Sunday, November 19, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It is now a full 27 months since a judge told trustee-less, undischarged bankrupt and fugitive from financial justice Patrick "Super Bad MMA Cosplay Dude Mullet Bikini Inspector Triple Patty Quadruple Chin Quintuple Threat" Ross how much he owed me, and cranked up the accruing interest rate on that debt to a delightful five per cent:

I have no immediately new developments to report (I am saving that for the year-end December 19 holiday edition), but there is a bit of info that might amuse y'all.

Lately, Patrick has been cackling about how, some months ago, I filed a motion to dismiss his current lawsuit against me for being, well, a pile of absolute swill; I lost that motion, and Patrick has been positively gleeful about that ever since.

What Patrick does not disclose is that I lost that motion because I screwed up and failed to file suitably adequate paperwork -- that was my bad, and the judge quite reasonably and correctly pointed that out and dismissed my motion for purely that reason. In short, my motion was never tested on its merits; I simply fucked up in my filing.

What Patrick also does not disclose is that, even as the judge was explaining this to me, he clearly saw my argument and pointedly said that I had a "pretty strong case" -- his exact words. In other words, if I had paid closer attention to the filing instructions, there is a fair to middling chance I would have won that motion, and the judge even said as much. Again, something Patrick doesn't like to admit.

So Patrick is welcome to continue gloating about his vacuous legal victory, even as what he owes me continues to climb to truly uncomfortable levels. And given that Patrick no longer has his addlepated parents to protect and enable him, them chickens are inevitably going to come home to roost.

We'll see you next month for the Christmas edition of this ongoing saga.

P.S. Strangely, Patrick has on a number of occasions suggested that his lawsuit against me somehow cancels out his financial obligations to me until it is resolved. I'm not sure where he gets this idea, but it doesn't work that way.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Tracking the elusive Rossosaurus.

Apparently, undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross is now threatening to serve someone:

Amusingly, Patrick claims to know the potential servee's address. I say "amusingly" since, for years now, Patrick has milked the fact that he has misrepresented his actual address for legal service, the end result being that it is nigh impossible for anyone to properly serve him. For all these years, he has listed his address for proper legal service as his late father's residence, but for all these years, Patrick does not seem to have lived there and his father perpetually refused to accept service on his behalf, so let me make a humble suggestion.

If Patrick tries to serve any legal papers, make sure you insist that he supply an actual address where he resides so that he can be served in return. I would further demand that Patrick produce some official documentation proving his official residence, to avoid any more of Patrick's constant time-wasting legal shenanigans.

Given that Patrick loves to play these childish games, the only proper response is to make him act like a grown-up and follow the rules of the Court.

P.S. It is worth pointing out that, according to Canadian bankruptcy law, an undischarged bankrupt is rarely allowed to initiate a legal action against anyone without the permission of their trustee. In fact, during a hearing on 30 August, 2022, Patrick was told precisely this by the presiding judge:

Patrick is, of course, convinced otherwise, but he cannot escape the fact that a Court of Queen's Bench judge told him quite pointedly that he should work through his trustee (of which there is none -- a fact he deliberately and misleadingly withheld from that judge).

In short, there is little doubt that, if Patrick really wants to sue anyone, he is almost certainly going to have to convince a judge that he even has the right.

I will have more to say about Patrick's unfortunate situation in the near future.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: No, he isn't.

Only a few days until next interestversary, but it appears that Patrick is currently yammering on about how he is "successfully suing" me for defamation. Spoiler alert: no, he isn't. I will have more details on this come next interestversary but, in the meantime, you might ponder that, if you hear conflicting stories from the two of us, which of us do you think has more credibility?

Just something to think about.

P.S. Patrick seems to think that suing me cancels his $100K+ debt to me. That's, uh, not how it works. Just so you know.

P.P.S. This might be one of the dumbest public admissions in the history of dumb public admissions:

That's the sort of thing that can come back to bite one in one's pasty ass when trying to get out of bankruptcy and the trustee asks you to disclose all of your after-acquired assets, and they already have a screenshot of your bragging about your multiple raises.


