Fiction & Poetry

An image of a ring with a large iridescent stone. Photograph by Kyoko Hamada for The New Yorker.

“Beauty Contest” 

I am not generally interested in my own appearance; nor do I care much about the appearance of others.

The Writer’s Voice

Sheila Heti Reads “According to Alice”

Illustrated portrait of Sheila Heti.

The author reads her story from the November 20, 2023, issue of the magazine.

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“I Am a Prayer”

A woman with a quill pen

“I am a prayer of rain in the desert when the flowering ones need a drink.”

“Memory and Geography”

Polar bear reading a book

“I know what you’d say— / we’re part of this scenery, no matter how irrational / the weather is.”


A man with a quill feather.

“Everybody knew Gonzo, his cigarettes and cologne, his gold crucifix, / the white T-shirt he wore to every meeting.”

“The Keep”

A man surrounded by towering piles of paper.

“They made a place they made of pain / exacting the center of the misty city.”

The Poetry Podcast

Bianca Stone Reads Franz Wright

Bianca Stone

The poet joins Kevin Young to read and discuss “Learning to Read,” by Franz Wright, and her own poem “What’s Poetry Like?”

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Flash Fiction

“My Cheesecake-Shaped Poverty”

Animation of a small house with a train going by it.

We picked this place to live in for one simple reason: it was dirt cheap.

“The Preparatory School”

Illustration of a woman peeking out from under a chicken’s wing. The chicken is inside a goose, which is inside a pig.

I would go in terrified and feel calm again only once I was at least two blocks away.

“Blue Island”

The Ashland Avenue Bridge in Chicago.

His advice for getting back with a girl you couldn’t forget was to call her out of the blue.


A person standing outside with the sun above them, they wear a hat with a feather sticking out

They said we had too much white blood, we were not dark enough.

The Fiction Podcast

Margaret Atwood Reads Mavis Gallant, Live

Deborah Treisman and Margaret Atwood onstage at a podcast festival

The author joins Deborah Treisman live at the Hot Docs podcast festival to read and discuss the story “Varieties of Exile,” which was published in a 1976 issue of The New Yorker.

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Illustration of a large figure with wings belly deep in pink water as a tiny black man looks at him from a hillside.

It was empty when I logged in. I’d been off it since Vic died, four years ago.

“The Bicycle Accident”

Illustration of a girl riding bicycle in a storm.

Of course, Arlette understood, this was not a tragedy. Tragedy would be a broken neck or spine. Paralysis for life. A coma.


Three men sitting around lounging on a farm with a hookah and guns.

It’s time to turn up the heat a little bit more. My boys are getting bored, and that’s not good for their appetite or their temper.

“What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?”

A boy floating in a pond with sunlight shimmering around him.

He got out of the car, closing his door quietly, and crept through the woods toward the brick house.