
Showing posts with the label Facebook

Searching for the People of Magua'

  In 2018, our island community was re-introduced to a place called Magua', located behind US military fences on what is today known as NCTAMS (Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Guam). This re-introduction was bittersweet however, since it also was coupled with the news that the remnants of the area had been destroyed by construction for the US military buildup. Since that time however, more and more information has been unearthed about the CHamorus who once lived in Magua', from ancient settlements up until those displaced by the post-World War II US military land-takings. These revelations indicate that Magua' and its destruction may represent a failure on behalf of federal and local governments to protect Guam's cultural and historic sites. For the first HITA Talk of 2022, author, veteran and advocate for environmental and cultural preservation on Guam Dave Lotz will be presenting "Searching for the People of Magua'," on Thursday (2/24) from

Faisen i Guam Museum Hugua

  The second episode of "Faisen I Guam Museum" is happening this Tuesday, July 27th at 11 am Chamorro Standard Time on the Guam Museum Facebook page. If you have questions about Guam History, Chamoru culture or heritage, comment with them or email them to me at and I'll select some to try to answer as part of the livestream. The first one held last month was a lot of fun, I'm really looking forward to this one and continuing the community outreach on behalf of the Guam Museum.

A Man for All Seasons

Last week on the "Studies of the Chamorro" Facebook page I conducted a Teach-In titled "Robert Underwood: A Man for All Seasons." The Teach-In went very well, and despite only announcing it the day before,  according to Facebook it already has 6K views.  Part of my impetus for organizing the Teach-In has to deal with the current election and the race between current Guam non-voting delegate Michael San Nicolas and former Congressman Robert Underwood who is seeking to replace him. It has been frustrating to say the least to see so much commentary in the community that our current delegate has done more in a year and a half than his two predecessors did in decades. It has been frustrating to s ee some argue that Robert Underwood didn't do anything while in Congress.  Whether you support a candidate or not, their record and their accomplishments should stand. They should not be up for debate simply because you don't like someone. If that type of rhetoric is per

Fanohge Coalition Virtual Candidate Forums

Fanohge Coalition Announces Delegate and New Senatorial  Candidate Virtual Forums in August   The Fanohge Coalition, which is comprised of 37 community organizations, was recently formed in the hopes of promoting the issues of CHamoru self-determination and political status change in the 2020 Guam election. It is the hope of the Coalition, that the elected leaders of Guam be knowledgeable about and engage seriously in changing Guam’s political status and pursuing just redress for the CHamoru people. In early August the Fanohge Coalition will be holding two virtual forums, one for those running to be Guam’s non-voting representative to the US Congress and one for the non-incumbent candidates seeking election to  I Liheslaturan GuÃ¥han.  The tentative dates are as follows:               Congressional Delegate Candidate Forum – August 5 th , 10 am.              Non-Incumbent Senatorial Candidate Forum – August 6 th , 10 am.   Both forums will be livestreamed on the Fanohge Coalition’s Face

IG GA April 2020

As Pandemic Lockdown Continues on Island, Independent GuÃ¥han will focus its April ONLINE General Assembly on the Importance of Sovereignty and honor Chamoru health care pioneer Amanda Guzman Shelton For Immediate Release, April 26, 2020 -  Independent GuÃ¥han (IG) invites the public to attend its April General Assembly (GA), which will take place ONLINE through the group’s Facebook page on Thursday, April 30 th  from 4:00 – 5:30 pm.  The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, with to date, more than 2 million sick. From Guam, we have seen a variety of responses to this crisis, from countries that have both effectively combated and contained the virus, and others where the virus has spread and resulted in a significant loss of life. In a crisis such as this, we on Guam are reminded of the importance of sovereignty, or the basic ability to self-govern and seek to dictate our place in the world and relationships to others.  As the world waits to see if things

State of the Movement Live Stream

Tune in to Fanachu! on Facebook, Friday, January 4th, 2019 from 9am-12pm for a special live stream event, "State of the Movement."

Ma ayuyuda i manåmko'

Some images I took from the Ayuda i Mañainå-ta Dos event last month. There is a full album available on Independent Guåhan's Facebook page. I was glad to be able to help so many elderly people with their war claims forms, but I could not help but feel upset over my own grandparents not being eligible as they passed away in 2013 and 2015. ***************************

Adventures in Chamorro #4

On Facebook I have a regular informal series titled "Adventures in Chamorro." It ranges from stories of speaking Chamorro with my kids, protests, decolonization activism and also teaching Chamorro at UOG. I have not been on a hike in quite a while and so here are two stories dealing with hiking and my students at UOG. ********************* Adventures in Chamorro #234: For my Chamorro language classes I often have them write up some simple love poetry. I normally begin those assignments by talking about most elderly Chamorros refer to as traditional Chamorro courtship rituals. As Spanish Catholic influence made it very difficult for young unmarried men and women to interact with each other romantically, so much of the courtship happened in secret or through intermediaries known as "chule'guagua'" or "basket carr iers." It was a time of early-morning meetings down by the riverbank, sneaking away to the blindspots behind churches or nig

