Mass Palestinian protests victorious over al-Aqsa restrictions

The invasion of the Abu Rajab building in downtown Hebron

Settlers Invade Hebron

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April: human rights violations in Hebron

Palestinians demand human and national rights as Israeli soldiers and settlers entrench an illegal military occupation.

22,Aug 2017
March: human rights violations in Hebron

Palestinians demand human and national rights as Israeli soldiers and settlers entrench the occupation of the West Bank city.

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Demolition orders strike al-Walaja as Separation Wall stretches through Hebron

On Thursday August 3rd Israeli Authorities issued thirteen military demolition orders for Palestinian properties in the village of al-Walaja, in the western part of the Bethlehem district. The orders

05,Aug 2017
Mass Palestinian protests victorious over al-Aqsa restrictions

After two weeks of mass civil disobedience, during which Palestinians of all beliefs were united and displays of solidarity shown across the Arab World, Israeli PM Netanyahu agreed to dismantle planne

01,Aug 2017
The invasion of the Abu Rajab building in downtown Hebron

For the past week dozens of settlers have been attempting to occupy a house belonging to the Abu Rajab family in in downtown Hebron. Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers and policemen patrol the area around th

31,Jul 2017
Settlers Invade Hebron

On Tuesday a group of Israeli settlers stormed land belonging to the Abu Aisah family in Hebron. The settlers, from the Ramot Yashai settlement in downtown Hebron, invaded the land and began working o

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Clashes in West Bank against Israeli Security Measures in Al Aqsa

In city centers and towns across the West Bank and Gaza, mass demonstrations were organized against Israel's imposition of controlling measures in Al-Aqsa. Palestinian political parties called for pro

25,Jul 2017

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