

New documents and info for 2011 - 2023


November 2023

(1941) Leopold Kohr, Disunion jetzt. Ein Plädoyer für eine Gesellschaft, die auf kleinen autonomen Einheiten basiert [Deutsch]

(2010) Paul Bonneau, Protection implies Submission [English]

(2019) Matthew Skjonsberg, There Is No Wealth But Life [English]

(2023) Max Borders, Why Frame a New Constitution? [English]

Selected Page: Schumacher Center for New Economics, Decentralism File (A list of useful resources)

Selected Video: What is Panarchy? or if the State was a mobile operator (November 2022)

Book Suggestion: H.C. Engelbrecht and F.C. Hanighen, Merchants of Death, 1934 (A study of the international armament industry)


October 2023

(1887) Benjamin Tucker, Das Wesen des Staates [Deutsch]

(1901) Frank Lloyd Wright, The Art & Craft of the Machine [English]

(1919) Rudolf Steiner, The Threefold Social Organism [English]

(1920) Camillo Berneri, Stato e burocrazia [Italiano]

Selected Page: Organic Radicals : A-Z of thinkers (challenging the system to its core)

Book Suggestion: Fred Pearce, The Land Grabbers. The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth, 2012.


September 2023

(1934) George Santayana, Viele Völker in einem Reich [Deutsch]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, Sul Federalismo [Italiano]

(1972) David Ivison, Why I Am Not An Anarchist [English]

(2023) Chad Ashton Brown, Unlocking Peace in Palestine [English]

Selected Page: P2P Foundation Wiki (A mine of resources on collaborative action)

Selected Video: Thomas Greco, The Tyranny that is the Global Political Money Regime, August 2023

Book Suggestion: Diega Abad de Santillan, Por qué perdimos la guerra. Una contribución a la historia de la tragedia española, 1940


August 2023

(1960) A, J. Baker, Sydney Libertarianism [English]

(2023) Thomas Greco, How to Solve the Money Problem [English]

(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, The Saint-Imier gathering. Part I: the anarcho-authoritarians [English]
(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, Le rassemblement de Saint-Imier. Partie I : Les anarcho-autoritaires [Français]
(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, Il raduno di Saint-Imier. Parte I: Gli anarco-autoritari [Italiano]

(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, The Saint-Imier gathering. Part II: the anarcho-statists [English]
(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, Le rassemblement de Saint-Imier. Partie II : Les anarcho-étatistes [Français]
(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, Il raduno di Saint-Imier. Parte II: Gli anarco-statisti [Italiano]

Selected Presentation: Luisa de Bellis, Julian Assange: how the state kills the truth (2023)

Book Suggestion: Gian Piero de Bellis, Statism. The roots and features of a dying ideology, World Wide Wisdom, Saint-Imier, 2023


July 2023

(circa 1905-1910) LucyParsons, I principi dell’anarchia [Italiano]

(1918) A. L. and V. L. Gordin, Il Manifesto della Pan-Anarchia [Italiano]

(1934) Henri Léon Follin, Words of a Foreseeing Person - extracts [English]

(1844 - 1995) The Cooperative Movement, Documents [English]

Selected Web Page: Kevin Carson, The Thought of Ivan Illich: a Liberatarian Analysis (February 2023)

Book Suggestion: Gian Piero de Bellis, Post-Statism. On the Social Sciences as Social Scam and the Social Scientists as Social Scoundrels, World Wide Wisdom, Saint-Imier, 2023


June 2023

(1969) Diego Abad de Santillán, Appunti per una problematica dell'anarchia [Italiano]

(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, For a non authoritarian future [English]
(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, Pour un avenir sans autoritarisme [Français]
(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, Per un futuro senza autoritarismi [Italiano]
(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, Por un futuro sin autoritarismos [Español]

(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, Why doesn't anarchism reach more people? [English]
(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, ¿Por qué al anarquismo no llega a más gente? [Español]
(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, Pourquoi l'anarchisme n’atteint-t-il pas plus de monde ? [Français]
(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, Perché l'anarchismo non coinvolge un maggior numero persone? [Italiano]

(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarcho-communism & anarcho-capitalism: a critical assessment [English]

Selected Web Page: Balaji Srinivasan, The Network State (How to start setting up new countries)

Book Suggestion: Panarchy/Polyarchy : a paradigm (Ideas and proposals for a new social paradigm, beyond statism)


Mai 2023

(1846) Josiah Warren, Il commercio equo [Italiano]

(1952) Moritz Schlick, L'État [Français]

(1986) John Zube, Bemerkungen zu Panarchie und Anarchie [Deutsch]

(2023) Beyond Anarchy 2023, For a non authoritarian future [English]

Selected Web Page: Mark Curtis, Britain’s 42 coups since 1945 (Declassified UK, 12 January 2023)

Book Suggestion: Joseph Plummer, Tragedy & Hope 101, 2014 (The Illusion of Justice, Freedom and Democracy)


April 2023

(1887) Lev Tolstoj, Lettre à Romain Rolland [Français]

(1904) Joseph Labadie, Anarchia: che cosa è e che cosa non è [Italiano]

(1986) John Zube, Vers les communautés volontaires [Français]

(2023) Michel Némitz, Dogmatisme, puritanisme, ordre moral [Français]
(2023) Michel Némitz, Dogmatism, puritanism, moral order [English]

Selected Web Page: Panarquía : El arte de convivir en libertad (Web dedicada a la difusión de la panarquía en español)

Book Suggestion: Richard Hofstadter, Social Darwinism in American Thought, George Braziller, New York, 1959

Video: Espace Noir: Interview à Maurice Born, membre fondateur d'Espace Noir.


March 2023

(1871) Mikhail Bakunin, Sulla libertà [Italiano]

(1885) Auberon Herbert, Sur le volontarisme [Français]
(1885) Auberon Herbert, Ü̈ber Freiwilligkeit [Deutsch]

(2005) Richard CB Johnsson, Aux monopolistes de tous les partis [Français]
(2005) Richard CB Johnsson, An Die Monopolisten Aller Parteien [Deutsch]

(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, The mono-anarchists [English]
(2023) Gian Piero de Bellis, I mono-anarchici [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Bibliografia del Anarquismo en España 1868-1939 (Elaborada por Ignacio C. Soriano y por Francisco Madrid)

Book Suggestion: World Wide Wisdom, Panarchie. Pour les communautés volontaires (2021)

Video: Radio Radicale, Presentazione del terzo volume dell'antologia "Libertaria". Intervista condotta da Carlo Crosato


February 2023

(1896) Joseph Labadie, The Meaning of Anarchy [English]

(1905) Pëtr Kropotkin, La concezione anarchica [Italiano]

(1986) John Zube, Notes sur Panarchie et Anarchie [Français]

(2018) Gian Piero de Bellis, Some essential requirements of an accounting tool for exchanges [English]

Selected Web Page: Thomas Greco, Private Currency Vouchers: an Answer to the Money Problem (January 2023) (A proposal to go beyond imposed legal tender)

Book Suggestion: Simone Soldini, a cura, Addio Lugano bella. Anarchia tra storia e arte. Da Bakunin al Monte Verità, da Courbet ai dada, Museo di Mendrisio, Catalogo della mostra (22 marzo-5 luglio 2015)


January 2023

(1850) Anselme Bellegarrigue, L'anarchia è l'ordine [Italiano]

(1904) J. A. Maryson, Some misconceptions of Anarchism [English]
(1904) J. A. Maryson, Alcune idee false sull'anarchia [Italiano]

(1934) Gerald Brenan, The Anarchists in the Spanish civil war [English]

(1975) John Gall, Systémantique. Comment fonctionnent les systèmes et surtout comment ils échouent [Français]

Selected Web Page: Ellen MacArthur Foundation (Let's Build a Circular Economy)

Book Suggestion: David Porter, ed., Vision on Fire. Emma Goldman on the Spanish Revolution, Commonground Press, 1983


December 2022

(1903) Ricardo Mella, L'anarchia nascente [Italiano]

(1937) H.E. Kaminski, Communisme libertaire [Français]
(1937) H.E. Kaminski, Libertarian Communism [English]

(1979) Howard S. Katz, The true purpose of war [English]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarcho-authoritarians and anarcho-libertarians [English]
(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarco-autoritari e anarco-libertari [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Anarchists Against Democracy: In Their Own Words (Quotations from anarchist writings)

Book Suggestion: H.E. Kaminski, Ceux de Barcelone (1937) (Un récit de première main sur le début de la révolte en Espagne)


November 2022

(1882) Lysander Spooner, La legge di natura [Italiano]

(1979) Howard S. Katz, The psychological basis of war [English]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarchy & Pseudo-anarchy [English]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Considerations on Anarchy2022 [English]

Selected Web Page: Jon Miltimore, Zhuang Zhou: The Chinese Philosopher Who Explained Spontaneous Order 2,000 Years Before Adam Smith, FEE Stories, 2020

Book Suggestion: Howard S. Katz, The Warmongers, Books in Focus, Inc., Third Printing 1981 (The USA federal government and the banking apparatus as warmongers)


October 2022

(1932) Bernard London, Ending the Depression Through Planned Obsolescence [English]

(1953) Kenneth Boulding, Toward a General Theory of Growth [English]

(1952-1957) Vernon Richards, Lesson of the Spanish Revolution - Extract [English]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Considérations sur Anarchie2022 [Français]
(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Considerazioni su Anarchia2022 [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Université Liberté : Panarchie concepts ... (17 avril 2017)

Book Suggestion: George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia (1938)


September 2022

(1894) Henry Seymour, Le due concezioni anarchiche [Italiano]

(1905) Lucy Parsons, La truffa del voto [Italiano]

(1908) Lev Tolstoj, La democrazia come superstizione [Italiano]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarchie & Pseudo-anarchie [Français]
(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarchia & Pseudo-anarchia [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Wikipedia, List of lists of lists (a useful tool)

Book Suggestion: Vernon Richards, Lessons of the Spanish Revolution, Freedom Press, 1972 (Beyond myths and illusions)


August 2022

(1910) Emma Goldman, Anarchia: cosa significa e cosa propone davvero [Italiano]

(1922) Principes anarchiques [Français]

(1950) E. C. Riegel, Manarchy [English]

(1919) Walter Gropius, Bauhaus : Manifesto and Programme [English]
(1919) Walter Gropius, Bauhaus : Manifesto e Programma [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Attack the System : Links (A vast list of libertarian and alternative web sites)

Book Suggestion: Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt, Work Without End. Abandoning Shorter Hours for the Right to Work (1988)


July 2022

(1860) Paul-Emile de Puydt, パナーキー (Panarchy) [Japanese]

(1924) Errico Malatesta, Democrazia e anarchia [Italiano]
(1924) Errico Malatesta, Democracy and Anarchy [English]

(1962) Tomás Ibáñez, Porque he elegido la anarquía [Español]
(1962) Tomás Ibáñez, Pourquoi j'ai choisi l'anarchie [Français]
(1962) Tomás Ibáñez, Perché ho scelto l'anarchia [Italiano]
(1962) Tomás Ibáñez, Why I have chosen anarchy [English]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Why those advocating anarcho-communism or anarcho-capitalism for all are not libertarians! [English]

Selected Web Page: Bryan Caplan, The anarcho-statists of Spain: an historical, economic, and philosophical analysis of Spanish anarchism.

