
Showing posts with the label Inadilanto

Lina'la Sin History yan Prop A

Last week I taught my first classes ever. I've guest lectured and substituted for people before, but this was the first time that I had my own classes and that I was the one in charge. Thing went pretty well. I'm taking over four History of Guam classes for November, since the professor is off-island for medical purposes. At first I wasn't quite sure how to approach the classes, since I'll be the third teacher for them (their real professor, another sub and then me), and what I might want to do, will no doubt conflict with what the others have taught. Also, since I have a dissertation that still needs to be written and finished, I have to find a way to be creative and get my students thinking, without taking too much time away from my writing and research. For my first round of classes, things went pretty well. At least from my perspective. I gave some background on myself, gave a little lecture on what I see as being the importance of history, and also talked about how