
Showing posts with the label Bespa

Typhoon Mawar

Typhoon Mawar was the first major typhoon for all of my children. My two older children who are in their teens, had experienced Typhoon Mangkhut in 2018 and Typhoon Dolphin in 2015. Both of these typhoons were damaging to Guam, but not in the same way that Mawar was last month. For my two smaller children, Lulai and MakÃ¥hna, this was their first typhoon of any type. And what a first typhoon it was for both of them. Lulai who will be turning 2 in a few months and MakÃ¥hna who wasn’t yet 3 weeks old when the storm hit. I am grateful that we weathered the typhoon well, no major injuries other than diaper and heat rashes. Two weeks later we still didn't have electricity and our cellphone service and data remains intermittent. But thankfully we had water albeit low at times, throughout. My partner Desiree and I have both been through major typhoons, with catastrophic destruction and disruption. Mawar was our first as parents. Looking back, it was a dramatically different expe

Adios Tan Agnes

  The grandmother of my partner Desiree, Tan Agnes Duenas Perez (familian Pepero) passed away last month at the age of 92. Her youngest great-grandchild is our daughter Lulai, born just last year. I am so thankful that they got to meet before her passing. I am also glad that I have was able to spend some time with her and listen to her stories. She was just 11 years old when the Japanese invaded Guam. She was the eldest of her siblings and helped care for them during this traumatic time. From her auntie Tan Amanda Guzman Shelton, a pioneering Chamoru nurse she learned some basic skills for helping the sick and the elderly. Soon after the war she married musician Josephat Mauro Perez and began to raise a large family. She spent time in those immediate postwar years helping to start the network of community centers and programs for manÃ¥mko’. Her family would become prominent in the village of To’to’ and well known for their musical talents. Tan Agnes had 12 childre

Pakaka Neni Famatkilu

My time with Lulai Lumuhu is filled with dancing and singing. Desiree always said that she would pay attention to my voice while she was in the womb. When she heard others, like Sumåhi and Akli'e' she would kick and move. But when I was speaking to her she would stop and listen. Ti siguguro yu' esta på'go, kao este kumekeilekña na ya-ña i bos-hu pat ti ya-ña i bos-hu. Kao ha respepeta yu', pat kao inespåpanta? I try as much as possible to sing Chamoru songs to her, knowing that she'll hear English and other songs from just about everywhere else, she'll be hearing Chamoru from me. The song that soothes her the most is "I Puti'on." Akli'e' and I do a nice duet of the song for her to help calm her when she is cranky. Over the years I've collected several dozen Chamoru children's songs from before World War II, many of which are fragments. Songs then were different then the way we think about them now. People took tunes they liked a

Lulai Lumuhu

After almost 13 hours of labor, I am excited beyond words to introduce all of you to Lulai Lumuhu Perez Bevacqua. Lulai means to fish on the reef by the moonlight. Lumuhu is an ancient Chamoru month, it was documented to mean “the time to return” or “to resume one’s path.” Desiree moved back to Guam last year to reconnect with her island and learn Chamoru. This name holds special significance, since her return home allowed us to meet. Perez is from Desiree’s family and is “Familian Boño.” She's also Familian Pepero as well. Bevacqua is my family and although we have roots elsewhere as well, we are from the Kabesa and Bittot families of Guam. Lulai has one of those matan bihu mÃ¥ngnge faces, that make you feel torn between pinching them to vent out the magoddai or take her hand and sniff it “manginge’” style to show her respect. She looks like fresh new life, paopaopao yan pao'neni lokkue' and also looks like my grandfather at the same time. Sen magof ham pÃ¥’go ya in agradede

I Gualo-mu ni Gefpågo

Kada diha mamomokkat yu’ gi este na tÃ¥no’ Nina’homhom ni’ malamaña na halomtÃ¥no’ Bula trongko guini, lao labula triniste Labula chinatpÃ¥go, labula pinadesi   Sesso sinekkai yu’ ni todu este Kulang rÃ¥mas, kalaktos kÃ¥nnai Ginen i mantaklalu na trongko siha   TÃ¥ya’ deskÃ¥nsa, tÃ¥ya’ fanliheng’an   Lao kada diha anai tumunok ta’lo i atdao Ya mahuchom i ha’Ã¥ni Linemlem yu’ ni oriyÃ¥-hu Sa’ kada nai i tai’ase na somnak Ha dingu i tano’ Ha na’lÃ¥’la’la’ lokkue’ i flores gi hatdin-mu   Ya ginen i hinemhom na halomtÃ¥no’ Hu tattitiyi ayu Esta ki humuyong yu’ Gi halom i hatdin-mu Bula flores Mannina’dokko’ nu i puti’on siha gi hilo’-hu   Ya guihi lokkue’ guaha sÃ¥ddok Ya i hanom-ña kulang bino Ya kada hu galamok, nina’malulok yu’ Ya nina’maigo’ yu’ lokkue’ Gi mañaña yan maipeñaihon na chÃ¥’guan

I Ora-ta gi Painge

Duru manhasso yu’ Put i orÃ¥-ta pÃ¥’go na puengi  Anai umapacha hit put kÃ¥nnai, lassas, labios I patten hÃ¥gu ti manmaleffÃ¥yon Gi asson-hu guini anai esta ma’pos hao Gagaige ha’ hao gi fi’on-hu Hu nginge’ hao, hu siente hao  Ti siña maleffa yu’ i minaipe-mu gi hinagong-mu gi matÃ¥-hu Este todu muna’mongmongmong i korason-hu Ya muna’kakai ha’ i minaigo’-hu