Book Suggestion: Seymour Melman, The permanent war economy. American capitalism in decline. (1985)

Document: Social Evolution, The Second Declaration of Independence (please read, sign, share)


June 2022

(1883) Che cos’è l’anarchia e chi sono gli anarchici. Dichiarazione degli anarchici davanti al tribunale correzionale di Lyon [Italiano]

(1944) E. C. Riegel, Money power is War power [English]

(2017) Thomas Knapp, Breaking up is Hard to do. Or is it? [English]

(2021) Max Borders, The Integral Liberal [English]

Selected Web Page: Paul D. Aligica and Vlad Tarko, Polycentricity: From Polanyi to Ostrom, and Beyond (2012)

Book Suggestion: George Orwell, 1984 (Classic fiction that becomes current reality)

Selected Video: Hannah Arendt Final Speech (About personal morality and obeying orders)


May 2022

(1919) Antonio Gramsci, Lo Stato e il Socialismo [Italiano]

(1909) Lev Tolstoy, Address to the Swedish Peace Congress [English]
(1909) Lev Tolstoj, Intervento al Congresso sulla Pace di Stoccolma [Italiano]

(1934) Henri Léon Follin, Palabras de un vidente (extractos) [Español]
(1934) Henri Léon Follin, Parole di un Vedente (passaggi scelti) [Italiano]

(2021) Thomas Knapp, The Metaverse: Gateway to Unanimous Consent and Panarchy? [English]

Selected Web Page: Tech Learning Collective, How we can win back the Internet by creating lowercase internets (November 2020)

Book Suggestion: Max Borders, After Collapse: The End of America and the Rebirth of Her Ideals (2021)

Selected Video: Dogs are the best people (on Twitter)


April 2022

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, Lo Stato [Italiano]

(1979) Thomas McKeown, Two approaches in medical research [English]

(2017) Aviezer Tucker, Panarchie : l’État 2.0 [Français]
(2017) Aviezer Tucker, Panarchie: Der Staat 2.0 [Deutsch]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, The authoritarian attitudes [English]

Selected Web Page: Giovanni Tenorio, Il territorialismo, ultimo rifugio dello statalismo (Aprile 2016)

Book Suggestion: Ali Abunimah, One Country, 2006 (A bold proposal to end the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse)

Selected Video: Andreas Faludi, Beyond Territorialism: Europe as an Archipelago (Université de Rouen, 2018)


March 2022

(1944) Luigi Einaudi, Tutti facciamo piani [Italiano]

(1979) Ivan Illich, On development [English]

(2007) Tim Berners-Lee, Giant Global Graph [English]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Roots of the anti-authoritarian conception [English]

Selected Web Page: Transition Network. A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world

Book Suggestion: Timothy William Waters, Boxing Pandora. Rethinking Borders, States and Secession in a Democratic World, Yale University Press, 2020 (A book on territorial secession)

Selected Video: Tim Berners-Lee: The next Web of open, linked data (13 March 2009)


February 2022

(2009) Jason McQuinn, Post-Left Anarchy. Leaving the Left Behind [English]

(2012) Marianne Enckell, 1872 : Saint-Imier, berceau de l’anarchisme [Français]

(2014) Adrien Faure, L'Internationale anti-autoritaire (1872-1878) [Français]

(2022) Gian Piero de Bellis, Authoritarianism / Antiauthoritarianism 1872-2022 [English]

Selected Web Page: Charles Thomann, Le Mouvement anarchiste dans les Montagnes neuchâteloises et le Jura bernois (1947)

Book Suggestion: Ivan Illich, In the Mirror of the Past. Lectures and Addresses 1978-1990 (Marion Boyars 1992)

Selected Video: Growing Food in Urban Small Spaces - Urban Gardening (September 2020)


January 2022

(1894) William Morris, Makeshift [English]

(1901) Henri Beylie, Dichiarazione sulla natura [Italiano]

(1922) Max Nettlau, The St. Imier Congress of the International [English]

(1922) Max Nettlau, Les origines de l'Internationale antiautoritaire [Français]

Selected Web Page: Et vous n’avez encore rien vu… (Critique de la science et du scientisme ordinaire)

Book Suggestion: Cliff Kuang with Robert Fabricant, User Friendly : How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We Live, Work & Play (2019)

Selected Video: National Geographic, What Does Freedom Mean to You? (2017)


December 2021

(1894) Elisée Reclus, L'Anarchia [Italiano]

(1898) Fred Schulder, Anarchia e Organizzazione [Italiano]

(1915) Manifesto dell'Internazionale Anarchica contro la guerra [Italiano]

(1983) Murray Bookchin, Market Economy or Moral Economy? [English]

Rencontre Internationale Antiautoritaire - Antiauthoritarian International Gathering
(Saint-Imier, CH, 28-31 Juillet/July 2022)

Selected Web Page: Richard Horton, Covid-19 is not a pandemic, The Lancet, September 26, 2020

Book Suggestion: Jean-Sélim Kanaan, Ma guerre à l'indifférence, Robert Laffont, 2002

Selected Video: Thomas H. Greco Jr., A World Without Money, Interest, and Debt (A pathway toward economic equity, social justice, freedom and peace - November 2021) - PDF


November 2021

(1908) Albert Libertad, La libertà [Italiano]

(1933) Emma Goldman, An Anarchist Looks At Life [English]

(1980) John McKnight, The Service Economy [English]

(2012) Kevin Carson, The Free Market as Full Communism [English]

Rencontre Internationale Antiautoritaire - Antiauthoritarian International Gathering
(Saint-Imier, CH, 28-31 Juillet/July 2022)

Selected Web Page: Alekis, Ciudad Morazon: a new experiment of voluntary community [English]
See also:
(Ru) https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmZBoDhb9EGcZe4UGBfuF5MYEpW6xKLmn1g5rkSZt4fMMz
(Es) https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUi7gnuE4tmVqgsYLcdFMGxZdV54cPMt5QJvJ5PxqjuCn

Book Suggestion: Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1966 (antisemitism, imperialism, totalitarianism)

Selected Video: Greta Thunberg, On climate change (Ted Talk, 2018)


October 2021

(1940) Emma Goldman, Il posto dell’individuo nella società [Italiano]

(2001) Roderick T. Long, Equality: The Unknown Ideal [English]

(2016) Alessandra Pigni, Sul burnout [Italiano]

(2018) Chris Zumbrunn, The Mycelium Model of Glocal Governance [English]

Rencontre Internationale Antiautoritaire - Antiauthoritarian International Gathering
(Saint-Imier, CH, 28-31 Juillet/July 2022)

Selected Web Page: Tieman Ray, Facebook is the AOL of 2021 (August 29, 2021 )

Book Suggestion: Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, Martino Publishing, 2015

Selected Video: Johann Gevers, The four pillars of a decentralized society (Ted Talks, 7 July 2014)


September 2021

(1901-1903) Piotr Kropotkin, Comunismo e Anarchia [Italiano]

(1938) The Pioneer Health Centre, The emergence of spontaneous order [English]
(1938) The Pioneer Health Centre, L'emergere dell'ordine spontaneo [Italiano]

(1941) Max Nettlau, Anarchia : comunista o individualista? Entrambe [Italiano]

(2021) Thomas Greco, Ivan Illich and the coming cultural revolution [English]

Rencontre Internationale Antiautoritaire - Antiauthoritarian International Gathering
(Saint-Imier, CH, 28-31 Juillet/July 2022)

Selected Web Page: La Décentrale: an epicenter for self-empowered culture (Mont Soleil, St-Imier, Jura Suisse)

Book Suggestion: The Pioneer Health Centre, Biologists in Search of Material, Peckham, London, 1938.


August 2021

(1898) Manifesto sull'educazione integrale [Italiano]

(1972) Paul Goodman, Anarchia come Autonomia [Italiano]

(1973) André Gorz, L’idéologie sociale de la bagnole [Français]

Rencontre Internationale Antiautoritaire - Antiauthoritarian International Gathering
(Saint-Imier, CH, 28-31 Juillet/July 2022)

Selected Web Page: Nicky Reid, My Own Private Utopia (Counterpunch, 18 June 2021)

Book Suggestion: Fairfield Osborn, Our Plundered Planet, 1948 (A classic text on the misuse of planet earth)


July 2021

(1922) Federico Urales, La sociedad futura [Español]

(1937) Franz Borkenau, The agrarian question in the Spanish civil war [English]

(1938) Matthew Josephson, State - Capitalism connection [English]

(2021) Riccardo Canaletti, I limiti degli anarco-capitalisti e i limiti degli anarco-comunisti [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Panarchy.ru (A site in Russian about panarchy)

Book Suggestion: Franz Borkenau, The Spanish Cockpit, 1937 (A critical account of the Spanish Civil War)


June 2021

(1884) Henry Appleton, Anarchia, vera e falsa [Italiano]

(1884) Charlotte Wilson, Anarchia [Italiano]

(2013) Paul Bonneau, La panarchie, pas l'anarchie, est la réponse [Français]
(2013) Paul Bonneau, Panarchie, nicht Anarchie, ist die Antwort! [Deutsch]

(2014) Paul Bonneau, L'avantage de la panarchie [Français]
(2014) Paul Bonneau, Die Vorteile der Panarchie [Deutsch]

Selected Web Page: WT Social (WikiTribune Social) A non-commercial, social network.

Book Suggestion: Matteo de Bellis, Lontano dagli occhi. Storia di politiche migratorie e persone alla deriva tra Italia e Libia, People editore, 2021.


May 2021

(1870) Benjamin Franklin, On Conversation [English]

(1969) Denis de Rougemont, Pour une définition nouvelle du fédéralisme [Français]

(1970) Denis de Rougemont, La Cité européenne [Français]

(2005) John Zube, La Panarchie présentée suivant le simple schéma de Aphthonius [Français]

Selected Web Page: Have I been pwened ? A way to find out if your e-mail has been used by scammers.

