When Tourette’s collide

With some of the bad humour still evident in my earlier blog comments 
This video should make everyone smile 
Accepting and wonderful warm 


LGBTQIA+ ( spinster)

The Community is growing 
From my well known LGBT we have added QIA+, terms Im just getting used to in the gentle backwater of  North Wales
So I’ve recruited Stonewall to help clarify any confusion ( with myself)


Queer is a term used by those wanting to reject specific labels of romantic orientation, sexual orientation and/or gender identity. It can also be a way of rejecting the perceived norms of the LGBT community (racism, sizeism, ableism etc). Although some LGBT people view the word as a slur, it was reclaimed in the late 80s by the queer community who have embraced it.


The process of exploring your own sexual orientation and/or gender identity.


A term used to describe a person who may have the biological attributes of both sexes or whose biological attributes do not fit with societal assumptions about what constitutes male or female.

Intersex people may identify as male, female or non-binary.

Stonewall works with intersex groups to provide its partners and stakeholders information and evidence about areas of disadvantage experienced by intersex people but does not, after discussions with members of the intersex community, include intersex issues as part of its current remit at this stage.


A person who does not experience sexual attraction. Some asexual people experience romantic attraction, while others do not. Asexual people who experience romantic attraction might also use terms such as gay, bi, lesbian, straight and queer in conjunction with asexual to describe the direction of their romantic attraction.

I hope that makes everything clear. ( I added spinster as my own term of reference.

Anyway, it’s Monday now and I’ve two nights out and lots of assignment to do with my other non work days. Grayson Perry ( an evening with) is on Saturday and Giselle on Tuesday



I wish I had seen the Royal De Luxe Giant puppets when they came to Liverpool back in 2018. 
It is unclear on their website, that there will be another “ performance” anywhere…..which is sad.
The puppets are on my list to see, wherever and whenever they appear again.

I also want to experience a sleeper train. The British one from London to Cornwall is all booked up on line so I will have to looked further afield  unless there’s an easier way to book. 
It’s another ongoing plan  

New York is booked and on this visit I want to include The Museum of the Moving Image, the free tour of The New York Public Library and The International Centre of Photography.

2024 is going to be some new, and different experiences 
I’ve decided that today on this bleak, rather wet Sunday .

I’m on nights tonight, and have been day dreaming the morning away , whether it be on my morning walk or coffee time at the kitchen table. 

Plans are afoot. 

The dogs are steaming gently in their reading chair
As I daydream of puppets striding through streets and the gentle lull of a train journey though the night


Make Your Own Kind of Music (1972) - Julie Andrews, Cass Elliot


 I drove to Hooton then caught the train into Liverpool Central.
Within minutes I walked up a busy Bold Street and met Nu in the Vietnamese restaurant  Pho 
She’s meeting old friends up the coast later so it was lovely to see her 
Two hours shot by, like the wind 
The dogs were all still asleep when I got home
I so lucky living where I do, 20 odd minutes from Chester and under an hour to Liverpool

Best of both worlds 

Answers On A PostCard

 I’m on the way to Bangor which is a Godforsaken place.
I’m attending a study day of six hours but add the travelling and the time spent will be over 8 .
It’s a pretty drive all told.
And One I can treat myself to a MacDonald’s coffee with.
It’s a last blog today all told but what is your treat of the day?
When things are a bit tough, when life is just that bit too real

What do you treat yourself to? 

I’d be interested to know

Catch Up

Chic Eleanor nodded and sipped her gin 
I told her I had stalked my ex husbands’s wedding on social media last weekend 
And she smiled 
I think we all would have done that she said kindly 
And I think she was right 

So how did it feel ? She asked carefully
And do you know that it felt ok I told her
I saw an in law family I once loved posing the same poses they did at my own wedding
And I saw my ex husband looking older and heavier and balder  and happy as he danced with his husband 
And in that very moment I let him go
After a long five years, I let him go …….

Eleanor listened to my words and smiled her benign smile again 
And she reached forward and held my hands firmly on the table top
As we sat silently in the chatter of the pub, 

Holding hands 

And the tears that followed were the relief

At The Ballet