Rassemblement et audience pour homme menacé de déportation, Deepan Budlakoti


CKUT 90.3FM, 20 July 2015

Écouter l’interview avec Emma Noradounkian, cliquez ici.

Le 13 juillet, un rassemblement et audience a eu lieu devant la Commission de l’immigration et du statut de réfugié du Canada pour Deepan Budlakoti, un jeune homme apatride né à Ottawa de parents Indiens qui travaillaient au haut-commissariat de l’Inde à Ottawa. Il y a quatre ans, après avoir été condamné pour trafic d’armes et de drogues,  le gouvernment Canadien a retiré la résidence permanente de Deepan, sous le prétexte qu’un individu né de parents avec des passeports diplomatiques, selon la loi, ne reçoit pas automatiquement sa citoyenneté. Selon Deepan, ces parents ne travaillaient plus pour l’Inde lorsqu’il est né.

Malgré n’avoir j’amais vécu en Inde, il risque se faire déporter en Inde par le gouvernement Canadien. Deepan refuse sa déportation et l’Inde refuse de lui donner une citoyenneté. Il se trouve alors dans une situation précaire, étant présentement un citoyen d’aucun pays.

Emma Noradounkian, membre du collectif d’actualités de CKUT, a discuté avec le porte-parole francophone de Deepan, Daniel Cayley-Daoust,  pour en apprendre plus sur la situation présente de Deepan et sur le rassemblement.

Immigration board eases conditions on Ottawa-born stateless man

Alison Sandor, CFRA News Talk Radio, 17 July 2015

A small win for an Ottawa-born man the government is trying to deport to India.

The Immigration and Refugee Board has relaxed some of Deepan Budlakoti’s strict conditions, including the requirement to keep the peace and the frequency of signing in with the Canadian Border Service Agency.

Budlakoti was born here to Indian nationals who held diplomatic passports. The 25-year-old’s Canadian passport was revoked when he was convicted on drugs and firearms charges in 2010. Budlakoti spent nearly four months in immigration detention back in 2013 before being released on strict conditions. The initial conditions were eased in 2014.

“It is a small step in the right direction,” said Budlakoti in a release. “But, I was hoping to get all my conditions removed. These conditions are imposed in violation of my Charter rights. I will be looking into further legal options.”

Budlakoti remains under a bond and will still have to sign in every six months with the CBSA and notify it of changes of address. He will also have to notify the CBSA within 48 hours should any criminal charges be laid against him.

Listen to interview, click here!

Deepan Budlakoti scores minor victory as Immigration board eases conditions

Giuseppe Valiante, THE CANADIAN PRESS, 17 July 2015

MONTREAL — A man who has no citizenship from any country and who was convicted on drug and weapons offences had his release conditions eased Friday due to good behaviour and the fact more than two years have passed since he was freed.

Deepan Budlakoti, 25, still represents a flight risk and a danger to society, however, said Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada member Francois Milo.

“The danger ground for detention has lessened through the passage of time and because of Mr. Budlakoti’s good conduct, compared to that of his troubled youth and early adulthood,” Milo said in Montreal.

Budlakoti will now have to report to the Canada Border Services Agency only every six months instead of every three.

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Immigration board eases conditions on ‘stateless’ Ottawa man

Michael Woods, Metro, 17 July 2015

A man who says the Canadian government has rendered him “stateless” said he has mixed feelings about the immigration and refugee board relaxing his release conditions.

Deepan Budlakoti had asked the board this week to rescind the bail-like conditions he has been living under since the Canadian government told him he was not a citizen, despite living here his entire life.

Those conditions have been relaxed. An immigration board member ruled Budlakoti must report to the Canada Border Services Agency every six months, instead of every three.

He also ruled the condition that Budlakoti must keep the peace is too vague and has changed it so the Ottawa native must instead report to border officials within 48 hours of any arrest, accusation or conviction.

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Deepan Budlakoti gets conditions eased by immigration board

Canada has active deportation order against him but cannot make him leave because he has nowhere to go

Canadian Press, 17 July 2015

A man who has no citizenship from any country and who was convicted on drug and weapons offences had his release conditions eased Friday due to good behaviour and the fact more than two years have passed since he was freed.

Deepan Budlakoti, 25, still represents a flight risk and a danger to society, however, said Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada member Francois Milo.

“The danger ground for detention has lessened through the passage of time and because of Mr. Budlakoti’s good conduct, compared to that of his troubled youth and early adulthood,” Milo said in Montreal.

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Né au Canada, un ex-détenu est menacé d’expulsion vers l’Inde

Judith Lachapelle, La Presse, 14 juillet 2015

Il est né au Canada, a toujours vécu au Canada, a même détenu un passeport canadien. Pourtant, depuis qu’il a purgé une peine de prison entre 2010 et 2013, Deepan Budlakoti est aujourd’hui menacé d’être expulsé… en Inde, le pays d’origine de ses parents.

Or l’Inde ne reconnaît pas ce citoyen né au Canada qui n’a jamais vécu en Inde, et le Canada ne veut pas reconnaître ce citoyen né à Ottawa de parents indiens.

Deepan Budlakoti est donc une sorte d’apatride. Il corrige : « Mais je suis citoyen canadien ! »

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Singes de labo, homme sans statut, Stampede

Vice du jour, 14 juillet 2015

Aujourd’hui, on rencontre un homme sans statut à Montréal, le gouvernement canadien veut hacker votre téléphone, le Honduras revendique un état sans corruption, des photographes syriens s’unissent pour montrer leur pays sous un nouveau jour, le Stampede à Calgary et le dark web au service des malades.

Pour regarder l’emission, cliquez ici.

Canadian-born, ‘stateless’ Deepan Budlakoti appeals immigration detention conditions

Deepan Budlakoti speaks to a small group of people outside the Supreme Court of Canada on his second day in court to have his Canadian citizenship reinstated Tuesday May 26, 2015. Nathalie Laflamme, Montreal Gazette, 13 July 2015

Deepan Budlakoti, who was born in Canada but is not a citizen, appealed to the Immigration and Refugee Board on Monday to ease bail restrictions while he fights to stay in Canada.

Budlakoti says the conditions imposed on him in April 2013 after spending almost four months in immigration detention are jail-like. Restrictions include that he regularly report to Canadian Border Services Agency, that he not work “without proper authorization” and that he be available to appear on short notice at the request of immigration officials. Conditions were eased in 2014 but not removed entirely.

At the hearing held at the IRB in Montreal, Budlakoti told the Montreal Gazette that his situation is ridiculous.

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‘Stateless’ man asks for changes to release conditions

Giuseppe Valiante, Canadian Press, 13 July 2015

MONTREAL — A man who has been convicted of trafficking drugs and weapons and who has no citizenship from any country is expected to learn on Thursday whether he can have his release conditions relaxed.

Deepan Budlakoti, 25, asked a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board on Monday to ease the restrictions of his release because he says they are psychologically harmful and violate his constitutional rights.

Budlakoti says he is not an official citizen of any country and is considered a “non-status” person living in Canada.

Continue reading Giuseppe’s biased coverage here.

‘Stateless’ Ottawa man seeking changes to release conditions

Michael Woods, Ottawa Metro News, 13 July 2015

An Ottawa man who considers himself “stateless” is asking the Immigration and Refugee Board to lift the bail-like restrictions under which he’s living, arguing they infringe on his Charter rights.

Deepan Budlakoti, 26, attended a hearing in Montreal Monday arguing that his release conditions — including that he check in regularly with the Canada Border Services Agency and not travel very far from Ottawa — are unconstitutional.

Budlakoti said he expects a decision this Thursday or Friday.

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