The Trailer Park Girls by Glenn Canary

The Trailer Park Girls by Glenn CanaryArmy veterans Burt, Al, and Jack find themselves sharing a trailer and working temporary jobs until something more interesting comes along. If the trio have a leader, it’s Burt who aspires to attend medical school and become a doctor. Unfortunately, his ten grand inheritance earmarked to pay for his education was pilfered away by his brother, while Burt was in service. Burt’s bro promises to make it up, but seemingly has no means of fulfilling his debt.

Now what? In the wisdom of classic paperback logic, Burt decides he’ll knock over a department store and reclaim his next egg in one easy haul. He reveals this stunt to his army pals—who figure what the hell—and all the ducks align. As the three fledgling felons scrutinize their target and noodle every nuance, Al—the bad boy of the trio—chances upon the Black Gat cover girl—and invites her and her two roommates over for a little soiree.

When Burt finds out, he’s furious. He knows full well that one thing will lead to another and soon his criminal caper will be compromised or undermined all together. Despite his protests, the soiree ensues and his predictions of leakage begin trickling out. What he doesn’t expect is that he himself will fall for one of the trailer park babes, a nurse, and the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.

Canary seeds his crime caper with plenty of softcore scenes of connubial bliss with each of the three couples until their flesh is spent and the escalating tension between the would-be crooks explodes in a frenzy of ego over intelligence. Despite its predictable elements, Canary weaves a compelling web and balances what could have been pure sleaze with an actual plot and some action to deliver an entertaining, quick-reading crime novel.

Due out in Dec. 2023 from Black Gat Books, an imprint of Stark House Press

Off Duty by Andrew Coburn

BG49: Off Duty by Andrew Coburn

Layered, noirish tale exposing the tangled pasts of two dirty cops from Beantown. One, the big shot, is entrenched in corruption and the abuse of power. The other, with a more centered compass, only dripped his…

The Fifth Grave by Jonathan Latimer

The Fifth Grave by Jonathan Latimer

Latimer wrote five detective novels about PI William Crane in the 1930s, prior to this standalone novel that was originally released in 1941 as Solomon’s Vineyard in the UK. Judged too graphic for the American market,…

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Three Aces from Stark House

Three Aces from Stark House

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Stealing Through Life by Ernest Booth

Stealing Through Life by Ernest Booth

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