Any content that attacks other users, or could be potentially offensive, is not tolerated. While you may disagree with another user, you may not attack them for it. Correct their facts, discuss it, but keep it civil - r/teenagers is a community in which everyone is welcome.
We believe that spam is harmful to the regular use of the subreddit. Advertising is allowed within reason. Surveys are allowed as long as they are purely educational and opinion based.
We will remove zero-content submissions, including greeting or farewell posts, self-diluting memes, and other submissions that won't result in any valuable discussion.
Posting personal information of anyone, even yourself, is not allowed. This information can and has lead to users being harassed.
Personal information includes, surnames, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, school names, social media profiles, and social security numbers.
No NSFW subreddits or content, no screamers, no gore, no porn. r/teenagers is not the place for these types of things. There are other far more suitable places on the Internet for them.
Discussions on topics like sexuality is fine as long as it is treated in a mature fashion. However, sexually implicit or explicit content of minors is not tolerated.
You must be a person of common interest to our community demographic with a factor that is truly unique.
You must be able to verify yourself and your claims.
If you fit this criteria, shoot us a message with a paragraph or two explaining who you are, why you’d like to host an AMA, and proof of your claims.
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