Book Suggestion: William Appleman Williams, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy, 1972 (A classic in American thought about foreign policy)


April 2021

(1916) John Beverley Robinson, About taxation [English]

(1918) Randolph Bourne, La guerra è la salute dello Stato [Italiano]

(1929) Errico Malatesta, Proprietà e libertà [Italiano]

(1969) Karl Hess, Declaration about taxes [English]

Selected Web Page: Left and Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought (Complete, 1965-1968)

Selected Video: Going Green, What Is the Most Sustainable City in the World? (2020)

Book Suggestion: Charles Tilly, Coercion, Capital and European States, AD 900-1992 (The war made states and viceversa)


March 2021

(1842) Max Stirner, Das unwahre Princip unserer Erziehung [Deutsch]

(1862) Lev Tolstoy, Education and cultural formation [English]

(1913) Piotr Kropotkin, Contre l'école d'état [Français]

(2019) J. Leif, No Citizens: Abolishing Borders Beyond the Nation-State [English]

(2020) Una antologia scomoda, Libertaria (Index Volume I - II - III - IV - V)

Selected Web Page: Li's Newsletter, How the Passion Economy will disrupt media, education, and countless other industries (Part 1) (May 2020)

Selected Video: Cultiver autrement : la permaculture (2017)

Book Suggestion: Rutger Bregman, Humankind. A hopeful story, Bloomsbury, 2020


February 2021

(1888) Benjamin R. Tucker, A Seed Planted [English]

(1900) Errico Malatesta, Il problema dell'amore [Italiano]
(1900) Errico Malatesta, Le problème de l’amour [Français]

(1904) Elisée Reclus, Le patriotisme et l’amour de l’humanité [Français]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, The artist as a universal human being [English]

(2020) Una antologia scomoda, Libertaria (Index Volume I - II - III - IV)

Selected Web Page: Wikipedia : Portail : Anarchisme (une mine de ressources)

Selected Video: Lera Boroditsky, How language shapes the way we think (Ted Talk, November 2017)

Book Suggestion: Adam Hochschild, King Leopold's Ghost, 2019 (An almost unknown genocide)


January 2021

(1863) Josiah Warren, Organization [English]

(1919) Stephen T. Byington, The Society of the New Order [English]

(1949) Cesare Zaccaria, Socializzazione : mito e realtà [Italiano]

(1968) Murray Rothbard, Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal [English]

(2020) Una antologia scomoda, Libertaria (Index Volume I - II - III)

Selected Web Page: Parallel states: A new vision for peace (A new idea of citizenship is needed for peace in Israel and Palestine)

Selected Video: Rutger Bregman, Are humans cruel by nature? (November 2020)

Book Suggestion: Richard Moore, Escaping the Matrix, 2005


December 2020

(1865) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Communisme et Mutualisme [Français]

(1891) Errico Malatesta, L’anarchia [Italiano]

(1902) Piotr Kropotkin, About individualism [English]

(1920) Sébastien Faure, Les anarchistes [Français]

(2020) Una antologia scomoda, Libertaria (Index Volume I - II)

Selected Web Page: Le Grand Continent, Panarchie, Jalons d'une doctrine (Octobre 2020)

Selected Video: #NNER Esplora (short video messages by the World Economic Forum on Humans and Nature)

Book Suggestion: Kevin A. Carson, Studies in Mutalist Political Economy, 2007


November 2020

(1899) Piotr Kropotkin, Une vision du futur [Français]

(1917) A. Grachev, Anarchy is not utopia [English]

(1988) Timothy May, The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto [English]

(2020) David Graeber, Vers une "bullshit economy" [Français]
(2020) David Graber, Una economia di merda [Italiano]

(2020) Una antologia scomoda, Libertaria (Index Volume I)

Selected Web Page: Libertarianism.org, Decentralism (2008)

Selected Video: National Geographic, Renewable Energy (September 2017)

Book Suggestion: Jean Maitron, Le mouvement anarchiste en France, vol. I (Des origines à 1914) - vol. II (De 1914 à nos jours)


October 2020

(1890) Dyer D. Lum, On Economy [English]

(1897) Ludovic Malquin, La propriété [Français]

(1922) Errico Malatesta, Lavoro manuale e intellettuale [Italiano]

(1929) Ralph Borsodi, Comfort [English]

Selected Web Page: Illusion of Justice. Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions (July 2014) (The State as promoter of terrorist actions)

Selected Video: Peter Alfandary, The myth of globalisation (Ted Talk, 2015 - We need "cultural intelligence" to understand the others)

Book Suggestion: Sigmund Engländer, The abolition of the state (1873)


September 2020

(1924) Errico Malatesta, Anarchia e violenza [Italiano]

(1928) Pierre Ramus, L'État et la violence [Français]

(1965) Maurice Fayolle, Sur l'organisation [Français]

(1975) Ivan Illich, Commodities vs. Use Values [English]

Selected Web Page: World Economic Forum, Co-operative housing: A greener and more sustainable way of living? (July 2020)

Selected Video: Nas Daily, How This Guy Planted a Forest! (2020)

Book Suggestion: Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Land of Israel - From holy land to homeland. (2012)


August 2020

(1896) Louise Michel, Why I am an Anarchist [English]

(1903) Ricardo Mella, El Anarquismo naciente [Español]

(1966) Paul Goodman, Reflections on the Anarchist Principle [English]

(1986) Sam Dolgoff, Misconceptions of Anarchism [English]

Selected Web Page: Andrea Coccia, La democrazia ha fallito, il futuro è la panarchia (Linkiesta, Maggio 2018)

Selected Video: Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (Inspiring life experiences : stay hungry, stay foolish)

Book Suggestion: John Comerford, Health the Unknown. The Story of the Peckham Experiment, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1947 (A short introduction to an interesting experiment on family and individual health)


July 2020

(1929) Alexander Berkman, Is Anarchism violent? [English]

(1970) Richard Sennett, The uses of disorder (extract) [English]

(1974) Leopold Kohr, The City as Convivial Centre [English]

(1976) John Turner, Housing by people (extract) [English]

Selected Web Page: Simon Nicholson, The Theory of Loose Parts. An important principle for design methodology, Open University, 1972

Selected Video: Nas Daily, Planet Warriors! (Individuals making a difference)

Book Suggestion: Hans Rosling, Factfulness, 2018 (A mine of data, facts and experiences to put things on a right basis and perspective).


June 2020

(1899) Ricardo Mella, La ley del número [Español]

(1943) Rose Wilder Lane, Democracy [English]

(1956) W. Ross Ashby, La legge della varietà necessaria [Italiano]

(1975) Colin Ward, Notes on anarchist cities [English]

Selected Web Page: Kerry McDonald, I Homeschool My Kids. Here Are 6 Ideas for Parents While Schools Are Closed, Cato Institute, 2020

Selected Video: How Green Roofs Can Help Cities (Changing the city one roof at the time)

Book Suggestion: Yona Friedman, Utopies réalisables, 1974.


May 2020

(1859) Joseph Déjacque, À bas les chefs ! [Français]

(1873) Mikhail Bakunin, Sur l'état [Français]

(1965) Maurice Fayolle, Fédéralisme, autonomie, sécession [Français]

(1978) Paul Feyerabend, Education as imposition [English]

Selected Web Page: Sobre la anarquía y otros temas [Vida y obra de filosofas, filosofos y pensadoras y pensadores anarquistas]

Selected Video: When Trees Meet Buildings (Architects, engineers and developers are creating increasingly greener structures)

Book Suggestion: Amartya Sen, Identity & Violence, Penguin Books, 2007 (Beyond the one dimensional human being manufactured by the states all over the world)


April 2020

(1887) Benjamin Tucker, La Naturaleza del Estado [Español]

(1905) Albert Libertad, Le bétail patriotique [Français]

(1954) Erwin Gutkind, The expanding environment [English]

(1974) Murray Bookchin, From megalopolis to communitas [English]

Selected Web Page: Wikifactory (a social platform for collaborative product development).

Selected Video: Bill Gates talking about viruses (2014)

Book Suggestion: Normand Baillargeon, Anarchisme et éducation. Anthologie Tome II : du XX siècle à aujourd'hui, M Éditeur, 2016


March 2020

(1877) Arthur Arnould, Souveraineté de l'Etat, ou Souveraineté du Peuple [Français]

(1947) Paul & Percival Goodman, Una nueva comunidad [Español]

(1980) Karl Hess, La Anarquía sin Guiones [Español]

(1986) Sam Dolgoff, Autonomy and Federalism [English]

Selected Web Page: Ellen MacArthur, Our food system is no longer fit for the 21st century (World Economic Forum - January 2019)

Selected Video: David McCandless, The beauty of data visualization (Ted Talk, 2010)

Book Suggestion: Normand Baillargeon, Anarchisme et éducation, Anthologie Tome I : 1793-1918, M Éditeur, 2016


February 2020

(1871) Mikhail Bakunin, Contre l'individualisme, pour le collectivisme [Français]

(1904) Steven T. Byington, Iniziamo a realizzare l’anarchia, adesso [Italiano]

(1985) Bob Black, El Anarquismo y otros Impedimentos a la Anarquía [Español]

(1986) John Zube, Notas sobre Panarquía y Anarquía [Español]

Selected Web Page: Social Networking Sites (list and comments)

Selected Video: Nas Daily, He is the God of Sight (About Dr. Sanduk Ruit)

Book Suggestion: Kirkpatrick Sale, Human Scale (1980) and Human Scale revisited (2017)


January 2020

(1900) Lev Tolstoj, Che cosa ciascuno dovrebbe fare [Italiano]

(1986) John Zube, El camino hacia el voluntarismo [Español]

(1998) Amedeo Bertolo, La funzione utopica nell’immaginario anarchico [Italiano]

(2000) David Graeber, Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You [English]
(2000) David Graeber, Sei un anarchico? La risposta potrebbe sorprenderti! [Italiano]
(2000) David Graeber, ¿Eres anarquista? ¡La respuesta podría sorprenderte! [Español]

Selected Web Page: Nicky Reid, The Panarchist Solution to a World Divided, Counterpunch, December 2019

Selected Video: World Economic Forum, This man is turning cities into giant sponges to save lives (August 2019)

Book Suggestion: Trent J. MacDonald, The Politica Economy of Non-Territorial Exit, Edward Elgar, 2019


December 2019

(1904) Elisée Reclus, L'art et le peuple [Français]

(1933) Ralph Borsodi, Flight from the city [English]
(1933) Ralph Borsodi, Via dalla città [Italiano]
(1933) Ralph Borsodi, Huida de la Ciudad [Español]

(1938) Lewis Mumford, Individuation and socialization [English]

(1988) John Cage, Anarchy [English]

Selected Web Page: Eléuthera. Libri per una cultura libertaria. (Un catalogo da sfogliare e tanti libri da leggere)

Selected Video: Nas Daily, Why Justice Doesn't Exist? (Justice vs. Forgiveness)

Book Suggestion: Francesco Codello, La condizione umana nel pensiero libertario, Eléuthera, Milano, 2017


November 2019

(1894) Stephen T. Byington, Precedentes para la Sociedad Anarquista [Español]

(1965) Murray Bookchin, Ecology and Revolutionary Thought [English]

(1975) Eric Jantsch, The Theory of Dissipative Structures [English]

(2014) Alessandra Pigni, Ricomincio da tre [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Startup Societies Foundation (Decentralization: Society’s Immune System)

Selected Video: The Liberating Structures User Group of the Netherlands Tries: Panarchy! (September 2019)

Book Suggestion: Roméo Dallaire, Shake Hands with the Devil, Arrow Books, 2004 (The failure of humanity in Rwanda)


October 2019

(1849) Gustave de Molinari, Sulla produzione della sicurezza [Italiano]

(1860) Charles de Brouckère, Compte-rendu de Panarchie de Paul-Émile de Puydt [Français]

(1914) Max Nettlau, Anarquismo: ¿Comunista o Individualista? Ambos [Español]

(1957) Bertrand de Jouvenel, L'économie politique de la gratuité [Français]

Selected Web Page: Joachim Nijs, Architecture in the Age of the Virtual City Pt.1: Pokémon today, Panarchy tomorrow [English]

Selected Video: Nas Daily Global, North Korea is the Most Depressing Country in The World? [English]

Book Suggestion: Jonathan Tepper with Denise Hearn, The Myth of Capitalism, Wiley, 2019 (Monopolies and the Death of Competition)


September 2019

(1889) Élisée Reclus, Pourquoi sommes-nous anarchistes ? [Français]

(1938) Bruno Munari, Manifesto del Macchinismo [Italiano]
(1938) Bruno Munari, Manifesto of Machinism [English]

(1962) Anonimo, La democracia con “d” minúscula [Español]

(1975) John Gall, Sistemántica [Español]

Selected Web Page: Wikipedia, List of books about anarchism [English]

Selected Video: Le développement durable (une introduction) [Français]

Book Suggestion: Bertrand de Jouvenel, Arcadie. Essais sur le mieux vivre, Futuribles, 1968 (On trouve des réflections encore fort intéressantes)


August 2019

(1857) Joseph Déjacque, De l'être-humain mâle et femelle. Lettre à Pierre-Joseph Proudhon [Français]

(1930) Werner Ackermann et alii, La Unión Cosmopolita [Español]

(1972) Russell L. Ackoff and Fred E. Emery, Errors of Observation [English]

(2017) Alessandra Pigni, Work: it’s time for a new year’s revolution [English]

Selected Web Page: David Hart's Webpage (A mine of interesting and precious documents)

Selected Video: The Day The Music Died - Don McLean (America in the '60s and the story behind the song American Pie by Don McLean).

