turned off. You’ll tend to overplan things; even weekends and vacations have a to-do list. And when the list doesn’t get finished or things don’t go as you planned them, you become upset and have difficulty enjoying the moment.

Jason & The Scorchers - Uncertain Girl

We’ve got a freezer in our garage. A few years back it was accidentally switched off and we had to throw all the food away. Now, whenever I’m closing the garage door, I complete a ritual in my head where I say, “lid down, green light on” to make sure the freezer is OK. Often, even though I’ve done this, I still have to lift the garage door back up and double check. I have to be certain. “Lid down, green light on” has now become a mantra and I've found myself saying it at other times two. This morning it was when I arrived at work and was checking I had everything I needed before I left the car park.

Anxiety Canada again…

If you can’t stand uncertainty and do everything you can to get rid of it, you might have noticed a problem: it is IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of all uncertainty in your life.  

What this means for you is that all the work that you are doing to get rid of uncertainty is useless, it just doesn’t work. If it did, you would probably not be struggling with anxiety and worry.  

So what is the solution?   

If you can’t get rid of uncertainty in your life, the only way to manage your intolerance of uncertainty is by learning to be more TOLERANT of uncertainty.

The The - Uncertain Smile

One thing I’m learning about dealing with mental health issues – particularly those relating to the pesky monkey in our amygdala – is that often the best way to fight them is to act as though you don’t have them. Intolerant of uncertainty? Act as though you’re not. Go to the party and deal with whatever might happen, including any smashed cups. Who cares if you got the cheapest price on that essential purchase? You just got an evening back that you would otherwise have wasted on price comparison sites. Remember life before Google Earth? When we found our own way to places, with the occasional help of a map?

The Blue Aeroplanes - Nothing Will Ever Happen in the Future

Easier said than done in a lot of cases, and there are times (like my garage freezer) when it pays to check. But the more you force yourself to deal with uncertain situations, the more your storytelling brain will write stronger neural pathways that allow you to cope with the unexpected. 

That’s the theory, anyway… 

And it's the damage that we do and never know
It's the words that we don't say that scare me so
There's so many people to see
So many people you can check up on and add to your collection
But they keep you hanging on, until you're well hung
Your mouth is made up, but your mind is undone

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Namesakes #60: Madness

You don't have to be mad to read this blog... but it helps. 

Our descent into (bands called) Madness starts here... with the obvious winners (?)


When I was at junior school, Madness were the first band I ever felt the weight of tribal peer pressure forcing me to like them or else. This would be in 1980, when I was 8 years old, and the band released perfectly suited to the 8 year old demographic: Baggy Trousers. And naturally, I hated it. I didn't want to be a schoolyard yob, pulling hair and eating dirt, and I proudly proclaimed my resistance to the cult of Madness. For which I was beaten soundly. (Not really, but there was probably the odd dead arm or Chinese burn dished out as a result.)

I'm not sure when I changed my opinion of Suggs and co., but I do remember liking their cover of Labi Siffre's It Must Be Love the following year, and that's probably when the ice began to melt... though I still resisted the charms of Baggy Trousers for many years, certainly until I was out of long pants.

Now though, I watch that video with unfettered nostalgia... how time changes us.


The Nutty Boys first got together in 1976. Three years later in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the smooth AOR sounds of another Madness began. They would soon change their name to Akasha, probably after Suggs popped round and threatened to flush their heads down the toilet. Lead singer Gary Darling would then go on to found The Verandas. 

There's some cool facial hair going on here...


Mongolian pop group from 2010. It takes all sorts... but it was either this or the Brazilian death metal Madness.

Mädness #4

Always got time for some umlauted German hip hop...

And finally, a special rule-breaking shout out to a Hungarian DJ who caught my eye... if not my ear.


Which Madness Must Be Love for you... and which do you want to Shut Up?

Monday 20 November 2023

Neverending Top Ten #6.5: The Lynx Effect

Sam has started wearing deodorant. 

I'm not sure he needs it yet, he's still a few years off being a sweaty teenager, but apparently it's the thing. So his mum bought him some Lynx. Because the makers have moved away from the ridiculous notion that if you spray yourself with Lynx, thousands of teenage girls will come chasing after you (presumably with some bleach and a scrubbing brush) and now they're promoting themselves via the notion of sporting prowess - wearing Lynx will make you into a G.O.A.T.

I wish I was blissfully unaware of what that stands for, but sadly I'm not.

It probably goes without saying that I have a problem with Lynx. Due to "odour-linked memories", I don't get The Lynx Effect... I get The Proust Effect.

This name came about because the author Marcel Proust wrote in his book, Swann’s Way, that the smell of a pastry he dipped in his tea brought on a rush of joy associated with his childhood.

In short, nice smells evoke nice memories. 

However, due to our storytelling brain, the opposite is also true. I don't know if Marcel Proust ever smelt Lynx deodorant, but if he did, I hope it whisked him back to school changing rooms on a wet Wednesday afternoon, when all the footy lads were raring to go, and young Proust was feeling queasy, intimidated and ready for his weekly hour of humiliation. Because that's what happens to me. One whiff of Lynx and I end up right back here...

It's enough to make a grown man cry. And for a 51 year old man who's never quite managed the growing up thing... it's even worse.


Sunday 19 November 2023

Snapshots #319: A Top Ten Between Songs

Here's the Cure for your Sunday morning blues. Ten songs to get in-between.

10. Trump & Twist.

Donald Trump and Fagin from Oliver Twist gives you...#

Donald Fagen - Walk Between The Raindrops

9. One of the lonely people, enjoys her patty in hot oil.

Eleanor Rigby was one of the lonely people. 

This particular Eleanor enjoys a fried burger.

Eleanor Friedberger - In Between Stars

8. Lewis and Harris.

Lewis and Harris is the Hebridean island where you will find Stornoway.

Stornoway - Between The Saltmarsh And The Sea

7. Swanky police club.

In America, a billy club is what the police used instead of a truncheon. A swanky person likes to brag.

Billy Bragg - Between The Wars

6. Ah, go on. Go on, go on, go on.

They're very persuasive.

The Persuaders - Thin Line Between Love & Hate

5. Rosy sprites.

The Pink Fairies - Between The Lines

4. Zzzzzzzz.

Sleeper - Inbetweener

3. Levis rub him up the wrong way.

"Levis rub" is an anagram.

If any of you have access to the Disney+ streaming service, can I recommend the Australian TV show Mr. Inbetween? It's got nothing to do with this song, but it is very worth watching. Only 25 minute episodes too, so they're easy to get through before you fall asleep at the end of the day.

Burl Ives - Call Me Mr. In-Between

2. Ewan marries a virgin.

Ewan McGregor + The Virgin Mary =

Mary McGregor - Torn Between Two Lovers

1. Will reoccur every six weeks, inside.

Will reoccur every six weeks...

Try to survive the days between now and next Saturday - your reward will be more Snapshots.

Saturday 18 November 2023

Saturday Snapshots #319

It's 8.30 on a Saturday morning... not yet time for the nine o'clock news. Instead, here are ten pop performers to identify. You probably won't need a cunning plan to spot this week's rather obvious (to me, at least) connection... 

10. Trump & Twist.

9. One of the lonely people, enjoys her patty in hot oil.

8. Lewis and Harris.

7. Swanky police club.

6. Ah, go on. Go on, go on, go on.

5. Rosy sprites.

4. Zzzzzzzz.

3. Levis rub him up the wrong way.

2. Ewan marries a virgin.

1. Will reoccur every six weeks, inside.

Bean there, done that? You can check your answers tomorrow morning.

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