8 November 2023


In his short life, Zach had never before heard a man singing to him in sustained bursts. I went through my entire baby repertoire including "Wind The Bobbin Up", "If You're Happy and You Know It", "I Can Sing A Rainbow", "The Grand Old Duke of York" and of course "Zach and Zill Went Up The Hill". Oh wee Zach was delighted, chortling away with such a happy expression on his face as you can see below:-

Today, I considered sharing pictures of some of the estimated  five thousand children who have been bombed to death in Gaza in the past month. Some are still lying in the rubble and their stories will never be told. Did they really have to die? Did they? How many more must die before the current nightmare ends? And what on earth is the future for those who make it through to the other side... alive?

But we don't want see such pictures or talk about all of that do we? It's not nice. Too upsetting. Better to avert our eyes. Pretend it's not happening. Better to turn inward and blog about ordinary, pleasant domestic stuff like grandfathers singing to newborns...
I wonder if little kids in Gaza will ever sing the Palestinian Arabic version of this song again...
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands


  1. I will look at the happy smiling face of a child, but know, and remember, the many children no longer smiling because of hate and terror.

    1. Bless the children of Gaza who had names but are nameless.

  2. The loss of future generations is unforgiveable. The cynic in me wonders if it was targeted.
    In the meantime we can look with joy on the beauty of your grandson.

    1. Was the violent retribution always inevitable?

  3. That's not a happy, smiling face. That's a face terrified by this strange hairy beast blatting at him.

    1. Zach has been well and truly traumatised.

  4. Many times the only thing that will help assuage the pain of the cruelty of war is holding and loving on one of my grandsons. But it also intensifies my hatred of the unnecessary loss of innocent life.

    1. The children of Gaza deserved the chance to live and thrive just like our grandchildren.

  5. Let's not forget that Hamas chose to start this latest round of genocide. An interesting example of the "religion of peace" that Islam is claimed to be.

    1. I don't forget that Will but Hamas is a terrorist organisation. On the other hand, Israel's forces belong to a legitimate state. That's the difference.

  6. Zach has beautiful eyes.
    There are many wrongs in the Middle East and not any rights, as I can see.

    1. I thank my lucky stars that Yorkshire is not in the Middle East.

  7. You have made a comparison even though we'd rather not. Zach's a bright little guy with those eyes taking everything in.

    1. Your were like that once Red! I bet you were very cute.

  8. Beautiful photos of you and Zach. I remember the name I can sing a Rainbow, but not the actual song. I shall visit youtube and refresh my memory. Not sure I should sing to the twins though, don't want to scare them with a voice that makes dogs howl.

    1. Why not whistle then? Babies like that.

  9. That's the weird thing about our world - there is room for both. Joy and horror, love and hate, peace and war. The most horrible and beautiful planet for lightyears around.

    1. Some seem to get far more joy, love and peace than others.

  10. It is as it is. Nothing we can do but watch helpless and inwardly rage at our politicians who will not take decisive steps.
    Think you were singing rather than signing.
    Zach looks a little worried by the way ;)

    1. Did I make a mistake? Thanks Thelma. I will check back.

  11. I don't pretend that nothing is happening elsewhere in the world. I am very aware of the pain and suffering out there in many places and I do discuss it with family and friends. However, simple, happy, positive subjects are my way of lightening my mood.

    1. I appreciate that explanation JayCee.

  12. I think little Zach looks slightly terrified !!

    1. That's just what I thought Frances! Other visitors were too polite to say it!

  13. War is never an answer and we never seem to learn from this. Hopefully your grandchildren will never encounter that personally.

    1. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

  14. It's is sicking to see what is happening in the middle east, war will always take innocent lives, but the scale of destruction is epic. Some of those who are living in and witnessing the horrors will grow up radical, and the cycle continues, let's not forget Ukraine and other conflicts. Your new babies are both beautiful and will bring you so much joy.

    1. I cannot help feeling that Hamas can never be destroyed. The obliteration of Gaza will foster many more recruits that may lie low for years before resurfacing.

  15. Zach does seem to be unhappy about this funny creature making strange noises at him. It will take a while for him to recognise that you're singing!
    So much bloodshed and loss of innocent lives - for what? The world is a sorry place and we should mourn the loss of the innocent caught up in conflict, wherever they are.

    1. Whaddya mean Carol? Zach loved my singing. It's written in his face!

      I expect rogue terrorist to create terror through heartless acts but do we expect the same from democratic nation states? They should play by different rules.

  16. Lucky Zach, to be born in a peaceful place to a family that loves him. If only all children could be so lucky.

    He sure is a bright-eyed baby. He seems to be taking it all in.

    1. Everything is so fragile isn't it Jennifer?

  17. I hope Zach grows up in a much more peaceful world than the one we live in at the moment.

  18. A truth maybe the world can agree on, wars that kill children are evil, no matter who leads the battle.

    1. Can there ever be any justification for knowingly killing children?

  19. Every one of those children loved as much as Zach is.

    1. That's true but their stories will never be told. It is as if one Israeli life has as much value as ten Palestinian lives.

  20. I suppose it's natural while holding your grandchild to think of other kids who are not so fortunate. Zack looks pretty alarmed! LOL

  21. Zach, I mean, not Zack. Sorry!

    1. How could you make such a heinous mistake Steve? I am shocked.

  22. I like the serious, wondering expression on Zach's face!

  23. We are so fortunate to live in this country.
    I'm sure you know a lot more songs, but of course you would be executed if you sang any of those you learnt in your rugby playing days.

    1. 1,2.3...
      "If I were the marrying kind
      Which thank the lord I'm not sir
      The kind of girl that I would wed would be a rugby scrum half
      She'd put it in, I'd put in
      We'd both put it in together
      We'd be all right in the middle of the night
      Putting it in forever..!"

  24. There is a good reason we don't remember those early childhood memories as a baby!


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