Monday 29 March 2010

Killing Joke - Live In Amsterdam,Holland 04/10/2005

Some of you might of watched this one "live" as it was broadcast over net on the now defunct brilliant Fabchannel dot com but if you missed it then,here it is again,all 1 and a half hours of it in all its glory. Use HJ-Split to join all the downloaded files


01 Communion
02 Wardance
03 Primitive
03 Complications
04 Total Invasion
05 Requiem
06 Hosannas
07 Frenzy
08 Majestic of Hell
09 Asteroid
10 Whiteout
11 The Wait
12 Psyche
13 Gratitude
14 Unspeakable
15 Change
16 Pandemonium


Friday 26 March 2010

The Drones - Take Shelter - Live In Japan 1997 CD (1998)

Another gift sent to me by Mark. The first 14 tracks are from a gig in Tokyo and the rest are from a gig in Osaka. Take Shelter Live In Japan (the first 14 tracks) was actually released on vinyl too (only 1000 released) and is obviously pretty hard to get hold off so this CD release will do very nicely for now! If you haven't already got this then you'd be a daft sod not to download it!

So thanks once again Mark for this one.


01) Lookalikes
02) I Just Wanna Be Myself
03) Sad So Sad
04) The Change
05) City Drones
06) Be My Baby
07) You'll Lose
08) Corgi Crap
09) Bone Idol
10) Movement
11) No More Time
12) Sorted
13) Lift Off The Bans
14) Persecution Complex
15) Be My Baby
16) I Just Wanna Be Myself
17) Movement
18) Corgi Crap
19) Bone Idol
20) Sorted
21) Sad So Sad
22) Lift Off The Bans
23) Perfect Day (Sort Of)
24) Johnny Go Home
25) Persecution Complex

Thursday 25 March 2010

Iggy And The Stooges - Live Planeta Terra (2009)

This another one sent to me via Mark (so feel free to thank him & not me) This is a wee bit different from the usual format as these are flash (or flv) type video files. If you have Windows Media Player Classic (the best media player there is) or simply Windows Media player without the classic then they play just fine on both. These files are all individual tracks so just download the ones you want. The title of the tracks is on each individual link The file sizes are nice and small and the quality of the vids is good.

Warning - Do not view if you are eating your breakfast!

Tracklist & Links

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Stiff Little Fingers + Penetration - The Assembly,Leamington Spa 09/03/2010

Heres a nice little bit of music for you. A big big thanks to Mark for sending me the links to this recent gem and a massive thanks to the original uploader PontiacB who uploaded this on Dime. What do we have here then? Well a brilliant bit of recent live music thats what and by 2 of punks finest bands too.

First up its Penetration. File size 80mb


01.Stone Heroes
02.Future Daze
03.Life's A Gamble
04.The Feeling
06.Free Money0
7.Silent Community0
08.Don't Dictate
09.Danger Signs
11.Come Into The Open
12.Shout Above The Noise

And now SLF. This file is 200mb in four 50mb parts. Join with HJ-Split and then you'll have one 200mb rar file to unravel. Theres some SLF gig photos included too which were taken by the original uploader. Thanks again Mark for sending us this to share about and thanks again PontiacB. Great work!


01. Intro
02. Wasted Life
03. Strummerville
04. Roots, Radicals, Rockers and Reggae
05. Hits and Misses
06. At The Edge
07. Guitar and Drum
08. Silver Lining
09. Who Died and Made You Elvis
10.Doesn't Make It Alright
11.Liar's club
12.Barbed Wire Love
13.Bits Of Kids
14.Fade Away
16.Fly The Flag
17.Nobody's Hero
18.Tin Soldiers
19.Suspect Device
20.Encore Break
21.Johnny Was
22.Alternative Ulster

Sunday 21 March 2010

Public Image Limited - Bochum Rockpalast 31/10/83

Another one from the excellent Rockpalast series. This time its the legendry PIL. Just under an hour from J Lydon and his merry band. Use HJ-Split to join the downloaded files together.
This post is dedicated to Mr Marky "Sparky" Dread who is doing some blinding posts over at his latest blog including more PIL and many other gems.


01. Public Image
02. Annalisa
03. Religion
04. Memories
05. Flowers Of Romance
06. Solitaire
07. Chant
08. Anarchy In The U.K.
09. This Is Not A Love Song
10. Low Life
11. Under The House
12. Bad Life
13. Public Image

Thursday 18 March 2010

The Stranglers - San Francisco (1978)

The title may sound exciting but this is probably the most disappointing of all the old "Target" video releases. Disappointing because the picture quality is poor,the sound is extremely poor and the length of the thing is a poxy 21 minutes. True the DVD did come with 30 minutes of good quality trailers (not featured here) but thats not the point. I recommend that if you haven't already brought this,then don't! A geezer here gives an honest review If you really want a good Stranglers DVD then I recommend Rattus At The Roundhouse.

