
elcome to the Digital Meltd0wn Music Blog. The aim of this blog is to introduce the readers to music that is out of print, commercially unavailable, released under a creative commons license, or with approval by the featured artist. The majority of the music posted here would be considered underground. Don't let that fool you into thinking that the music featured here might be any less enjoyable than that of the mainstream artists you hear on the radio, as this couldn't be further from the truth. Please keep in mind that the majority of the artists that appear on this blog, along with their respective record labels, are not wealthy and need your support. If you enjoy the material that you find here, please support the artists/labels by purchasing their material afterwards. If you are an artist/label that would prefer to have your material removed from this blog, simply leave me a comment, and I would be more than happy to promptly remove the offending post. In addition to running this blog, I also work on a few other projects during my spare time. You can find links to those, as well as a few other important links associated with Digital Meltd0wn in the menu bar above.

Showing posts with label Blog News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog News. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Re-Upping of D.M.

Outta the blue I get an email from Digital Meltd0wn founder & chief Zer0_ii. He has returned from his adventures in darkest Africa & is ready to get this beast back in gear. Since Z's sojourn began, KimDotcom has been busted by the Feds & MegaUpload is no more. Then in the panic that followed, MediaFire started shaking in their boots & shut down most of our accounts. Now most of the links in posts of the past are no longer active. We have decided to do our best to re-upload as many as we can. It will be a long, drawn-out process, but ya gotta start somewhere. So I decided to start at the beginning of my tenure here. I have re-upped the seven oldest. There are more to come. If anything touches your fancy or fills your needs, have at it.

I received requests for: Alain Goraguer - La Planete Sauvage & Phil Spector's Greatest Hits. You will find them below.

Now Zer0_II has moved all the re-instated posts to the head of the class, so I removed them from the list. I think the only one he missed is Kill City, so I better get busy. I'll try to have some more this week-end, but there should be plenty to keep everyone busy. If there is anything anyone wanted re-uploaded, leave a comment here & we'll get to it as fast as we can. Thanks for your patience.

one more, trying out adrive
Chu Ishikawa - Tetsuo OST

before I fall asleep, here's some ZZZs for y'all, on adrive since I already got positive response from Mikhale on the Tetsuo post
Zru Vogue - Zruisms 1980-84
Zmiya - Somamdenlo
Zillatron - Lord of the Harvest
Zwell - Open Air
Zyce - Transgressive
Zzzzzz - Holeigans

here's the last of my posts, updated & up-to-date

Fawzi Chekili - Taqasim

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Introducing Our Newest Contributor - Saturnword

I am very pleased to announce that we have a new regular contributor here at Digital Meltd0wn. Her name is Sarah, but most people know her as Saturnword. I'm not going to reveal too much information about her because I want to give her the opportunity to introduce herself to you all as she sees fit. I met SaturnWord at last.fm while trying to find out more information about music from the countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa, which have been experiencing widespread protests and revolutions. I was thoroughly impressed when she sent me back a lengthy message providing far more information than I ever expected about various bands and scenes in the Middle East and North Africa. However, her musical knowledge extends far beyond what originates in those regions. I won't spoil what she has in store for you all, but I can guarantee that she will be delivering music of the quality that you have come to expect here at Digital Meltd0wn. I'm excited to have another contributor here, as it will ensure that we can present a greater diversity of music than ever before. I believe that we may finally be able to deliver music to you on a scale not seen since 2008, when we were able to crank out 284 posts. I would like to turn things over to Saturnword now so that she can introduce herself to you all.

Friday, February 04, 2011

A Message to Protesters and Revolutionaries in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria and Jordan - رسالة إلى المتظاهرين والمناضلين في كل من مصر وتونس ، واليمن

Egyptian Revolution

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Introducing our Newest Contributor, Strange Ranger

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Digital Meltd0wn's Nightmare Before Christmas Begins...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

WFMU's Beware of the Blog

wfmu logo

WFMU Homepage: http://wfmu.org

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: http://blog.wfmu.org

Mining the Audio Motherload Archives: http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/mining-the-audio-motherlode/

Monday, November 01, 2010

Post-Halloween Countdown 2010 Report

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Digital Meltd0wn Turns 4 Years Old

Digital Meltd0wn is officially four years old. Looking back, I never would have guessed that DM would have evolved the way it has over the last four years. I have learned so much more about music during this time, collaborated with many individuals who share the same love and appreciation for music, corresponded with and promoted many different independent artists, been introduced to countless fellow music bloggers and blogs, and interacted with a plethora of readers from around the world. Digital Meltd0wn has expanded from being just a blog, to compromising an entire underground music network consisting of the Digital Meltd0wn Music Blog Aggregator/Blogroll, along with accounts on various different social networking sites. Since this is a special occasion, I hope you will excuse what I'm sure will be a lengthy post, as I would like to take the time to thank the people who have made it possible for DM to continue to exist over the years.