Book Suggestion: Bernhard E. Bürdek, Teoria del Design. Procedimenti di problem-solving, metodi di pianificazione, processi di strutturazione, Mursia, Milano, 1977


July 2019

(1849) Resoconto di una seduta della Società di Economia Politica di Parigi [Italiano]

(1959) Lancelot Law Whyte, From Primitive Disorder to Twentieth-Century Visual Images [English]

(1968) Murray Bookchin, The forms of freedom [English]

(1986) John Zube, Verso le comunità volontarie [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: L'Université Liberté (sur la tolérance et la panarchie)

Selected Video: Angela Lee Duckworth, Grit: the power of passion and perseverance, Ted Talk, April 2013

Book Suggestion: David J. Elkins, Beyond Sovereignty. Territory and Political Economy in the Twenty-First Century, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1995


June 2019

(1876-1877) Lysander Spooner, Financial Imposters [English]

(1899) Ricardo Mella, El trabajo, ¿Es una necesidad fisiologica? [Español]
(1899) Ricardo Mella, Il lavoro: necessità fisiologica? [Italiano]

(1966) Robert Heinlein, Panarchy on the Moon [English]
(1966) Robert Heinlein, Panarchia sulla luna [Italiano]

(1974) Robert Pirsig, Quality [English]

Selected Web Page: Pascal Hügli, Alfred Escher and the Radical Liberals: Was Swiss Industrialization Socialist or Capitalist? (March 2019)

Selected Video: Hamdi Ulukayam, The anti-CEO playbook (Ted Talk April 2019)

Book Suggestion: Max Borders, The Social Singularity. A Decentralist Manifesto, Social Evolution, Austin, 2018


May 2019

(1880) Carlo Cafiero, Sulla abbondanza nella società del futuro [Italiano]

(1947) Paul and Percival Goodman, A New Community [English]

(2014) Kevin Carson, Is “Intellectual Property” a Necessary Incentive? [English]

(2015) Alessandra Pigni, No, you can’t ‘be the change’ alone [English]

Selected Web Page: Robert Graham's Anarchism Weblog (A documentary history of libertarian ideas)

Selected Video: World Economic Forum : Turning desert into fertile soil (April 2019)

Book Suggestion: Lysander Spooner, Two Treatises on Competitive Currency and Banking, American Institute for Economic Research, 2018


April 2019

(1932) Erich Mühsam, Das Weltbild des Anarchismus [Deutsch]

(1954) Ammon Hennacy, A Catholic Anarchist [English]

(1962) Louis Lecoin, Aux nouveaux jeunes anarchistes [Français]

(1967) Dorothy Day, Memories of an anarchist [English]

Selected Web Page: Máximo Eléutheros, La panarquía, una aproximación, Regeneración, (10 Mayo 2013)

Selected Video: Lera Boroditsky, How language shapes the way we think (Ted Talk 2018)

Book Suggestion: E. Armand, L'initiation individualiste anarchiste, Editions La Lenteur et Le Ravin Bleu, 2014.


March 2019

(1898) Fred Schulder, Anarchy and Organization [English]

(1913) Piotr Kropotkin, L'impôt [Français]

(1913) Piotr Kropotkin, Sui monopoli [Italiano]

(1947) Voline, Organization et imposition [Français]

(1954-1965) Ammon Hennacy, On the refusal to pay taxes [English]

Selected Web Page: Preservation Institute. The natural environment - The social environment (Plenty of interesting materials)

Selected Video: Max Borders on Panarchy - September 2014 (Liberty.me)

Book Suggestion: Ivan Illich, Beyond Economics and Ecology. The radical thought of Ivan Illich, Marion Boyars, London, 2015.


February 2019

(1904) Steven T. Byington, Beginning Anarchy Now [English]

(1928) Sébastien Faure, La synthèse anarchiste [Français]

(1977) Ivan Illich, Disabling Professions [English]

(2013) Carl Watner, Freedom to Choose Your Own Money [English]

Selected Web Page: Kierkeguardian, A 28th Amendment — The Exit Option (About Panarchy)

Selected Video: Hans Rosling, The best stats you've ever seen (Ted Talk, January 2007)

Book Suggestion: Louis Lecoin, Écrits de Louis Lecoin, Union Pacifiste, Paris, 1974


January 2019

(1911) Anselmo Lorenzo, Anarquistas, Anarquia y Anarquismo [Español]

(1919) Romain Rolland, La déclaration de l'indépendance de l'esprit [Français]
(1919) Romain Rolland, Declaration of the Independence of the Human Spirit [English]

(1985) Bob Black, Anarchism And Other Impediments To Anarchy [English]

(2007) Robert Higgs, Four Types of Government Operatives: Bullies, Muggers, Sneak Thieves, and Con Men [English]

Selected Web Page: Nicky Reid, Looking Left to Panarchy (September 24, 2018)

Selected Video: Helen Pearson, Parenting Lessons from the Longest-Running Study on Childhood (Ted Talk, April 2017)

Book Suggestion: Beniamino Di Martino, La Grande Guerra 1914-1918. Stato onnipotente e catastrofe della civiltà, 2018


December 2018

(1906) Albert Libertad, A la conquête du bonheur [Français]

(1913) Piotr Kropotkin, Sur les Monopoles [Français]

(1916) John Beverley Robinson, Voluntary Organization [English]

(1925) Elizabeth Byrne Ferm, Freedom in Education [English]

Selected Web Page: StoriaLibera. Rivista di scienze storiche e sociali (diretta da Beniamino Di Martino)

Selected Video: Leo Linbeck, Video on Subsidiarity, Acton Institute, 2013

Book Suggestion: James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg, The Sovereign Individual. Mastering the Transition to the Information Age, Simon and Schuster, 1999


November 2018

(1871) Adhémar Schwitzguébel, La Guerre et la Paix [Français]

(1880) Piotr Kropotkin, Sur les élections [Français]

(1905) Lucy Parsons, The Ballot Humbug [English]

(1908) Francisco Ferrer, La rénovation de l’école [Français]
(1908) Francisco Ferrer, The new school [English]

Selected Web Page: J. D. Tuccille, For a Less Divided America, Let People Pick Their Own Laws (October 4, 2018)

Selected Video: Magatte Wade, Why it's too hard to start a business in Africa - and how to change it (Ted Talk, August 2017)

Book Suggestion: Erich Müsham, Liberating Society from the State and other writings, PM Press, 2011


October 2018

(1884) Charlotte Wilson, Democracy or Anarchy [English]

(1892) Benjamin Tucker, Why I Am An Anarchist [English]

(1905-1910 circa) Lucy Parsons, The Principles of Anarchism [English]

(1951) Frank Lloyd Wright, On Anarchy [English]

Selected Web Page: Comparison of social networking software (Wikipedia)

Selected Video: Philip Zimbardo, About Evil (Ted Talk 2008)

Book Suggestion: Elizabeth Ferm, Freedom in Education, Factory School, 2005 (A creative humanistic approach to education)


September 2018

(1852) Josiah Warren, Individuality [English]

(1886) Louise Michel, Sur les femmes [Français]

(1917) A. Grachev, Anarchy is not Utopia [English]

(2017) Aviezer Tucker, Panarchy : The State 2.0 [English]

Selected Web Page: Responsive.org (Creating a fundamental shift in the way we work and organize in the 21st Century.)

Selected Video: Radia Svaboda, Intervista sulla panarchia (Agosto 2018)

Book Suggestion: Paul Avrich, ed., The Anarchists in the Russian Revoution, Thames and Hudson, London, 1973


August 2018

(1852) Josiah Warren, Liberty and responsibility of the individual [English]

(1900) Paul Robin et alii, Cempuis et l'éducation intégrale [Français]

(1914) Sébastien Faure, La Ruche [Français]

(1923) E. Armand, Sur l'autoritarisme [Français]

Selected Web Page: Sheldon Richman, In Defense of Extreme Cosmopolitanism, 2017 (Cosmopolitanism as openess to change)

Selected Video: Robert Waldinger, What makes a good life. Lesson from the longest study on happiness (Ted Talk, 2015)

Book Suggestion: Jung Chang & Jon Halliday, Mao. The Unknown History, 2005 (The biggest criminal in human history)


July 2018

(1898) Manifeste de l'éducation intégrale [Français]

(1918) A. L. and V. L. Gordin, Pan-Anarchy Manifesto [English]

(1915) International Anarchist Manifesto against the War [English]
(1915) Manifeste de l’Internationale Anarchiste contre la guerre [Français]

(1906) Albert Libertad, Le criminel c’est l’électeur [Français]

Selected Web Page: International Institute of Social History (data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations)

Selected Video: The Racist History of Illegal Immigration (USA and immigration)

Book Suggestion: Tidiane N'Diaye, Le génocide voilé, Gallimard. 2008 (La terrible traite des Noirs d'Afrique par le monde arabo-musulman pendant treize siècles)


June 2018

(1888) Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, Economía política y economía acrática [Español]

(1896) Joseph Labadie, Liberty, and Why We Want It [English]

(1908) Albert Libertad, La liberté [Français]

(1996) John Perry Barlow, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace [English]

Selected Web Page: Andrea Coccia, La democrazia ha fallito, il futuro è la panarchia (Linkiesta - Maggio 2018)

Selected Video: Creativity requires TIME (November 2011)

Book Suggestion: Paul Avrich ed., The Modern School Movement. Anarchism and Education in the United States, AK Press, 2006


May 2018

(1871) Mikhail Bakunin, Sur la Liberté [Français]
(1871) Mikhail Bakunin, About Freedom [English]

(1960) Manifeste de l'Internationale Situationniste [Français]

(1960) A. S. Neill, Summerhill (extract) [English]

(1962) Paul Goodman, Compulsory Miseducation (extract) [English]

Selected Web Page: Free-Man's Perspective, The Blessing of Panarchy (April 2018)

Selected Video: BBC Ideas, What would life be like without the state? (April 2018)

Book Suggestion: Elizabeth Anderson, Private Government. How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don't Talk about It), Princeton University Press, 2017


April 2018

(1848) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, La banque d’échange [Français]

(1850) William Batchelder Greene, Mutual Banking [English]

(1887) Ernest Lesigne, Les deux socialismes [Français]
(1887) Ernest Lesigne, The two socialisms [English]
(1887) Ernest Lesigne, I due socialismi [Italiano]

(1901) Piotr Kropotkin, Communism and Anarchy [English]
(1903) Piotr Kropotkin, Communisme et anarchie [Français]

Selected Web Page: Max Borders, It’s Not Cambridge Analytica. It’s Our System of Government, 2018

Selected Video: A reading of de Puydt's Panarchy (2018)

Book Suggestion: Joel Spring, A Primer of Libertarian Education, Free Life Editions, 1975


