
Showing posts with the label Hindi

Inquilab Zindabad!

I've been a writer on the site Guamology for more than a month now and the most shocking thing about the website is that the most popular, most viewed and most loaded page there is my article " Guam and Gaza ." Looking at the page statistics, it is by a huge margin the most visited page on the entire website. I'm not at all sure why, since its not the most discussed by any means. The post itself is something you'll find plenty of on this blog. Discussions about what kind of future and present should Guam have. Should we be an island that accepts the way the United States defines and determines our lives, in particular through their strategic military interests? Should we accept and celebrate it when they call us the tip of their spear? Or should we be pushing for an existence which is more focused on ourselves and doesn't rely on the most crass and militaristic ideas of weaponizing or militarizing. As I often say to people, if you accept and celebrate Guam as

Nihi Ta FanChat Gi Fino' Chamoru Put Kachidon Hindi #11

Rashne: Hafa Adai Miget! Miget: Hafa Adai Rashne! Hafa bidadÃ¥-mu pÃ¥’go? Rashne: Para bei fanegga’ kachido. Kao malago hao na ta hita na dos? Miget: Buente. Dipende nai. Hafa pon egga’? Rashne: Slumdog Millionare. Miget: Oh, bula hiningok-hu put enao. Gof maolek hun. Manggana gui’ meggai na premu. Rashne: Hu’u. Masusedi i mubi giya Mumbai, pinat gi sengsong i manaiguma’ siha. Miget: Ya taotao Mumbai hao no? Rashne: Hunggan, dumongkalo’ yu’ guihi. Meggaggai na hinasso-ku ginnen i tiempo-ku guihi. Miget: Pues siempre nina’lamahalang hao ni’ este na kachido. Rashne: Siña. Ti sumÃ¥ga’ yu’ gi ayu na klasin songsong (ti taiguma’ i familia-ku). Lao yanggen mana’mali’e i otro na lugat Mumbai siha, siempre bei tungo’ siha, ya bei hahasso iyo-ku “home.” Miget: Teneki dinilok hao tuiguini put i hinatme giya Mumbai gi i ma’pos na sÃ¥kkan. Rashne: Hunggan. Gof mahalang yu’ para i ciudÃ¥d-hu yan i familia-ku ni’ mañasÃ¥ga’ ha’ guihi. Miget: Hu’u. Manggaisuette hit na tÃ¥ya’ mandano’ annai ma hatme. Rashne

HÃ¥yi Yu’ Nu HÃ¥gu?

Ti mappot para un tungo' ngai'an na humalom nuebu na guinaiya gi lina’lÃ¥-hu. Sa’ ensigidas yu’ mamange’ betsu ta’lo! Yanggen un gof tungo’ yu’, pues esta un komprende siempre na sen fanahgue’yan i lina’lÃ¥-hu pa’go. Didide’ fitme pa’go, ya gi i mamaila na meses siha, tÃ¥ya siempre siguru. Kada nai hu hasso put este nuebu na guinaiya-ku, hu hasso lokkue i betsu “Fanatguiyan,” ni’ fine’nina hu fakcha’i gi un lepblon Tony Ramirez. Estague i palabras-ña: Fanatguiyan i ha’Ã¥ni-mu Chumachalek hao pa’go Kumakasao hao agupa’ Desde i mafañågu-mu Asta i finatai-mu Fanatguiyan i ha’Ã¥ni-mu Gefhasso na tÃ¥ya’ orÃ¥-ña I minagof yan i piniti gi lina’lÃ¥-mu Chumachalek hao pa’go Tumatanges hao agupa’ Kao u ma’ok este na nuebu na guinaiya? Pa’go sa’ sen sinekkai yu’, hu diseseha na hunggan. Lao put i atdet na tiempo siha ni’ ma nanangga yu’ mo’ña, hekkua’, ti siguru yu’. Lao para pa’go bai hu po’loñaihon este na chathinasso siha, ya gosa i chubaskon i guinaiyan-mÃ¥mi gaige gi halom i paky