
Showing posts with the label Chattaotao

Ti Ya-hu Si Ayn Rand

Published on Monday, March 5, 2012 by The Guardian/UK How Ayn Rand Became the New Right's Version of Marx Her psychopathic ideas made billionaires feel like victims and turned millions of followers into their doormats by George Monbiot   It has a fair claim to be the ugliest philosophy the postwar world has produced. Selfishness, it contends, is good, altruism evil, empathy and compassion are irrational and destructive. The poor deserve to die; the rich deserve unmediated power. It has already been tested, and has failed spectacularly and catastrophically. Yet the belief system constructed by Ayn Rand , who died 30 years ago today, has never been more popular or influential. Rand was a Russian from a prosperous family who emigrated to the United States. Through her novels (such as Atlas Shrugged) and her nonfiction (such as The Virtue of Selfishness) she explained a philosophy she called Objectivism.

Obama and Judicial Drama

Put este na klasi siha, na ti bai hu fa'yi'us Si Obama. I Manrepublicans, hinasson-niniha na gaige Si Obama gof chagogo' gi i banda Akague', lao ai adai, ti nahong iyo-na "inakague pulitikat" para Guahu. Esta noskuantos biaha desde mahula' gui', na nina'desganao yu' . Otro fino'-ta, achokka' sina hao i mas "liberal" na taotao annai malalagu hao para ofisinan pulitikat, gigon humalom hao mumas conservative. Ti sina masuhayi este. Ginnen i sistema. Gigon na manakikihon hao "power" lumaconservative. Despensa, sa' ti bei fangge post pa'go. Manegga' yu' Cricket gi i internet pa'go. Tres na matches manachagigigu. Sri Lanka vs. Pakistan, West Indies vs. England yan South Africa vs. Australia. Ai adai, esta kalang bulachu yu' nu este na binila'! *************************************** Published on Saturday, February 28, 2009 by Obama's Efforts to Block a Judicial Ruling on Bush's


Wexler Wants Hearings A website everyone interested in justice and a new direction for the United States of America, should check out, and become involved in. For those in Guam and the other territories who don't vote for President, don't have a vote that counts in Congress, yet get sent in huge numbers to the frontlines every American war, the issue of impeachment is still very important. We may not be "full" members of the American family , but the abuses of power that take place at the White House, Congress, the Pentagon all very much affect us. I wrote last week about the ways in which Guam has been brought into the War on Terror. When Donald Rumsfeld and Company were looking for a place to detain their freshly captured enemy combatants, Guam was one option. This is just one instance where we on Guam could have been made accesories to the abuses and excesses of power and authority that the Bush Administration has wrought. Thankfully the island was spared this, b

Ti Hita La'mon

Umesgen este ginnen i inetnon World Can't Wait . Para hamyo ni' esta maleffa, gi i tinituhun, annai ma arresta i fine'nina na "enemy combatants" siha, mama'tinas i Pentagon "list." Gi este na lista ma pega todu i lugat ni' sina inos para u pinengle siha. Ma pega gi esta na lista, lao ti ma ayek, i na'Ã¥n i bunita na islÃ¥-ta, GuahÃ¥n. Ai, guaha nai ti hu hongge i binachet i taotao GuahÃ¥n. Atan i kustumbren i AmerikÃ¥nu siha yan i militat-ñiha! Ma chule' magi i geran-ñiha gi i Tiempon Chapoñes, ya ma kechule' magi ta'lo i geran-ñiha gi este na "War on Terror." Ya ai adai ta'lo, ti Hita la'mon. Ti Hita la'mon. Todu tiempo, hu faifaisen maisa yu' este. "Ngai'an nai para ta atotga tumulaika este na estao-ta?” *************** The WORLD CAN'T WAIT is joining with the ACLU, Amnesty International and the National Religious Campaign Against Torture and others in actions around the country, with the key p

The Civilized World At Its Finest

The article, from The Guardian, below provides some perspective on the "treatment" of prisoners, with a good bit of truthful humor mixed in. It is only the belief in American inherent "exceptionalism" and unbreakable moral goodness, and therefore thay they posess alone the right to dictate and determine the nature of the world, that allows people in this country uncritically condemn the treatment of these 15 British prisoners by Iran, despite an incredible amount of evidence, from extraordinary rendition to Guantanamo Bay, which shows clearly that the that the only thing that makes the United States "exceptional" in this regard, is the way its Government and most of its population can remain blind to the violence it perpetuates at home, abroad and in a "no man's land" like GITMO. ******** Published on Saturday, March 31, 2007 by The Guardian/UK Call That Humiliation? No hoods. No electric shocks. No beatings. These Iranians Clearly Are a Ver

Homo Sacer and Torture

Put este na klasin tinige' siha, gof ya-hu Si Zizek. Malate' na taotao gui', ya magahet na gof grabu na isao este, na sina ta diskuti gi publiko' Put este na klasin tinige’ siha, gof ya-hu Si Zizek. Malate’ na taotao gui’ ya magÃ¥het na gof grÃ¥bu este na tinilaika, na pa’go siña ta diskuti gi publiko “torture” kulang tÃ¥ya’, kalang tÃ¥ya’ guaha. Gi i ma’pos na simÃ¥na, gi iyo-ña show “ Real Time ” ilek-ña Si Bill Maher, “Liberals have to stop saying that President Bush hasn’t asked Americans to sacrifice for the War on Terror. On the contrary, he’s asked us to sacrifice something enormous, our civil rights.” Sigun Zizek, mas ki este ha', na ha na'fansakrifisio hit. ************** Knight of the Living Dead By Slavoj Zizek The New York Times March 24, 2007 SINCE the release of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed’s dramatic confessions, moral outrage at the extent of his crimes has been mixed with doubts. Can his claims be trusted? What if he confessed to more than he really did, e