bethanjenkinsसत्यापित खाता


Plaid Cymru politician, Viola player,nordic drama lover,amelie obsessed, love my fitness! Standing for the Aberafan constituency in 2016.

Neath/Castell Nedd
मार्च 2008 पर शामिल हुए


@bethanjenkins अवरुद्ध है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @bethanjenkins अनवरोधित नहीं होंगे.

  1. Been told on the doorstep by a lovely lady that I look like . I will take that any day of the week:)

  2. Somehow I think this Sandfields resident is voting for me:)

  3. They can't even get the launch date of their own manifesto right! It's now being launched next week apparently

  4. T-shirt weather in Abercregan this morning while campaigning for & . Love Afan Valley.

  5. Just letting know I was out door knocking in Cymer today. Llandarcy later. Good response on the doors:)

  6. on : "We've had real problems with the health service in South Wales. We can't ignore those problems."

  7. Did Andrews just say that waiting times for cancer lower in Wales than in England? Here's the truth

  8. There will be 24 days until the election from tomorrow and so far only one party has published a manifesto.

  9. on : "When I'm door knocking, I'm seeing people who are coming over to ."

  10. on : "People expect transparency from their politicians."

  11. Plaid is gaining ground says . People want alternative to Labour & are impressed with policies we're putting forward

  12. head and shoulders above the rest on tonight! Da iawn!

  13. Well done for exposing UKIP hypocrisy. Yn fywiocach o dipyn na'r cyfranwyr eraill ar heno.

  14. Mae'r Blaid yn ennill tir medd . Mae pobl eisiau newid o Lafur ac yn hoffi'r polisïau rydym wedi eu cyhoeddi

  15. Bydd Comisiwn Isadeiledd Cenedlaethol y Blaid yn arwain at dwf economaidd yn ardaloedd tlotaf Cymru -

  16. Cwestiynau yn codi am allu Gweinidog Economi Llafur yn sgil llanast y fargen Circuit of Wales medd ar

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शायद ट्विटर क्षमता से अधिक है या एक क्षणिक हिचकी झेल रहा है. फिर से कोशिश करें या अधिक जानकारी के लिए ट्विटर स्टेटस पर जाएँ.

    शायद आपको यह भी पसंद आए