However if you are a hardcore fan of the band and you haven't got this one then you obviously need to have it! Its a small tracklist but a bloody good one. Join files with HJ-Split


1) Burning Up Time
2) Dagenham Dave
3) Bring On The Nubiles
4) Dead Ringer
5) Hanging Around
6) London Lady

Monday 15 March 2010

MC5 - A True Testimonial (2002)

This 2 hour documentary has never been released but one day it might happen. Who knows? Hopefully it will because as music documentaries go its up there right at the top. Its a 10/10 in my book. I'd really love to share my (illegal) copy but due to the filmmakers and Wayne Kramer in a dispute about the rights to the film,I can't. Above is what my copy looks like for what its worth!

And heres what some people on the much maligned imdb think of it

Has anyone else seen this terrific docu and if so,what did you think of it? Big tip of the day - read the comments :-)

Friday 12 March 2010

Viva Joe Strummer:The Clash And Beyond (2005)

This one is for Gobshyte over at the excellent I rushed this just for you mate! This 62 minute documentary on the life and music of the legend that was Joe Strummer has had mixed reviews. Some say its rushed (just like this post!) while others point out that large chucks of Joe's career has been missed out. This is true I'm afraid but that doesn't mean this is a bad docu at all. Its not. Don't get me wrong,its no The Future Is Unwritten for sure but remember this is 2 years older than that DVD so that project had more time to do a proper and much longer job. There is some great footage on here albeit alot you would of already seen (especially from Rude Boy) but some great tributes and recollections too notabally from Tymon Dogg,Johnny Green,Jonesy and Topper although I'm mystified at the complete absence of Paul Simonon. Watching this did leave me a bit sad as its clear that Joe had returned to his best with the Mescarleros and was extremely happy in the time leading up to his death. Life is cruel.

Now the guilt trip part. On watching this again,I noticed that part of the proceeds on this DVD's sale were going to Strummerville (Joe's Charity) So if you enjoyed this,then please go over to click on the donate button and give something back for Joe. They accept Paypal as well as Credit/Debit card payments so it couldn't be easiler. Alternatively,buy this DVD!

R.I.P. Joe. You will never be forgotten.


use my mate Mr H.J. Split to join the downloaded together

Wednesday 10 March 2010


I must admit I love documentaries and I've found a great site where you can watch shedloads of them. Not music related I'm afraid but plenty there to interest anyone who likes them. Most of them seem to be working but a few I've tried don't. Hours and hours of informed viewing can be found here

Monday 8 March 2010

The Tubes - Live Dortmund Westfahlenhalle, Germany 14th May 1983

I picked this one up on ebay a while ago and as it wasn't marked,completely forgot where its from and what year but thanks to helpful commenter newelectricmuse,the correct venue and year is now up! Cheers for that. One thing you can say about The Tubes is their live set is very entertaining if not comical but it keeps you interested for sure. Includes the classic White Punks On Dope. Join files with HJ-Split


01.Sushi Girl
02.Don't Want to Wait Anymore
03.Wild Women of Wongo
04.She's A Beauty
07.White Punks on Dope

Thursday 4 March 2010

Ian Dury & the Blockheads - Live Rockpalast 21-02-78

Some more of the late,great Ian Dury and his Blockheads. This is another of those superb Rockpalast concerts like the Gang Of Four and Stranglers ones already on this site. This one is 64 minutes long and 619mb. Use Hj-Split to join all the downloaded files together


01) Sex & Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll
02) I'm Partial To Your Abracadabra
03) Wake Up & Make Love
04) Clever Trevor
05) Woman
06) Fair
07) Billericay Dickie
08) Sweet Gene Vincent
09) Upminster Kid
10) What A Waste
11) Plaistow Patricia
12) I Made Mary Cry/Blackmail Man
13) My Old Man
14) Blockheads


Monday 1 March 2010

Black Francis - Bluefinger 4 Track Album Sampler (2007)

Most fans of the fabulous Pixies will of course already be well aware of some of Frank Black's terrific solo material but for those who haven't dipped their toes into such music,then this is as good a place to start as any. Proof if any was needed that the lead Pixie is still making great great tunes. This is exactly what it says on the tin,a 4 track CD to promote Frank's brilliant album,Bluefinger.

1) Threshold Apprehension
2) Tight Black Rubber
3) Lolita
4) Captain Pasty