
Saving your bacon

Britain’s native farm animals can be rarer than giant pandas

To survive, some must be eaten


Jeremy Hunt wants to fix Britain’s public-sector productivity

AI and hybrid working might help, but how quickly?

Do not forget

The British government is not paying dementia enough attention

And it is not ready for the projected rise in case numbers

Treasury island

Why Britain’s Treasury must change its ways

The problems with the most powerful department in Whitehall

Stopping the planes

The Supreme Court rules against Britain’s Rwanda plan. What now?

The Tories’ flagship immigration policy is blocked

All change

Will Rishi Sunak’s reshuffle make a difference in the polls?

His Conservative government is far behind Labour

Going up in smoke?

Vaping is big business in Britain

But a government consultation may signal a crackdown


What David Cameron’s return says about British politics

A man who caused many of Britain’s problems is now offering to fix them

Circuit fudge

Why rail electrification is so slow in Britain

Scotland is an honourable exception

Divide and rue

Suella Braverman uses a pro-Palestinian march to sow discord

The right to protest is fundamental—as is an independent police force

Do not pass go

Lawmaking in Britain is becoming worse

Hasty drafting, less scrutiny, more errors