The Teriyaki Salmon Saga

PROLOGUE… When Becky’s power went out, she and her hubs realized their battery back-up for their important stuff wasn’t working. Hubs got a new one and hooked it all up before leaving for work one morning. ACT ONE BECKY ENTERS, a look of befuddlement fixes to her face, and remains for an uncomfortably long time. Why? Because while she is finishing her morning’s work, the … Continue reading The Teriyaki Salmon Saga

Guest Chick: Brooke Craig

[No money or consideration changed hands for the kind and generous words Brooke bestowed upon Becky and her book. But only because Brooke didn’t ask for any, and Becky is cheap. So very cheap.] Pantser or Plotter? If you asked me, I’d say I was a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl. As a completely solo parent of two lovely, sometimes challenging, mostly adult children, you might … Continue reading Guest Chick: Brooke Craig

Writing From Afar

James Joyce famously declared of Ulysses, his masterpiece love-letter to Dublin, that if that city “one day suddenly disappeared from the Earth it could be reconstructed out of my book.” But what’s fascinating is that, although Ulysses was written between 1914 and 1921, the last time Joyce actually set foot in Dublin was two years before he started writing, in 1912, after which he never … Continue reading Writing From Afar

Guest Chick: Linda Lovely

The Chicks are so pleased to welcome the lovely Linda Lovely! Linda is an accomplished writer with 11 books under her belt(!!). Today Linda shares her author origin story and offers wise words about the world of writing. Take it away, Linda! What A Book Club Taught Me About Writing A dozen years back, when I signed a traditional publishing contract for my first novel, … Continue reading Guest Chick: Linda Lovely

Funny Business

A funny thing happened to me on the way to writing this post. I went to a comedy show. As a writer—and reader—of mysteries that endeavor to tickle the funny bone while putting the spine on ice, I am a big fan of comedy. Sitcoms. Romcoms. Dramcoms. Basically if -com is involved in any way, I’m in. I saw the ever-funny, never-for-children’s-ears Taylor Tomlinson in … Continue reading Funny Business

A First Time for Everything

Last weekend, I participated in the inaugural Ashland Mystery Festival. It took place in Ashland, OR (not to be confused with Ashland, OH—as one reader pointed out to me). Anyway, I had a wonderful time there! Unlike most mystery conventions, which happen in the same hotel, this one (organized by the amazing Ellie Alexander) spread out the activities. There were loads of things to do: … Continue reading A First Time for Everything

Guest Chick: Julie Mulhern

Today we welcome Julie Mulhern, author of the Country Club Murders and the Poppy Fields Adventures, whose new book, Killing My Softly, releases in December. Welcome, Julie! When I wrote the opening line of what would become my Country Club Murders series—”My morning sun doesn’t usually involve corpses”—I never dreamed I’d still be writing about Ellison and Frances and Grace ten years later. Ten years. … Continue reading Guest Chick: Julie Mulhern