March 2018

(1885) Elisée Reclus, Votare è abdicare [Italiano]

(1909) Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, The Means of Power [English]

(1914) Max Nettlau, Anarchism: Communist or Individualist? Both [English]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, Federalism [English]

Selected Web Page: Coincentral (A mine of information about cryptocurrencies and blockchain)

Selected Video: How Could A Voluntary Society Function? (Possible ways to make a voluntary community to work)

Book Suggestion: Marc Angenot, L'utopie collectiviste, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1993 (Le grand récit socialiste sous la Deuxième Internationale)


February 2018

(1860) Josiah Warren, Voluntary subordination [English]

(1900) Lev Tolstoy, What should each man do [English]

(1902) Warlaam Tcherkesoff, The State and Social Economy [English]

(1934) Voline, La synthèse anarchiste [Français]

Selected Web Page: La Presse Anarchiste (une mine de documentes)

Selected Video: Capitalisme (Arté - Another view) [Français]

Book Suggestion: Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, The Pyramid of Tyranny, second edition, 1909


January 2018

(1883) Ce qu’est l’anarchie et ce que sont les anarchistes - Déclaration des Anarchistes accusés devant le Tribunal correctionnel de Lyon [Français]

(1884) Charlotte Wilson, Anarchy [English]

(1885) Emile Gautier, Le parlementarisme [Français]

(1905) Lev Tolstoy, The State [English]

Selected Web Page: Paul Bonneau, Panarchy: The Utility of Personal Experience (December 2017)

Selected Video: Ramsey Dukes, Anyone for Panarchy? (8 May 2017)

Book Suggestion: Lev Tolstoy, Government is Violence. Essays on Anarchism and Pacifism, Phoenix Press, London, 1990


December 2017

(1870) Mikhail Bakunin, Sur le gouvernement représentatif et le suffrage universel [Français]

(1887) Benkamin Tucker, The Nature of the State [English]

(1900) Ricardo Mella, Cooperación y colectivismo [Español]

(2017) Giovanni Tenorio, Secessioni, democrazie e panarchia [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Sheldon Richman, TGIF: Is Secession by Referendum Libertarian?

Book Suggestion: James J. Martin, Men Against the State, Libertarian Book Club, 1957 (The expositors of Individualist Anarchism in America, 1827-1908)


November 2017

(1776) Edward Gibbon, Sulla legge personale [Italiano]

(1910) Émile Pouget, L'action directe [Français]

(1937) Bart de Ligt, Against Violence [English]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, The State [English]

Selected Web Page: Hannah Arendt, Reflections on Violence, New York Review of Books, 1969

Book Suggestion: Alain Laurent, ed., Théories contre l'impôt, Les Belles Lettres, 2000


October 2017

(1900) Errico Malatesta, Federalismo e anarchia [Italiano]
(1900) Errico Malatesta, Federalism and anarchy [English]

(1904) Joseph Labadie, Anarchism: What It Is and What It Is Not [English]

(1929) Alexander Berkman, On Anarchy [English]

(1938) Rudolf Rocker, Anarchy: aims and purposes [English]

Selected Web Page: Book Review, Panarchy: Political Theories of Non-Territorial States, The Independent Institute

Book Suggestion: Bart de Ligt, The Conquest of Violence, 1938 (Thinking and acting against war)


September 2017

(1993) Richard M. Ebeling, Historical Capitalism vs. the Free Market [English]

(2006) Carl Watner, Fundamentals of Voluntaryism [English]

(2017) John Zube, Tolerance and Capitalism [English]

(2017) Giovanni Tenorio, Incontro (scherzoso) con la “panarchia” [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Aviezer Tucker, Panarchy: The State 2.0 - unsere zeit, August 2017

Book Suggestion: Max Nettlau, A Short History of Anarchism, Freedom Press, London, 1996


August 2017

(1849) Compte-rendu d'une Séance de la Société d'Economie Politique de Paris [Français]

(1885) Piotr Kropotkin, La décompositions des états [Français]

(1885) Elisée Reclus, Voter c'est abdiquer [Français]

(1891) Rosa Slobodinsky - Voltairine de Cleyre, The Individualist and the Communist. A Dialogue [English]

Selected Web Page: The Libertarian Labyrinth. An Archive of Anarchistic Histories and Possibilities.

Book Suggestion: Gwen Bell and Jaqueline Tyrwhitt, eds., Human Identity in the Urban Environment, Pelican, 1972 (An anthology on urban models)


July 2017

(1844) Karl Marx, The Competition among the Capitalists [English]
(1844) Karl Marx, La concorrenza tra i capitalisti [Italiano]

(1935) Carlo Rosselli, Socialismo e Fascismo [Italiano]

(1975) John Gall, Systemantik [Deutsch]

(1960) Walt Whitman Rostow, Colonialism [English]

Selected Web Page: Anarchy: a journal of anarchist ideas (A partial archive of scanned issues of Anarchy magazine, edited by Colin Ward and published monthly by Freedom Press from March 1961-December 1970.)

Book Suggestion: Dervla Murphy, Full Tilt. Dunkirk to Delhi by Bicycle, 1965 (The adventurous journey of a young girl)


June 2017

(1889) Ricardo Mella, Anarquía y Colectivismo [Español]

(1898-1918) Jan Waclav Makhaïski, Le socialisme des intellectuels - Passages [Français]

(1934) Carlo Rosselli, Contro lo Stato [Italiano]

(2017) Jeffrey Tucker, Government Needs a Blockchain, and a Hard Fork [English]
(2017) Jeffrey Tucker, Il governo ha bisogno di un Blockchain e di una Hard Fork [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: La Tradizione Libertaria (Blog in Italiano su figure e movimenti libertari)

Book Suggestion: Gian Piero de Bellis, ed., Panarchia. Un paradigma per la società multiculturale, D Editore, 2017


May 2017

(1923) Thorstein Veblen, The banks take over [English]

(1950) Alex Comfort, The State and Human Behaviour [English]

(1956) John Strachey, The vision of perfect competition [English]

(1969) Diego Abad de Santillán, Apuntes para una problematica del anarquismo [Español]

(2017) Jain Daugh, Reflections on Learning and Human Beings [English]

Selected Web Page: Carta de naturaleza (El blog interesante de Pedro Donaire)

Book Suggestion: Vladimiro Muñoz, Antología Acrata Española, Ediciones Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1974


April 2017

(1901) Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, Concepción del Ideal Libertario [Español]

(1923) Thorstein Veblen, The grabbing of natural resources [English]

(1986) John Zube, Der Weg zur Freiwilligkeit [Deutsch]

(2017) Jain Daugh, Reflections on Panarchy [English]

Selected Web Page: Mark Frazier (Openworld. Inc.) interesting writings

Book suggestion: Richard Susskind & Daniel Susskind, The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts, Oxford University Press, 2016


March 2017

(1890) Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, Questions de Tactique ou L'anarchie sans adjectifs [Français]
(1890) Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, Questiones de Tactica or La anarquia sin adjetivos [Español]
(1890) Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, Questioni di Tattica o L'anarchia senza aggettivi [Italiano]
(1890) Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, Questions of Tactics or Anarchy without adjectives [English]

(1923) Thorstein Veblen, Absentee Ownership [English]

(2009) Michael Rozeff, Freiheit in der Wahl der Regierung [Deutsch]

(2017) John Zube Panarchies/Polyarchies [English]

Selected Web Page: Charles Johnson, Against All Nations and Borders (2013) ("Libertarianism has nothing to do with national interests")

Book suggestion: Burton W. Folsom, The Myth of the Robber Barons. A new look at the rise of Big Business in America, 1987


February 2017

(circa 108) Epictetus, The human being as citizen of the world [English]
(circa 108) Epitteto, L’essere umano, cittadino del mondo [Italiano]

(1923) Thorstein Veblen, National Politics as Sanctified Gangsterism [English]

(1940) George Orwell, Review of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler [English]

(1964) Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation - extract [English]

Selected Web Page: Weebies, Free Market Anarchism (The beauty and variety of anarchy)

Book suggestion: Alessandra Pigni, The Idealist's Survival Kit, Parallax Press, 2017 (75 Simple Ways to Prevent Burnout)


January 2017

(1765) Anders Chydenius, The National Gain [English]

(1894) John Beverley Robinson, What is Freedom? [English]

(1934) Matthew Josephson, Big Trusts and Big Crises [English]

(1973) Erich Fromm, A Frame of Orientation and Devotion [English]

Selected Web Page: Canton Nation (the new website of Dwight Johnson)

Book suggestion: Burton J. Hendrick, The Age of Big Business, Yale University Press, 1919 (A chronicle of the captains of industry in the United States during the early phase of industrialism)


December 2016

(1934) Matthew Josephson, The Origin of the Trusts [English]

(1962) Ludwig von Mises, In Praise of Government [English]
(1962) Ludwig von Mises, Elogio del Governo [Italiano]

(1973) Erich Fromm, Territorialism and Dominance [English]

(1980) Karl Hess, Anarchia senza additivi ideologici [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Science of Persuasion (Dr. Robert Cialdini presents his latest work)

Book suggestion: Thorstein Veblen, Absentee Ownership (1923) (The capitalism of the big share owners)


November 2016

(1949) Nicolas Berdiaeff, La personne et la société [Français]

(2015) Stefan Blankertz, Anarcho-Capitalism. Against violence (extract) [English]

(2016) Fred Reed, Compaction, Pack Instinct, and Territoriality [English]

(2016) James Clayton, Mutual Non-aggression Is Mutually Beneficial [English]

Selected Web Page: Speranta Dumitru, Passports Were a "Temporary" War Measure (... and they are still with us)

Book suggestion: Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barons : the Great American Capitalists, 1861-1901 (1934) (Vitality and brutality of the protagonists of an era)


October 2016

(1848) Karl Marx, On Taxation [English]

(1973) Erich Fromm, Aggression and Freedom [English]

(1998) Roderick T. Long, A Plea for Public Property [English]
(1998) Roderick T. Long, Per la proprietà pubblica [Italiano]

(2016) Fabio Massimo Nicosia, Che cosa non va nello « Stato di diritto » [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Carol M. Rose, Possession as the Origin of Property (1985)

Book suggestion: Marianne Enckell, La Fédération Jurassienne, Canevas Editeur, Saint-Imier, 1991 (Le Jura, le "pays de la précision" où l'idée et la pratique de l'anarchie ont montré une des plus belles expériences)


September 2016

(1946) Albert Camus, Vers le Dialogue [Français]
(1946) Albert Camus, Towards Dialogue [English]

(1962) Theodore Roszak, The Disease called Politics [English]

(1996) Roderick T. Long, In Defense of Public Space [English]
(1996) Roderick T. Long, In difesa dello spazio pubblico [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Joel Mokyr, The Commons of Knowledge: A Historical Perspective

Book suggestion: Robert M. Pirsig, Lila. An Inquiry into Morals (1991)


August 2016

(1863) Nikolay Chernyshevsky, What Is To Be Done? [English]

(1916) Randolph S. Bourne, What is Exploitation? [English]

(1975) John Gall, Sistemantica [Italiano]

(2015) Stefan Blankertz, Anarchokapitalismus. Gegen Gewalt (Auszug) [Deutsch]

Selected Web Page: Carol M. Rose, The Comedy of the Commons: Commerce, Customs and Inherently Public Property (1986)

Book suggestion: Erich Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973)


July 2016

(1923) Camillo Berneri, Il liberismo nell’Internazionale [Italiano]