During the last four years I have considered calling it quits on many different occasions. In addition to everything I do with DM, this past year I have been attending school 40 hours a week, working 35 hours a week, trying to keep my girlfriend of four years happy, and maintaining a long distance relationship with my son. Life certainly hasn't been easy on me during this time. I recently found out that my girlfriend has a tear near her spinal column, which can't be operated on, and is only going to continue to get worse. This has been the latest in a long chain of problems I have faced. I suppose my love for music and the desire to share it with others has always managed to trump my inclination to call it quits due to these difficulties. My own ambition still wouldn't have been enough on it's own though. Most recently it has been NØ who has shouldered the load and made it possible for this blog to continue to exist. Despite running his own blog, Nothin' Sez Somethin', he was kind enough to agree to guest blog here during a difficult time for me, eventually deciding to stay onboard and contribute full time. Sab has also recently contributed in the recent past, and although her own personal projects are keeping her busy at the moment, she will continue to contribute here in the future as well. I also have Psyche Zenobia, AllyWonderland, Psycho Cat, Fillzy and JUnit1 to thank for their contributions here in the past.

I also want to take the time to thank my girlfriend, Rhiannon, for all the support she has provided me throughout the years. I started this blog shortly after we first got together. She has never been one to spend very much time on a computer, and she doesn't share my obsessive love for music, but she has always been supportive of me in all my endevours related to DM. Every time I have come to the conclusion that it would be best for me to call it quits, or take some time off due to some problem we face, she has always been quick to tell me not to give up on doing what I love. She has always encouraged me to keep doing this, even though it absorbs a great deal of my time, and despite the fact that we don't get to see each other as often as we did before I was attending school and working every day. You will probably never see her comment or appear in any form here, unless it was to announce that I was incapable of posting for some reason, but in my eyes she is a like a behind the scenes staff member who deserves just as much credit for the supportive role that she plays.

Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank all you readers out there. I've had the pleasure of "meeting" many of you over the years, and your kind words always serve as encouragement to keep doing this also. Judging from the comments left here and elsewhere, I feel as if we have been doing a good job of delivering rare and unique music to you, and the good news is that we have even greater things in store for the future. I'm sure we will encounter some bumps in the rode along the way, but we will keep moving forward. I hope that the music we share here has brought as much pleasure to you as it has for us, and will continue to do so over the years.

Once again, thank you everyone for all the support you have provided over the years. Here's to four more years of Digital Meltd0wn... Cheers!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Digital Meltd0wn Now On Facebook

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back From Vacation

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Vacation Time

I will be flying home back home to Tennessee very shortly to visit my family and friends for the next 10 days. I had planned to leave you all with a surprise, but I have to leave a day earlier than I originally anticipated so I don't have time to post the surprise now. I plan to take my portable harddrive, which has a ton of music on it, but I don't know if I will be making any posts or not. NØ has been going through some hard times lately, so I'm not sure how much he will be able to post during my absence. Sab should be back from her own vacation shortly, so perhaps she may treat you all to some music from her collection. When I return I will be making a long overdue announcement involving an upcoming project for this blog. It will be the most significant project that has ever been posted on DM, and I'm not sure if anyone has ever attempted anything like this within the music blog world. I know you all will love it, and I can't wait to share it with you. In the meantime, if my companions are not able to update this blog, I would like to remind you all that I run the Digital Meltd0wn Music Aggregator/Blogroll @ http://music-bloggers.blogspot.com where you can find thousands of great music blogs of every type. I'll see you all shortly. Take care.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Major Updates to the Digital Meltd0wn Music Blogroll/Aggregator

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Couple of Important Announcements

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm Back

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Guest Blogger: Sab

Hello hello! So i guess i am a little new in this here landscape... Zer0 asked to walk around a little bit, so here i am! I don't really know how to make a proper introduction... I invited myself here, so that means I will be  sharing with you guys most of the things I love to tickle my ears and eyes with. Hope you'll enjoy at least some of them and, of course, any suggestion is most welcome!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Help Wanted

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Digital Meltd0wn Turns 3

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Regarding My Absence...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Digital Meltd0wn last.fm Group - April & May 2009 Recommendations

I hope that some of you will take the time to explore these recommendations, and are able to find some enjoyment in the process. If you have an account on last.fm please join the Digital Meltd0wn group. We have a great group of people with superb taste, and the best part is that they don't mind sharing their latest musical discoveries for all to enjoy. I hope to see you there.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Join me on Blip.fm