Showing posts with label Bobby Sands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bobby Sands. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Book Launch for Our Only Weapon Our Spirit

Thursday, May 5 · 7:00pm - 9:30pm

The Commons, Brooklyn
388 Atlantic Avenue

Please join us to commemorate the life of Bobby Sands and to celebrate the release
of a new selection of his prison writing: Our Only Weapon Our Spirit. May 5th, 2011
marks the thirtieth year since Sands was legally killed by British intransigence. To
remember his sacrifice and honor his struggle, we are releasing this new edition of
his prison writing.

Our Only Weapon ...Our Spirit
Selected Prison Writings of
Bobby Sands

edited by Samuel Conway and Patrick Stanley

From the Back Cover:

After sixty-six days on hunger strike, Bobby Sands was legally killed by British
intransigence. He died resisting the claim that eight-hundred years of Irish rebel
history had been purely illegitimate and criminal. He had been a volunteer of the
Irish Republican Army, an Irish speaker, elected Member of Parliament and writer.
Thirty years later, his legacy as a cultural figure, freedom fighter and writer
continues to resonate with people struggling for freedom throughout the world.

This new selection of his prison writing commemorates his life and his legacy. We
hope this book contributes to his vision of a just, united and free Ireland, and
helps to sustain the liberation struggles of people world-wide.

All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the benefit of the wives, families and
dependents of prisoners through the Bobby Sands Trust.