America's Afterthought

Guam gets its 15 mins of national or international media fame refreshed every few years, sometimes because of a typhoon or earthquake. Sometimes because of snake epidemics. Over the past few years, North Korea has had alot to do with Guam getting a little extra attention. Usually these periods are frustrating to analyze in media terms because Guam, even if it is mentioned as the focus of a story, still remains at the periphery of it. But this most recent North Korea scare led to a series of well-written and insightful articles that didn't shy away from Guam's colonial status, but engaged with it. Here below is probably my favorite piece to come out from all the drama. ************************* "Guam: A colonized island nation where 160,000 American lives are not only at risk but often forgotten" by Gene Park Washington Post August 11, 2017 “Total Americans affected: 3,831.” Fox News ran a video explainer  this week on the affect of North Korea’s missiles o

Fino' Chamoru na Inadaggao


Protecting White Privilege in the United States

This is a pretty good interview with Nicholas Kristof, discussing race, inequality, privilege and the inability to perceive that privilege among white people in the United States. Comedian Bill Maher recently made a joke, that the idea of white Christians being an oppressed group today, which is being attacked on all sides, is bewildering, because there are no articles and videos of white pastors and priests being brutally attacked and sometimes killed by cops with itchy trigger fingers. Privilege comes in so many forms, and part of its power and the reason it is so difficult to give up, is because as a regime of knowledge and power, it comes equipped with ways of projecting blame elsewhere, or doing everything possible to justify and mystify it, even to the point of taking ludicrous positions that in any other context, you would see as being shameful and embarrassing. It is easy to not realize the ways in which the color of your skin privileges and protects a person, at so many diff

Ha'anen Fino' Chamoru Ha' Ta'lo

Press Release Guagua Tiningo’ February 28, 2016 Ha’Ã¥nen Fino’ Chamoru Ha’: March 6th to be a “day of speaking Chamorro only.” Community is challenged to use as much Chamorro as possible to start off Mes Chamoru this year. Mangilao, Guam – Dr. Michael Lujan Bevacqua and Kenneth Gofigan Kuper, two Chamorro language revitalization advocates are encouraging people on island and around the world to participate in Ha’Ã¥nen Fino’ Chamoru Ha’ on March 6, 2016, or a day of only speaking Chamorro. This will be the second annual Ha’Ã¥nen Fino’ Chamoru Ha’ following last year’s successful campaign, in which more than 100 people committed to using as much Chamorro as possible on March 1, 2015. The organizers hope to keep expanded this new effort at revitalizing the Chamorro language, especially with Mes Chamoru or Chamorro month soon approaching and FESTPAC less than three months away. On March 6 th , participants are encouraged to use only the Chamorro language as they go ab

Rolling Stone on the Oregon Militia

Rolling Stone has done a couple of stories on the white militia occupation in Oregon. Here are two of them. ***************** WTF Just Happened to the Oregon Militia, Explained by Tim Dickinson Rolling Stone 1/27/16 The FBI has cut off the head of the snake of the militia  occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge  outside Burns, Oregon. The FBI announced Tuesday night that it had arrested eight militia members and that the leader of the standoff, Ammon Bundy, is in custody. One militant is dead, another wounded. Here's what you need to know. Did federal officials finally raid the wildlife refuge? No. The militants got cocky and went on a road trip. The FBI intercepted a group of six occupiers traveling on the state highway to John Day, an east Oregon city 70 miles north of Burns, where militants had been scheduled to appear at an anti-government rally Tuesday evening. Who did the FBI capture? The FBI arrested Ammon Bundy and his brother Ryan; the B

Saonao yan Eyak #5: Austronesian Family Reunion

It is less than 200 days til Guam hosts FESTPAC or the largest cultural festival in the Pacific. I am involved in FESTPAC in a number of forms and there are some ways that we are clearly ready and on course and others where ai adai it seems like it'll take a miracle for us to make it on time. But with each day, more and more things are decided and more and more groups come together. Hunggan sesso tai'esperansa yu' gi este na kinalamten, lao kada tumekkon yu', mafatto tinanga ta'lo. For those of you who would like to receive regular updates about FESTPAC, its planning and organizing go on Facebook and LIKE the official FESTPAC page. Here is the link: Or, each Friday the Pacific Daily News is featuring a different column under the banner of "Saonao yan Eyak" which covers a different aspect of the organizing taking place and also hopes to help prepare the people for what it is like

The Miner

I read Murakami as a younger man and enjoyed the first book I read, but disliked the next two and so I, in a way said abayo to Japan literature for a while after that. When I spent a month in mainland Japan over the summer I quickly ran out of English books to read and resorted to picking up some Japanese texts translated into English. I don't think I'll ever give Murakami a try again, but some of them were worth the time. I really enjoyed the book  Confessions of a Yakuza by Junihi Saga. I ended up giving a copy of it to my brother, as research for the Asian gangster books or films he is always dreaming of penning. I read two books by Keigo Higashino Salvation of a Saint and The Devotion of Suspect X, which were interesting and led me to get a copy of the rebooted Millennium series with a new author at the helm. I saw this article on Facebook and became intrigued. I might try to pick up a copy of it. ****************** Natsume Soseki goes to hell and back in "The