(1989) Carl Watner, The Exit Option [English]

(1894) Stephen T. Byington, Beispielsfälle einer anarchistischen Gesellschaft [Deutsch]

Selected Web Page: Ronald Hamowy, The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism (A useful reference tool)

Selected Article: Esce un'Antologia Panarchica (La presentazione di Roderick Long tradotta in italiano da Enrico Sanna)

Book suggestion: Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem (A Report on the Banality of Evil)


June 2016

(1894) Stephen T. Byington, Precedents for Anarchistic Society [English]
(1894) Stephen T. Byington, Antecedenti di una società anarchica [Italiano]

(1934) Camillo Berneri, L'operaiolatria [Italiano]

(1936) Arthur Burns, The Decline of Competition - Summary [English]

(2016) Roderick Long, A Panarchist Anthology [English]

Selected Web Page: Paul Bonneau, A Method for Achieving Panarchy (April 2016) (Further elaborations on Panarchy)

Book suggestion: Abraham Kaplan, The Conduct of Inquiry. Methodology for the Behavioral Science (1964)


May 2016

(1951) Albert Camus, Le terrorisme d’État et la terreur irrationnelle [Français]

(1977) Robert LeFevre, How Can We Do It? [English]

(1988) Carl Watner, The Struggle for Religious Freedom and the Voluntaryist Tradition [English]

Selected Web Site: Ethereum (The Ethereum platform for building the future)

Book suggestion: Carlos Rangel, El Tercermundismo (1982)


April 2016

(1927) Julien Benda, La Trahison des clercs. Vue d’ensemble. Pronostics [Français]

(2007) Carl Watner, The Territorial Assumption: Rationale for Conquest [English]

(2011) Peter T. Leeson, Government, Clubs, and Constitutions [English]

(2016) John Zube, Hyphenated Libertarianism [English]

Selected Web Page: Peter Leeson Papers (On law, economics, governments)

Book suggestion: Thorstein Veblen, The Engineers and the Price System, 1919 (The economic élite controlling the amount of production and the fixing of prices)


March 2016

(1905) Errico Malatesta, Programma Comunista Anarchico [Italiano]

(1910) Gustav Landauer, Schwache Staatsmänner, schwächeres Volk ! [Deutsch]
(1910) Gustav Landauer, Weak Statesmen, Weaker People ! [English]
(1910) Gustav Landauer, Uomini di stato deboli, popolo ancora più debole ! [Italiano]

(1925) H. L. Mencken, More of the Same [English]
(1925) H. L. Mencken, Di più dello stesso [Italiano]

(2000) Carl Watner, Ropes of Sand: Voluntaryism and Secessionism [English]

Selected Web Page: Liberty.me (The Global Liberty Community)

Book suggestion: Alfred D. Chandler jr., The Visible Hand. The Managerial Revolution in American Business (The rise of big companies and mass production)


February 2016

(1962) Anonym, demokratie mit einem kleinen "d" [Deutsch]

(2012) Fabio Massimo Nicosia, Marxismo e anarco-capitalismo [Italiano]

(2015) Adam Knott, The Problem of Libertarianism [English]

(2015) John Zube, Alternatives [English]

Selected Article: Raffaele Alberto Ventura, Stati Virtuali (Gennaio 2016)

Selected Web Page: Michael Rozeff, A Way to Achieve Independence Through Peaceful Means (June 2015)

Book suggestion: Jeremy Rifkin, The Zero Marginal Cost Society (The Internet of Things and the Emergence of the Collaborative Commons)


January 2016

(1895) Gustav Landauer, Anarchismus - Sozialismus [Deutsch]
(1895) Gustav Landauer, Anarchism - Socialism [English]

(1919-1962) Ludwig von Mises, About the State [English]

(1959) Charles P. Snow, Intellectuals as Natural Luddites [English]
(1959) Charles P. Snow, Gli intellettuali come luddisti per natura [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Paul Bonneau, A Panarchist Take on Borders and Immigration (2015) (Some clarifying ideas about panarchies)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hashtag/panarchism (posts and comments on panarchy)

Book suggestion: Nicholas Christakis & James Fowler, Connected (2009)


December 2015

(1776) Adam Smith, Against the masters [English]
(1776) Adam Smith, Contro i padroni [Italiano]

(1844-1891) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Against the state [English]
(1844-1891) Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels, Contro lo stato [Italiano]

Selected Web Page : Colin Turner, The Mechanics of a Free Society (Proposals for a society based on freedom)

Selected Video : Are We All Bigots? (About racism)

Book suggestion: Miura Atsushi, The Rise of Sharing (2014) (Fourth-Stage Consumer Society in Japan)


November 2015

(1956) Leon Festinger, An Introduction to the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance [English]

(1970) Kenneth E. Boulding, Nondialectical Patterns in History [English]

(2014) Jeffrey Tucker, Against Libertarian Brutalism [English]
(2014) Jeffrey Tucker, Contro il brutalismo libertario [Italiano]

Selected Web Site: Bleeding Heart Libertarians. About (A blog about free markets and social justice)

Book suggestion: Kenneth E. Boulding, A Primer on Social Dynamics (1970) (How societies evolve)


October 2015

(1871) La Circolare di Sonvilier [Italiano]
(1871) The Sonvilier Circular [English]

(1924) Camillo Berneri, Della tolleranza [Italiano]

(1952) Moritz Schlick, The State [English]

Selected Web Site: The Beacon (The blog of the Independent Institute)

Selected Web Document: The Road to Panarchy: An Interview with Joe Kopsick (2015) (A long peroration on the validity of panarchy)

Book suggestion: Bertrand de Jouvenel, La crise du capitalisme américaine (1933) (A critical examination of the failures of capitalism)


September 2015

(1848) Gustave de Molinari, Lettre aux socialistes [Français]

(1863-1883) Karl Marx, The Role of Credit in Capitalist Production [English]
(1863-1883) Karl Marx, Il ruolo del credito nella produzione capitalistica [Italiano]

(1962) Abraham Maslow, Some Basic Propositions of a Growth and Self-Actualization Psychology [English]

Selected Web Site: Institut Coppet (L’Institut Coppet se donne pour mission de participer à la renaissance et la réhabilitation de l’école française d’économie politique par un travail éducatif et culturel.)

Selected Web Document: David J Smith, Minority Territorial and Non-Territorial Autonomy in Europe: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Challenges.

Book suggestion: Charles H. Ferguson, Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America (Finance capitalism as "lemon socialism")


August 2015

(1884) Henry Appleton, Anarchism, True and False [English]

(1892) H. M. Hyndman, Commercial Crises of the Nineteenth Century [English]

(2012) Paul Bonneau, Private Property vs. 'Your Stuff' [English]

Selected Web Site: Pulgarias (Una miniera di documenti nell'interessante sito di Enrico Sanna)

Selected Web Page: Left-Liberty Net: Essays (List of links to interesting essays)

Book suggestion: Théories contre l'impôt (Des voix classiques contre l'oppression fiscale)


July 2015

(1884) Herbert Spencer, The New Toryism [English]

(1965) Murray N. Rothbard, Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty [English]

(2006) Roderick T. Long, Rothbard's "Left and Right": Forty Years Later [English]

Selected Web Site: Competitive Federalism (Competition between governments results in the best society, with the most freedom and the most prosperity)

Selected Article: Damien Theillier, La panarchie, plaidoyer pour la concurrence politique (2015) (Un article écrit par le fondateur de l'Institut Coppet de Paris)

Book suggestion: Michael Maren, The Road to Hell. The ravaging effects of foreign and international charity. (A formidable exposure of the damage produced by disfunctional state aid and corruptive charity)


June 2015

(1880) Friedrich Engels, The historical dynamics of the capitalist society [English]
(1880) Friedrich Engels, La dinamica storica della società capitalista [Italiano]

(1959) David T. Bazelon, What Is Property? [English]

(2015) Jeffrey Tucker, The Delusions of the Left [English]
(2015) Jeffrey Tucker, Le illusioni e gli inganni della sinistra [Italiano]

Selected Web Page: Leon Maclaren, Nature of Society (An interesting long essay published in 1937)

Book suggestion: Charles A. Beard, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States (A classic text)

Festival of the Future: Voice and Exit - June 20-21, Austin, Texas


May 2015

(1962) Anonymous, democracy with a small "d" [English]
(1962) Anonyme, La démocratie avec le “d” minuscule [Français]
(1962) Anonimo, La democrazia con la "d" minuscola [Italiano]

(1964) Alexander Calandra, The Barometer Story. A problem in teaching critical thinking [English]

(1976) Howard S. Katz, The Paper Aristocracy (excerpts) [English]

(2014) François-René Rideau, Le mythe du "public" et du "privé" [Français]
(2014) François-René Rideau, The myth of "public" and "private" [English]

Selected Web Page: Richard Boren, Insurance Companies as Competing Governments: Whose Idea Was It? (From voluntaryist.com)

Book suggestion: David T. Bazelon, The Paper Economy (1963) (From the production of goods to the creation of paper money)


April 2015

(1867) Karl Marx, State debt, capital and big industry [English]
(1867) Karl Marx, Debito statale, capitale e grande industria [Italiano]

(1963) Ludwig von Mises, Society as Human Cooperation [English]
(1963) Ludwig von Mises, La società come cooperazione umana [Italiano]

(2015) Larry Schiereck, Max Stirner's Egoism and Nihilism - (PDF) [English]

Selected Web Page: Alvin Lowi, Voluntary Government as a Marketable Service: Reminiscences on the History of an Idea (From voluntaryist.com - October 2014)

Book suggestion: Geoffrey Broadbent, Design in Architecture. Architecture and the Human Sciences, 1988 (Creativity and Planning)

Audio version of Karl Hess' Anarchism without Hyphens, read by Meghan K. Lords (2015)


March 2015

(1910) Rudolf Hilferding, Finance Capital [English]

(1924) John R. Commons, Commodity Tickets and Price Tickets [English]

(1958) C. Northcote Parkinson, Parkinson's Law (extract) [English]

(2015) John Zube, Pan Directory (R - Z)

Selected Web Page: Janique Dubois, Beyond Territory : Revisiting the Normative Justification of Self-Government in Theory and Practice (2011) (Beyond the link between nation, state and territory)

Book suggestion: Gérard Noiriel, État, nation et immigration (Gallimard 2005)


February 2015

(1942) Erich Fromm, Mechanisms of Escape from Freedom [English]

(1977) Leopold Kohr, Optimum Size [English]

(2014) James Clayton, unSTATEd? (from a Canadian perspective) [English]

(2015) John Zube, Pan Directory (I - P)

Selected Web Page: Eric B. Schnurer, E-Stonia and the Future of the Cyberstate, Foreign Affairs, January 2015 (A shape of things to come)

Book suggestion: Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957) (Psychological attitudes towards data of reality)


January 2015

(1960) Gordon W. Allport, The Open System in Personality Theory [English]

(1964) Herbert Marcuse, One Dimensional Man (extract) [English]

(2014) Max Borders, The New Frontier [English]

(2015) John Zube, Pan Directory (A - H)

Selected Web Page: The philosophy of voluntaryism (October 2014) (Everything voluntary)

Book suggestion: Elinor Ostrom, The Future of the Commons, The Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 2012 (Beyond market failure and government regulation)


December 2014

(1919-1944) Ludwig von Mises, On Secession [English]
(1919-1944) Ludwig von Mises, Sulla secessione [Italiano]

