Really Really Free Market

Anarchist bookfairs thrive on an interesting contradiction, by pushing for alternative economic relationships while also supporting anarchist businesses that operate in a space between capitalism and anarchism.

At the 2011 Toronto Anarchist Bookfair, we’ll also be hosting space for a gift economy, with help from the local chapter of the Really Really Free Market. Gift economies are not exchange economies, where people barter and trade without money. On the contrary, gift economies are spaces of mutual aid and community support, in which people are welcome to bring things they no longer need and offer them to the service of the community in general; whoever finds a need for those items can receive them as gifts.

The weekend’s Really Really Free Market will be set up in the Bahen Centre, the Market will be a space where anyone is welcome (and encouraged!) to share resources. Its success depends on bookfair participants to engage the idea of the gift economy, so please take some time before coming to think about promoting mutual aid.

The Really Really Free Market: Instituting the Gift Economy

RRFM on Wikipedia


One thought on “Really Really Free Market

  1. hi are there any more plans to have a really really free market? if so please let me know when the upcomming ones arrive.

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