
Showing posts with the label Diversity

Trump and the NAACP

I am truly terrified about Donald Trump being elected President of the United States. As they say in English, all bets are off, if he wins, because he is so thin-skinned and ideologically inconsistent, anything could happen, and the worst probably will.  One thing that I can definitely give Trump credit for, is that he has created, on a regular basis, the most random stories about a presidential candidate I've ever seen. Most often, these stories are horrifying to varying degrees, they deal with him ripping people off, stoking racial hatred or just being stubborn in the face of clear facts. Alot of them have to do with the gap between who Trump presents himself to be, a super rich, generous, intelligent and good tempered person, and who he actually is on a daily basis. Here's one such article that caught my eye. *************************** No, Donald Trump Did Not Win a Medal from the NAACP Christine Wilkie Huffington Post 10/23/16 WASHINGTON — A photograph of

The Great White Hope

There are days, especially given the buffet of political rhetoric over the past few weeks, where I want to just quit my job and follow the presidential campaign in the United States full time. Normally, campaigns at this level, operate based on familiar assumptions. Very little happens, because both candidates, even if they attempt to demonize each other, accept certain basic principles about how their political positions are to be formed and defended. Bernie Sanders to some extent upset things this time around, by pushing a number of ideas and programs to the center, making the Democratic party as a whole contend with them. Trump however has changed everything, simply because of his refusal or inability to play the political games that politicians normally play. I don't mean that as a compliment, as many of his supporters like to point out. There is something attractive about that in certain candidates, as it seems like they would be able to offer a chance to break

Goftaotao Si Spock

George Takei says Leonard Nimoy was 'the most human person I've ever met' by Stephan Lee Entertainment Weekly (Exclusive) Posted March 2 2015 — 2:17 PM EST George Takei worked closely with Leonard Nimoy as Sulu in the Star Trek series. EW  talked with the actor about his favorite memories of Nimoy and the brilliant actor - and friend - he remembers him to be. EW : What were your initial thoughts upon hearing about Leonard’s death? GEORGE TAKEI : He was a great man. I learned of his passing in a sad irony. We were in Boston just coming in from JFK now, but I learned at Logan Airport of Leonard’s passing—at his birthplace. It was almost a kind of a bookend. The place where he was born and to learn of his passing there.  I know that it’s a very difficult time for his wife Susan and his children, Adam particularly, who himself is a director now. A chip off the old block. I send my heartfelt condolences to them. What part did Leonard play in fighting for

Lumuba Zapata Coalition

I posted last week about the work of the Lumuba Zapata Coalition at UCSD in a post titled Truth to Power . They have a blog where you can see the latest updates on their struggle to keep the Dimensions of Culture program at UCSD from loosing its radical social justice dimensions, and becoming a program about celebrating simple "diversity" and "multiculturalism." Here's the link to their blog Lumuba Zapata blog . I'm also pasting below videos that were uploaded on Youtube, of a protest/teach-in they had a few weeks ago.

Truth to Power at UCSD

I don't usually pay much attention to what happens at UCSD, since as a grad student I spend most of my time on my computer in my office, only venturing onto the campus itself for food. But my interest has been caught over the past few weeks because of a fight and protest over the basic destruction of a program on campus that has long been committed to the teaching of the need and the providing of the tools of social and racial justice. I don't know as much as I should know, and haven't been as involved as I would like to be because I've been travelling and writing the past few weeks, but here is a very instructive letter written by a TA in the program, which can give you a sense of what's going on, and how it is connected to the different ridiculous rightist pushes that are taking place across American campuses today to promote their ideas which are so marginal that they are only responsible for so much of the foreign and domestic violence in the world today. In the