(1942) Robert K. Merton, The Normative Structure of Science [English]

(2013) Jason Potts and Trent MacDonald, The Future of Cities as Non-Territorial Public Goods Clubs [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (V) (W1) (W2) (XYZ)

Selected Web Page: Panarchy in Palestine: The No-State Solution (The simplest solution to be tried for peace)

Book suggestion: Nikolai Chernyshevsky, What is to be done? (Tales about new people) (1863)


November 2014

(1969) Karl Hess, Where Are the Specifics [of Libertarianism] ? [English]

(1969) Murray N. Rothbard, Confiscation and the Homestead Principle [English]
(1969) Murray N. Rothbard, La confisca e il principio di homestead [Italiano]

(2013) Trent MacDonald, The Unbundled State [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (T1) (T2) (T3) (T4) (U)

Selected Web Page: Paul Bonneau, The Advantage of Panarchy (July 2014) (A reiteration of why panarchy is the best method to overcome all political conflicts)

Book suggestion: Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, 1974 (An inquiry into values)


October 2014

(1944) Ludwig von Mises, Marxism and the Labor Movement [English]

(1952) Moritz Schlick, Der Staat [Deutsch]
(1952) Moritz Schlick, Lo Stato [Italiano]

(1972) Erwin Laszlo, The Rise of the Systems Sciences [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (S1) (S2) (S3) (S4)

Selected Web Page: Eric Smalis, The Future of Governance is In The Cloud (A framework for legal governance in the digital age) (June 2014)

Book suggestion: Kenneth E. Boulding, A Primer on Social Dynamics, 1970 (How change occurs)


September 2014

(1915) Paolo Schicci, La guerra e la civiltà [Italiano]

(1967) Murray Rothbard, War Guilt in the Middle East [English]

(2014) Gian Piero de Bellis, Churchism / Statism [English]
(2014) Gian Piero de Bellis, Chiesismo / Statismo [Italiano]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (Q) (R1) (R2)

Selected Web Page: Roni Gechtman, National-Cultural Autonomy and 'Neutralism': Vladimir Medem's Marxist Analysis of the National Question, 1903-1920 (The ideas of non territorial federalism and cultural autonomy by a leader of the Jewish Labour Bund)

Book suggestion: Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People, 2009 (Reconstructing historical truth)


August 2014

(1925) Mary Parker Follett, The law of the situation [English]

(1929) Walter Lippmann, Patriotism and state sovereignty [English]

(1963) Bruno Leoni, Voting versus the Market [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (P5) (P6) (P7) (P8)

Selected Web Site: The Mont Pelerin Society (individuals and ideas)

Book suggestion: J. Sholto Douglas and Robert A. de J. Hart, Forest Farming, Watkins, 1976 (A classic text)


July 2014

(1916) Bertrand Russell, Nationalism vs. Human Development [English]

(1925) Robert Michels, La tendenza delle masse alla venerazione dei capi [Italiano]

(1952) J. L. Talmon, The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy - Introduction [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4)

Selected Web Document: Elinor Ostrom, Beyond markets and states: polycentric governance of complex economic systems (2009) (A superb presentation of relevant ideas)

Book suggestion: Robert Michels, La sociologia del partito politico, il Mulino, 1966


June 2014

(1848) Antoine Martinet, Statolatrie ou Le Communisme Légal [Français]

(1917) Israel Zangwill, The Principle of Nationalities [English]

(1954) Joseph Schumpeter, Scholasticism and Capitalism [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (N1) (N2) (O)

Selected Web Document: John H. Herz, Rise and Demise of the Territorial State (1957) (Towards universalism)

Book suggestion: Nigel Harris, Thinking the Unthinkable. The immigration myth exposed, I.B.Tauris publishers, London, 2002


May 2014

(1917) Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism (extract) [English]

(1927) John Maxcy Zane, The Multiplication of Laws and Lawyers [English]

(1961) William Lederer, Secrecy in Government [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (M1) (M2) (M3)

Selected Web Document: Ali Khan, The Extinction of Nation-States (1992) (Beyond the territorial state)

Book suggestion: J. Christopher Jones, Design Methods. Seeds of human future, John Wiley & Sons, 1980


April 2014

(1791) Olympe de Gouges, Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne [Français]
(1791) Olympe de Gouges, Dichiarazione dei diritti della donna e della cittadina [Italiano]

(1864) Fustel de Coulanges, Le Christianisme [Français]

(1926) Carlton J. H. Hayes, Nationalism as a Religion [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (L1) (L2) (L3)

Selected Web Document: Butler Shaffer, Secession and the Law (March 2014) (The basic voluntary choice)

Book suggestion: Zach Weinersmith, Polystate: A Thought Experiment in Distributed Government (2014) ("Polystate" refers to the idea of a geographic entity in which multiple overlapping states exist)


March 2014

(1792) Wilhelm von Humboldt, The Sphere and Duties of Government - passages [English]

(1902) Henri Poincaré, La science et l'hypothèse - extrait [Français]

(1973) Ivan Illich, Conviviality - extract [English]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (J) (K)

Selected Web Document: Toward a Global Ethic (A declaration on universal principles)

Book suggestion: Thomas E. Woods, jr., How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, Regnery Publishing, 2005


February 2014

(1844) Max Stirner, Der politische Liberalismus [Deutsch]
(1844) Max Stirner, Political Liberalism [English]
(1844) Max Stirner, Le libéralisme politique [Français]
(1844) Max Stirner, Il liberalismo politico [Italiano]

(1872) Le Congrès de l'Internationale Anti-autoritaire [Français]
(1872) The Congress of the Anti-authoritarian International [English]
(1872) Il Congresso dell'Internazionale Anti-autoritaria [Italiano]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (H) (I1) (I2)

Selected Web Document: Eamonn Butler, Foundations of a Free Society, The Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 2013

Book suggestion: Alvin Toffler, Powershift, Bantam Press, 1990 (A classic on future studies)


January 2014

(1851) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Sur l'économie [Français]
(1851) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, On economy [English]

(1881) Piotr Kropotkin, On Order [English]

(2007) William Gillis, The Freed Market [English]
(2007) William Gillis, Il mercato liberato [Italiano]

(2013-2014) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (G1) (G2) (G3)

Selected Web Page: The Center for a Stateless Society (Free market anticapitalism)

Book suggestion: Gary Chartier & Charles W. Johnson, Markets Not Capitalism (against bosses and corporate power)


December 2013

(1921) R. H. Tawney, On Property [English]

(1962) Henry Treece, The First Crusade [English]

(1971) Ivan Illich, On Deschooling [English]

(2013) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (F1) (F2) (F3)

Selected Web Page: Susanne Tarkowski, To be governed by TED (Talk on personal choice and non-territorial governance) (2012)

Book suggestion: Peter Miller, Smart Swarm, Collins, 2010 (Group behaviour from animals to humans)


November 2013

(1924) Albert Jay Nock, On Doing the Right Thing [English]

(1955) Gordon Allport, Becoming [English]

(2013) Max Borders, The Real Social Contract. A challenge to partisans: What if you really could have your chosen system? [English]
(2013) Max Borders, Il vero contratto sociale? Poter scegliere in libertà a quale comunità aderire

(2013) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (D) (E1) (E2)

Selected Web Page: Paul Bonneau, Everyone gets what he wants (Further elaborations on Panarchy)

Book suggestion: William T. Cavanaugh, The Myth of Religious Violence, Oxford University Press, 2009 (An unconventional view of the religious/secular distinction)


October 2013

(1929) Denis de Rougemont, Les Méfaits de l’Instruction publique (extrait) [Français]

(1931) Eugène Lanti, Manifesto de la Sennaciistoj [Esperanto]
(1931) Eugène Lanti, Manifeste des Anationalistes [Français]

(2008) Michael Rozeff, For the Freedom of Political Association [English]

(2013) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (C1) (C2) (C3)

Selected Web Page: Max Borders, The Real Social Contract. A challenge to partisans: What if you really could have your chosen system? (Panarchy presented and explained by the director of content for The Foundation for Economic Education, FEE)

Book suggestion: David Keen, Useful Enemies. When waging wars is more important than winning them, 2012 (The vital necessity for the state of inventing and manufacturing "useful enemies")


September 2013

(1882) Ernest Renan, Qu’est-ce qu’une nation? (extrait) [Français]
(1882) Ernest Renan, What is a nation? (extract) [English]

(1947) Erich Fromm, Humanistic Ethics [English]

(1954) Gordon W. Allport, The Scapegoats [English]

(2013) John Zube, On Liberty. Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans for Individual Liberty & Rights against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices (A) (B)

Book suggestion: C. Northcote Parkinson, Parkinson's Law or the Pursuit of Progress, 1958 (Social irreverence at its best)


August 2013

(1922) H. L. Mencken, Le Contrat Social [English]

(1958) Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks' Arrest [English]

(1962) Viktor E. Frankl, The Will to Meaning [English]

(1967) Aldo Capitini, Le tecniche della nonviolenza [Italiano]

Selected Web Site: The School of Cooperative Individualism (A Web site promoting the ideas of Henry George)

Book suggestion: Bertrand de Jouvenel, On Power, Liberty Fund (a masterpiece)


July 2013

(1934) Arnold Toynbee, The Challenge Hypothesis [English]

(1934) Joseph A. Schumpeter, Economic Development and Entrepreneurship [English]

(2013) Robert Higgs, Classical Liberalism's Impossible Dream [English]
(2013) Robert Higgs, L'impossibile sogno del liberalismo classico [Italiano]

Selected Web Site: The Independent Institute (food for the critical mind)

Text suggestion: Ernest Renan, Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? (PDF in English) (la nation comme choix volontaire)


June 2013

(1899) Stephen T. Byington, Ce qu'est l'Anarchisme [Français]

(1919) Max Weber, On Politics [English]

(1971) Saul D. Alinsky, The qualities of an organizer [English]

(2011) Chris Zumbrunn, On Democracy [English]

Selected Page: The Anarchist Library (A depository of texts)

Book suggestion: Muzafer Sherif et alii, The Robbers Cave Experiment. Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation (1987)


May 2013

(1913) Hilaire Belloc, The rise of the Capitalist State (extract) [English]

(1927-1944) Ludwig von Mises, On secession (selected passages) [English]

(1965) Jacques Ellul, L'illusion politique (extraits) [Français]

(2003) Adam Knott, Notes on Bitcoin [English]

Selected Page: Charles de Brouckère, Compte-rendu de Panarchie de Paul-Émile de Puydt (1860) [Français]
Charles de Brouckère, Review of Panarchy by Paul-Émile de Puydt (1860) [English]

Book suggestion: Nicholas Eberstadt, A Nation of Takers. America's entitlement epidemic (2012)
See also in Part II: Yuval Levin, Civil society and the entitlement state


April 2013

(1895) Gustave Le Bon, Psychologie des foules [Français]

(1939) Hyacinthe Dubreuil, A Chance for Everybody. A liberal basis for the organization of work [English]

(1960) Elie Kedourie, Nationalism [English]

(1965) P. T. Bauer, The Vicious Circle of Poverty: Reality or Myth? [English]

Selected Page: Best Web Sites to Download Free eBooks: the ultimate list

Book suggestion: P. T. Bauer, Dissent on Development, 1976 (Anti-conventional essays on development)


March 2013

(1956) William H. White, The Organization Man - Conclusion [English]

