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Your search for "" gave back 84 results.

On Necrocapitalism: A Plague Journal

378 pages
$22.95 (USD)

“A virus is haunting the globe, one of pandemic proportions, whose threat has necessitated unprecedented measures to forestall death and violence worse than the present crisis. But the cruelty, violence, and depredations that have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic aren’t merely detritus in the wake of its spread; they characterize the necrocapitalism of this conjuncture.” – from the Prologue

Riding the Wave: Sweden’s Integration into the Imperialist...

249 pages
$20.00 (USD)

"In general, the Scandinavian countries did not have the necessary military power and administrative capacity to establish and operate their own colonies. They had to ride the wave of the great colonial powers in order to enjoy the benefits offered by imperialism. There was no difference, however, between the Scandinavian countries and the great colonial powers regarding their attitude towards colonialism. European colonialism can be seen as a unified whole in which large and small countries played different roles.

False Nationalism False Internationalism: Class Contradictions...

341 pages
$26.95 (USD)

This study is a radically different investigation into one of the most critical--and least understood--zones of revolutionary work: the struggle for solidarity between the left in an oppressor nation and rebellions against that nation from the oppressed. In other words, the difficult solidarity between colonizers and colonial subjects. Continued now in perhaps even more chaos in the dusky end time of imperialist neo-colonialism. This work explores political questions of pro-capitalist classes and opportunism, of euro-centrism and settler colonial privilege.

Remembering the Armed Struggle: My Time with the Red Army Faction

256 pages
$19.95 (USD)

Margrit Schiller was an early member of the Red Army Faction, the West German urban guerrilla group. In 1971 she was captured and charged with a murder she did not commit, and upon her release she returned to the underground, being captured again in early 1974. She would spend most of the 1970s in prison, enduring isolation conditions meant to break the human spirit, and participating hunger strikes and other acts of resistance along with other political prisoners from the RAF.

The Principal Contradiction

157 pages
$14.95 (USD)

In The Principal Contradiction, Torkil Lauesen introduces readers to the philosophy of dialectical materialism as a tool for changing the world.

Dialectical materialism allows us to understand the dynamics of world history, the concept of contradiction building a bridge between theory and practice, with the principal contradiction telling us where to start. 

The Communist Necessity 2nd Ed.

171 pages
$12.00 (USD)

“There was a time when we proclaimed that we were part of a beautiful and fragmented chaos of affinity groups, conflicted organizations, disorganized rebels, all of whom were somehow part of the same social movement that was greater than the sum of its parts. We were more accurately a disorganized mob of enraged plebeians shaking our fists at a disciplined imperial army. Years ago we spoke of social movementism but now it only makes sense to drop the ‘social’ since this phase of confusion was incapable of understanding the social terrain.

On Imperialism & Opportunism

191 pages
$13.00 (USD)

This collection of texts by V.I. Lenin was originally compiled by the Communist Working Circle, a Danish anti-­imperialist group. In the late 1960s, the CWC developed the so-­called “parasite state” theory linking the imperialist exploitation and oppression of the proletariat in the Global “South” with the establishment of states in the Global “North” in which the working class lives in relative prosperity. In connection with studies of this division of the world, CWC published these texts by Lenin with the title “On Imperialism and Opportunism.”

A Soldier's Story: Revolutionary Writings by a New Afrikan...

$19.95 (USD)

Kuwasi Balagoon was a participant in the Black Liberation struggle from the 1960s until his death in prison in 1986. A member of the Black Panther Party and defendant in the infamous Panther 21 case, Balagoon went underground with the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Captured and convicted of various crimes against the State, he spent much of the 1970s in prison, escaping twice. After each escape, he went underground and resumed BLA activity.

1978: A New Stage in the Class War? Selected Documents from...

236 pages
$19.95 (USD)

1978: A New Stage in the Class War? Selected Documents from the Spring Campaign of the Red Brigades, presents for the first time to English language readers a selection of documents on the strategic logic and conjunctural analysis behind the 1978 offensive of the Red Brigades which brought that organizations strategy of “attack on the heart of the state” to a climax and induced a national political crisis. The book includes:

Strike One to Educate One Hundred: The Rise of the Red...

296 pages
$24.95 (USD)

When Strike One to Educate One Hundred was written, Italy’s Red Brigades were crashing out of our daily newspapers into everyone’s awareness. Yet, almost no real information about them was available here.  Strike One was written for that need.  It was not an academic study. It was written by people who were doing it, and read by people who wanted to do it.
