Genetic Scientists Are Creating Health Doomsday For Humanity
Genetic Scientists Are Creating Health Doomsday For Humanity

Tampering with human mRNA and DNA is the height of arrogance by scientists who have no understanding of what they are doing, but now all humans are their guinea pigs. Studies show the COVID "vaccines" are causing prion disease, aka Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), subacute spongiform encephalopathy, or "Mad Cow Disease".

Genetic Engineering

Genetic Scientists On Track To Create A Genetically Engineered Doomsday
Genetic Scientists On Track To Create A Genetically Engineered Doomsday

These genetic scientists have abused science and contaminated the gene pool of every living thing on this planet. Collectively, they have been plotting the takeover of all genetic material since 1992. The only way to stop them is to take away their keycards, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any scientific research, and then raze the building to the ground. Listen to my presentation and then read the article. 


Technocracy And The Collapse Of Credentialism
Technocracy And The Collapse Of Credentialism

This is a salient call for dismissing Technocrats from positions of power and influence: "Technocrats have long told us what we can and can’t do, what we’re allowed to own, what our kids must learn in school..." People should see through these self-professed "experts" as phonies and frauds. The collapse of credentialism, indeed!


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