(1967) Leonard C. Lewin, The Functions of War [English]

(2013) Gian Piero de Bellis, From wicked occupations to worthy activities [English]
(2013) Gian Piero de Bellis, Dalle occupazioni deleterie alle attività meritevoli [Italiano]

Selected Web Site: Beyond Democracy (see: Links)

Book suggestion: Frank Karsten and Karel Beckman, Beyond Democracy, 2012

Video: Roger Young, I Hereby Secede (a video on personal secession)


February 2013

(1893) Voltairine de Cleyre, A Glance at Communism [English]

(1963) Ayn Rand, Against Anarchism [English]

(1969) Roy A. Childs jr., Objectivism and the State. An Open Letter to Ayn Rand [English]

(2013) Gian Piero de Bellis, Considérations Générales sur la Rencontre Internationale de l'Anarchisme (Saint -Imier, 8-12 Août 2012) (PDF) [Français]

Selected Web Page: Paul Bonneau, Panarchy, not Anarchy, Is the Answer (A reaffirmation of the peculiar worth of Panarchy)

Book suggestion: Pierre Lévy, Collective Intelligence, 1997 (especially chapter 2, 3 and 4)


January 2013

(1863) Gustave de Molinari, Cours d’Économie Politique, Douzième Leçon [Français]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, The Will to Power [English]

(2006) Stefan Molyneux, La Vie sans gouvernement : elle n'est pas aussi lointaine que vous ne le pensez [Français]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (V) (W) (XYZ)

Selected Web Site: Libertarianism (Exploring the theory and history of liberty)

Book suggestion: Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave (A classic on future trends written in 1980)


December 2012

(1930) John Maynard Keynes, Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren [English]

(1985) Bob Black, The Abolition of Work [English]

(1977) John McKnight, Personalized Service and Disabling Help [English]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (T1) (T2) (U)

Selected Web Site: Collaborative Consumption (renting, swapping, bartering, gifting on a global scale)

Book suggestion: Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers, What's Mine Is Yours, Collins, London, 2011


November 2012

(2006) Stefan Molyneux, Life Without Government: It’s Not As Distant As You Think [English]

(2012) Alain Genestine, La Panarchie [Français]

(2012) Jeffrey Tucker, The Fundamental Right of Secession [English]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (R) (S1) (S2)

Selected Article: Max Borders, Panarchy: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? (The Freeman, November 2012)

Selected Web Site: African Anarchism (a list of resources)

Book suggestion: Collectif La Main Invisible, Libres !, Edition Roguet, 2012 (100 Auteurs, 100 Idées - Avec un Avant-propos de Ulrich Génisson et Stéphane Geyres, éditeurs)


October 2012

(1884) Benjamin R. Tucker, Socialism: What It Is [English]

(1927) Errico Malatesta, Anarchie et Organisation [Français]

(1952) Richard Douglas Heffner, The Gilded Age [English]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (P1) (P2) (P3) (Q)

Selected Web Page: Sheldon Richman, Individualism, Collectivism, and Other Murky Labels (Words Matter) (August 2012)

Book suggestion: Hendrik Spruyt, The Sovereign State and Its Competitors (Before and beyond the nation state)


September 2012

(1961) Don Werkheiser, Voluntary Associations [English]

(2012) Richard Moore, A model of self-governance (A presentation) [English]

(2012) Gian Piero de Bellis, About Anarchy (Themes) [English]
(2012) Gian Piero de Bellis, A Propos de l'Anarchie (Thèmes) [Français]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (M) (N) (O)

Selected Web Site: The Aquarian Agrarian (A blog about voluntaryist, subsidiarist, and panarchist theories of political economy)

Book suggestion: Leopold Kohr, The Breakdown of Nations (A classic text)


August 2012

(1961) Lewis Mumford, The Greek Polis [English]

(2011) Michael Rozeff, Personal Secession – The Way to Freedom [English]
(2011) Michael Rozeff, Secessione individuale : la via della libertà [Italiano]

(2012) Gian Piero de Bellis, From congested agglomerations to convivial habitats [English]
(2012) Gian Piero de Bellis, Dalle agglomerazioni congestionate agli habitat conviviali [Italiano]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (J) (K) (L)

Selected Web Page: Keith Preston, Free Market Anarcho-Communism (An article from an advocate of panarchy)

Book suggestion: Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur, Business Model Generation (2010)


July 2012

(1923) E. Armand, L’individualisme antiautoritaire ou anarchiste. Ses aspirations [Français]

(1972) Eric Jantsch, Forecasting [English]

(2004) Paul B. Hartzog, 21st Century Governance as a Complex Adaptive System [English]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (G) (H) (I)

Selected Web Site: Everything Voluntary (A blog dedicated to promoting the ideals of voluntary human relations)

Book suggestion: Harold Lasswell and Abraham Kaplan, Power and Society (1950) (A classic of social inquiry and definition of terms)


June 2012

(1885) Auberon Herbert, The Principles of Voluntaryism and Free Life [English]

(1913) Norman Angell, On Human Nature [English]

(1961) Lewis Mumford, Rome from Megalopolis into Necropolis [English]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (E) (F)

Selected Web Page: Philip E. Jacobson, Three Voluntary Economies (Voluntarism in the economic sphere of organization)

Book suggestion: Duncan J. Watts, Six Degrees. The Science of a Connected Age (2003)


May 2012

(1855-1857) Charles Dickens, The Circumlocution Office [English]

(1964) Abraham Kaplan, The Process of Observation [English]

(1972) Maurice Brinton, As We Don't See It [English]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (C) (D)

Selected Web Page: Libertarian Investments, Panarchy is the Way to Win Hearts and Minds
(It presents very well the differences between mini-anarchists, anarcho-capitalists and panarchists)

Book suggestion: Philip Zimbardo, The Lucifer Effect. How Good People Turn Evil (2007)


April 2012

(1880) Auberon Herbert, State Education: a Help or Hindrance? [English]

(1967) Maurice Brinton, As We See It [English]

(1990) Bruce L. Benson, L'impresa della legge - Introduzione [Italiano]

(1973-2012) John Zube, An Anthology of Wisdom & Common Sense (A) (B)

Selected Web Page: Gary Chartier, The market as the antidote to capitalism (An interesting article advocating the distinction between market as free commerce and market as financial casino)

Book suggestion: Dwight Johnson, If Not Democracy. Essays on the Canton Movement (2011)


March 2012

(1848) John Stuart Mill, Objections to state interference [English]

(1938) Lewis Mumford, The Culture of Cities - extracts [English]

(1968) Maurice Brinton, Capitalism and Socialism [English]

Selected Web Page: Paul Bonneau, Panarchy, Subsidiarity and Me (2012)

Selected Web Page: The LRC blog. Panarchy for Israel and Palestine? by Michael S. Rozeff


February 2012

(1934) George Santayana, Many Nations in One Empire [English]

(1938) Denis de Rougemont, Journal d’Allemagne (passages) [Français]

(1961) Carl Rogers, Devenir une personne [Français]

Selected Web Page: Panarchy: The Political Paradigm of an Integral Society (A view of Panarchy)


January 2012

(1969) Carl Rogers, Liberté d'apprendre [Français]

(1981) Jane Jacobs, The Question of Separatism (Chapter One) [English]

(2011) John Zube, Towards a comprehensive encyclopedia on free banking (T-Z) [English]


December 2011

(1941) Carlton J. H. Hayes, From Nationalism to Imperialism [English]

(1959) Pitirim A. Sorokin and Walter A. Lunden, Power and Morality [English]

(2011) John Zube, Towards a comprehensive encyclopedia on free banking (P-S) [English]


November 2011

(1943) Albert Nock, Liberalism, Properly So Called [English]

(2011) Gian Piero de Bellis, Liberalism/Antiliberalism [English]
(2011) Gian Piero de Bellis, Liberalismo/Antiliberalismo [Italiano]

(2011) John Zube, Towards a comprehensive encyclopedia on free banking (I-O) [English]

Selected Article: Stephen Mauzy, Depoliticize Everything (Right to the point)


October 2011

(1986-1989) Le Grand E. Day, Writings on Panarchy [English]

(1997) Bruce L. Benson, Da dove viene la legge [Italiano]

(2011) John Zube, Towards a comprehensive encyclopedia on free banking (E-H) [English]

Selected Website: V for Voluntary (A Facebook page on voluntary action and interaction)


September 2011

(1934) Louis Loréal, Impôt. Article de L'Encyclopédie Anarchiste [Français]

(2005) Roderick T. Long, Liberty: The Other Equality [English]

(2011) John Zube, Towards a comprehensive encyclopedia on free banking (A-D) [English]

Selected Website: Index of Economic Freedom (The data showing the link between economic freedom and personal well-being)


August 2011

(1909) Max Nettlau, Παναρχία. Μια ξεχασμένη ιδέα του 1860 [Greek]

(1949) Warren Weaver, Recent Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Communication [English]

(2011) Fred Reed, Disengagement [English]

Selected Website: Usemlab. Economia e Mercati dalla prospettiva della Scuola Austriaca


July 2011

(1849) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, The State: Its Nature, Object, and Destiny [English]

(1886) William Graham Sumner, Laissez-Faire [English]

(1934) Henri Léon Follin, Paroles d'un Voyant (passages choisis) [Français]

Selected Website: Contrepoints (Une publication de liberaux.org) [Français]
Voir aussi: Islam et Libéralisme


June 2011

(1860) Paul Emile de Puydt, ΠΑΝΑΡΧΙΑ [Greek]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, State Nationalism [English]

(2011) Doug Casey, On Phyles [English]

Selected Web Page: Parallel States: A New Vision for Peace (A new idea of citizenship is needed for peace in Israel and Palestine)


May 2011

(2010) Michael S. Rozeff, Do You Really Want To Be a Republican or a Democrat? [English]
(2010) Michael S. Rozeff, Vuoi davvero essere un repubblicano o un democratico? [Italiano]

(2011) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarchism/Antianarchism [English]
(2011) Gian Piero de Bellis, Anarchismo/Antianarchismo [Italiano]

Selected Website: Changing Education Paradigms (You Tube) - Beautiful graphic presentation from a talk given at the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) by Sir Ken Robinson


April 2011

(1894) Henry Seymour, The Two Anarchisms [English]

(1970) Jerry Rubin, Do It ! (extract) [English]

(2008) Gian Piero de Bellis, Discovering de Puydt [English]
(2008) Gian Piero de Bellis, Alla scoperta di de Puydt [Italiano]

Selected Website: Complementary Currency Resource Center (Repository of documents on new ways of payment)


March 2011

(1848) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, La Démocratie [Français]

(1971) Murray Bookchin, Spontaneity and Utopia [English]

(1973) Colin Ward, Harmony through Complexity [English]

Selected Website: Albert Einstein Institution (Advancing freedom through nonviolent action)


February 2011

(1935) Camillo Berneri, Il cretinismo anarchico [Italiano]

(2001) Thomas Greco Jr., Money. Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender (Passages from Chapter 2) [English]

(2010) John Zube, On Bureaucracy [English]

Selected Website: Source List and Detailed Death Tolls for the Twentieth Century Hemoclysm
(The state as a killing machine)


January 2011

(1896) Pietro Gori, Il vostro “ordine” e il nostro “disordine” [Italiano]

(1896) Warlaam Tcherkesoff, Sur la concentration du capital [Français]

(1972) Paul Goodman, Little Prayers and Finite Experience (selected passages) [English]


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