An ''Early'' Origin for Modern Echolocation in Bats
As flying mammals, bats continue to amaze zoologists with their incredible abilities.1,2 But their origin continues to be an enigma for conventional biologists because the creatures appear in the fossil record complete, fully formed as bats without evolutionary precursors. In 2006, evolutionist Karen Sears said, “The earliest known bats appear in the fossil record…[about] 50 million years ago, and they appear suddenly and already possessing the anatomical hallmarks of powered flight.”3 Gunnell and Simmons made a similar comment in their work in the...
Biblical Archaeology Conference at the ICR Discovery Center
Nov 10 - Nov 11, 2023
BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY CONFERENCE AT THE ICR DISCOVERY CENTER The Bible has been God’s Word to His people for millennia, but most peop...
Misuse of the Bible
“...his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”...
The Latest
An ''Early'' Origin for Modern Echolocation in Bats
As flying mammals, bats continue to amaze zoologists with their incredible abilities.1,2 But their origin continues to be an enigma for conventional...

4 Undeniable Signs of a Young Solar System | The Creation Podcast:...
Many scientists claim that our solar system is 4.5 billion years old, but is that number right? Absolutely not. In fact, our solar system looks...

Built by Homo sapiens?
Preserved wood was recently found in Kalambo Falls, Zambia, where evolutionary anthropologists from Aberystwyth University and the University of Liverpool...

How Sunflowers ''See'' the Sun
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are not only big and beautiful, but they also have an amazing biomechanism called heliotropism. ICR’s Dr. Jim...

November 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease." Genesis...

Salty Sweat in a Desert Plant
Although plants aren’t alive in the biblical sense,1 they are most certainly complex in their physiology and anatomy.2,3...

The Quasicrystal: The Impossible That Became Possible
When in 1982 Dr. Dan Shechtman looked at a picture his microscope had produced, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Using electron diffraction, he saw...

3 Astronomical Evidences from Deep Space that Counter the Big...
When we look into the depths of space, objects are easily found that seem to nullify the Big Bang theory that so many people cling to! Do these...

Creation Kids: Pumpkins
Designed by Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s...

Why Do Female Sea Turtles Cry Salty Tears?
Life on a cruise ship can be wonderfully relaxing, but perpetually living at sea has dangerous challenges—just ask a female sea turtle.1...


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