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Questions I am frequently asked on Israel-Palestine

, 19/11/2023

The Israeli-Palestinian Question could not be more complex, urgent and emotionally charged. Those of us who take a position on it have a duty to a full disclosure of the thoughts, assumptions and beliefs that motivate our commentary. To this effect, I collected a number of questions I am frequently asked by friends and critics […]

How should we tax wealth & multinationals globally? Speech at UNDP, New York 14th NOV 2023

, 18/11/2023

Ms Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Esteemed colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, before I address the question of taxing serious wealth seriously, I you forgive my inability to proceed without an acknowledgement of the human tragedy in the Middle East. As Secretary General Goutières correctly put it, nothing happens in a vacuum, nothing is […]

On Europe’s historic responsibility for the never-ending conflict and war crimes in the ancient land of Palestine – Al Jazeera long interview with Marc Lamont Hill

, 18/11/2023

On UpFront, interviewed by Marc Lamont Hill on Europe’s historic responsibility and current role in the Israel-Gaza war.    

Discussing Israel’s War Crimes with Katie Halper on USEFUL IDIOTS

, 12/11/2023

In this week’s live chat Yanis Varoufakis joins Katie and Aaron [Jump to 19:25 for the Yanis Varoufakis interview]:  “The United States fully endorses Israel’s war crimes,” says Greece’s former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis. “Because that’s what it is. When you switch off the water to two and a half million people, by the Geneva […]

Review of TECHNOFEUDALISM – Christopher Pollard in ‘The Conversation’

, 12/11/2023

Yanis Varoufakis grew up during the Greek dictatorship of 1967-1974. He later became an economics professor and was briefly Greek finance minister in 2015. His late father, a chemical engineer in a steel plant, instilled in his son a critical appreciation of how technology drives social change. He also instilled him with a belief that […]

Discussing TECHNOFEUDALISM on ABC-tv THE DRUM with Ellen Fanning and panel

, 03/11/2023

Interviewed by Ellen Fanning on ABC-tv The Drum on my new book TECHNOFEUDALISM: What killed capitalism. A 20 minute-long discussion involving a diverse panel. Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis is published by Bodley Head 


On Europe’s historic responsibility for the never-ending conflict and war crimes in the ancient land of Palestine – Al Jazeera long interview with Marc Lamont Hill

, 18/11/2023

On UpFront, interviewed by Marc Lamont Hill on Europe’s historic responsibility and current role in the Israel-Gaza war.    

Capitalism, Democracy and Europe – Interviewed for the Great Transition Initiative

, 04/11/2019

As harsh austerity and xenophobic nationalism fester in Europe, Yanis Varoufakis discusses his antidote with Tellus Senior Fellow Allen White. What inspired your career trajectory from academic economist to prominent supranational activist? I went into politics because of the financial crisis of 2008. Had financial capitalism not imploded, I would have happily continued my quite […]

Launch of Generation-s & European Spring in Paris, 6 DEC 2018

, 14/12/2018

Onwards with DiEM25-Generation-s-EUROPEAN SPRING and our New Deal for Europe

DiEM25’s European New Deal plan can succeed where Macron and Piketty failed – The Guardian

, 14/12/2018

If Brexit demonstrates that leaving the EU is not the walk in the park that Eurosceptics promised, Emmanuel Macron’s current predicament proves that blind European loyalism is, similarly, untenable. The reason is that the EU’s architecture is equally difficult to deconstruct, sustain and reform. While Britain’s political class is, rightly, in the spotlight for having made a mess […]

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