Sunday, November 12, 2023


BREAKING! Canadian Jewish community outraged over attacks on Jewish schools and places of worship.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Developments at Casa Ross?

It's not like I have groundbreaking news here, but one of my Lloydminster-based confidential informants sent me some pics and a video of recent goings on at Casa Ross, which may or may not herald upcoming developments.

Video shows a number of things:
  • at the edge of the property (not blocking either of the garage doors) is what looks like the same storage trailer from before,
  • nothing parked in front of either of the garage doors (that is, nothing blocking entrance or exit to the attached garage), and
  • a maroon(?) Ford F-150 parked in front of the house, and attached to it a transporter trailer carrying what appears to be a grey Chevy Impala.
I'm not going to post any pics since I don't feel like I have to prove anything to anyone; the relevant people will know whether I'm reporting accurately (and perfectly legally, as I have explained before).

What all this means is unclear, but it establishes that I still have people keeping an eye on things and reporting back. Which is all I'm after right now.

P.S. Despite the recent re-instatement of my CC Twitter account, I will restrict all Patrick Ross-related content to this blog. Just so you know.

P.P.S. Closer visual inspection of the photos I was sent suggest that the pickup truck parked in front of Casa Ross is the same one that was parked in the driveway previously. Beyond that, I will draw no further conclusions.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick.


Actually, you're all debt. But I see the point you were trying to make.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

I'm baaaaaaaaaccccckkk!

For utterly incomprehensible reasons, Twitter decided to reinstate my "Canadian Cynic" Twitter account, once again apologizing for their dumbassitude. So I'll do tweet stuff over there, and longer pieces will remain here.


  • Israel drops hundreds of thousands of pounds of bombs on hospitals, schools, universities and refugee camps, killing thousands of Palestinian civilians including women and children: "Israel has a right to defend itself!"
  • Omar Khadr allegedly (allegedly as all the evidence contradicts this) kills a single special forces soldier on the actual battlefield: "War crime!"
Do I really need to explain the rancid hypocrisy?

BONUS TRACK: Crackpot Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says the quiet part out loud -- that the U.S. obsession with Israel is all about naked political opportunism and military power and control of natural resources:


Sure, new GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson has no bank accounts, credit cards or financial records of any kind but, hey, Hunter Biden!

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Some interesting opinions about Rebel News' in-house wife-beater Avi Yemini.

Fascinating thread.

Yes, Alina Habba is as dishonest as you heard.

Hey, kids, remember when I blogged recently about how slimy right-wing hacks are quoting something from Judge Arthur Engoron wildly out of context by reporting only part of what he said related to Donald Trump's behaviour on the stand?

To no one's surprise, Trump's monstrously incompetent and unqualified lawyer Alina Habba pulled the same dumbass stunt on Fox News (first three minutes is all you need).

These people simply cannot help but lie.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the gullibility.

Here's financial and law enforcement fugitive Patrick "Bad Company Super Mullet Triple Patty Quadruple Chin Soft Core Porn High School Chick Magnet Nexus of Assholery" Ross, shrieking ignorantly about a pro-Israeli demonstrator allegedly being "beat to death":

Hey, I know ... let's actually do some, you know, research and figure out what really happened.

In other words, Patrick is full of shit as always and, amusingly, the sheriff involved could have been speaking directly to him:

I swear, one could write an entire thesis on the dishonesty of social media based on Patrick's Twitter account alone.

BONUS TRACK: I have been informed that Patrick has still not figured out the difference between visiting someone's web site using "http://" versus using "https://". This is the level of dumbth we are dealing with.


"Pro-life" Canadians who tearfully insist that every single child's life is sacred and is a gift from God and must be protected at all costs still totally fine with bombing the fuck out of Gaza and slaughtering hundreds of innocent women and children combined.

Go figure.