Thursday 29 October 2009

John Cooper Clarke - Live Glastonbury 19-06-81

Some more of The Baird Of Salford,this time from Glastonbury back in 1981. I only ever saw JJC the once and that was a year later than this one down at the Elephant Fayre festival in Cornwall supporting Siouxsie. Like alot of the music I downloaded years ago,this ones only 128 bitrate. 16 tracks and 32mb but classic stuff. Remember to leave no gaps if your burning this to CD!

My computer problems persist and its gone back to the shop to have windows xp wiped again. I haven't nearly begun to get it all sorted yet and I have to reinstall about 40 programmes and find all my favourites ect but this time I'm doing it gradually as one of those programmes I reinstalled last week was a vicious nasty virus and I have to work out which one it was. Until then,I'm thankful for my mouseclick noise!

Basically though I have wasted all day trying to upload a large file on both Rapidshare and Mediafire and my original problem on the first part of the last post below is worse. Downloads are going to 100% immediately and staying there and not finishing if they are over 50mb and whatever I try,its not sorting itself out be on rapidshare,mediafire or megaupload and quite frankly,I'm totally fucked off with it all. Funny enough,I can download just fine so maybe thats what I should just do from now on. If you look below you can see over 5 hours of work today on a Rapidshare Premier account trying to upload a file.

100 % (Infinity KB from 199681 KB)
Upload speed: 0 KB/Sec, Time remaining: 3407884:17 minutes

The people at Rapidshare are unhelpful and tell me its my browser settings or firewall or configerations etc but they can't tell me how to sort it out and nor can anyone else it seems so I'm at a loss at what to do. I have tried just about everything I can think of.

Anyway,I'm off to see the Anti-Nowhere League tonight and expecting a good hassle free night.


01) Gaberdine Angus
02) The Pest
03) The Day My Pad Went Mad
04) Majorca
05) (I Married A) Monster From Outer Space
06) The Bronze Adonis
07) Psycle Sluts
08) I've Got A Brand New Tracksuit-Health Fanatic
09) Ten Years In An Open Necked Shirt
10) Twat
11) You Never See A Nipple In The Daily Express
12) Camel Bag
13) Evidently Chickentown
14) Kung Fu International
15) Holiday Romance
16) Beasley Street

Sunday 25 October 2009

Techincal Support Needed Please!

Not a major issue but one thats bugging the crap out of me. Since I've had Windows XP reinstalled and have tried to use Mediafire I load a file up as I did before and when I click upload it goes to 100% straight away (but it doesn't upload the file straight away at all) It just goes to the bit at the end where it says "checking file" and stays there til the file uploads. Its exactly the same on Rapidshare too except it goes to 99% so its something to do with my new settings I think. But its pissing me off so can anyone help?

Also my mp3's used to be a greyish (I think) colour and now they are all white. I want my grey back! I use winamp. How can I get it back?
Despite downloading several versions of Winrar,I still get errors every bloody time I either download or upload something. Why?

I also need a DVD Ripper (a free twat of course) that is reliable and virus free. I did have 5 different ones before and all of them were pretty good on their day but that day was last Tueday,a week last wednesday,four weeks last Sunday etc. So many these days have trojans inside them and after Monday I'm wary of what to download. Preferably I'd like one that does DVD's at 700mb like alot of these movie you see online. Can anyone help poor old Longy?

Oh and one last thing. How do you get rid of that mouseclick noise? I've tried all the suggestions I've seen online like go to sounds and audio devices>sounds>windows explorer> and set start navigation to no sounds but I've still got that damned noise and its annoying as hell. Maybe there is a way of turning it off in mouse setting in the control panel? It might have something to do with the fact that I reinstalled my digi turntable and the dreaded itunes. As a computer dunce,I have no idea really. This one is pissing me off more than anything and if you can help me get rid of that fucking mouseclick I'll award you gold stars,Blue Peter chufty badges and if your a bird,my body!

Anyone got any idea how to put any of these right please?

Friday 23 October 2009

The Revillos - Bongo Brain 7'' (1981)

While I'm still in the midst of sorting everything out this end I am pleased to bring you this little beauty from '81. I totally forgot I had this one believe it or not and as I found it in the wrong record box (a legacy of the ex Mrs) it was a pleasant surprise.

Normal service will be resumed when I can locate all me back-up stuff . There won't be anymore posts for a couple of days or more and its a football weekend anyway for me (plus I'm a lazy c***)


1) Bongo Brain
2) Hip City - You Were Meant For Me

Thursday 22 October 2009

The Stranglers - Live Alexandra Palace 11-08-90

We haven't had anything from the Stranglers for ages so here is Hugh Cornwell's last ever gig with the band. Theres no point in writing anything about the Stranglers because its all been said except to say they are touring again early next year.

Luckily this one was pre-upped well before Monday when my computer suffered a fatal virus. I was browsing an undodgy site when this thing called AntiVirisPro 2110 started downloading itself onto the computer. I quickly went offline but it was too late and I had trojan city on here. My Anti Virus,Anti Malmare and Anti Spyware were as about as effective as a Liverpool FC defence. I was unable to reboot in safe mode or use system restore either. Basically,all internal HD's had to be wiped and every bloody mp3 and video on there and fuck knows how many programmes I had on here were gone forever as my faithful computer spent Monday afternoon being repaired in the shop. Luckily all the music and alot of the vids were backed up but to say it was a gigantic pain in the arse is an understatement. Be warned of this pesky virus folks. Its the worst I've ever encountered.

This ones 590mb and an hour long and again use HJ-Split to join the files and again sorry but its rapidshare.

Sunday 18 October 2009

John Cooper Clarke - Late & Live:Live In Bristol (1999)

Theres no doubt about it.....John Cooper Clarke is a legend and the absolute king of the spoken word. The original Punk Rock poet and bloody funny with it too. So when you've finally downloaded these files from the "dreaded" Rapidshare (I had to get an account because of the amount of films I'm still downloading) enjoy this 1 hour and 15 minutes of great fun. Plenty of inbetween gags on this which are in the main,very funny if a bit dated now in my opinion. Listen to JJ Clarke's take on various subject matters from the likes of The Welsh,Jews,The good people of Burnley,Phil Collins,Dyslestia,Eskimo's,George Best,Bobby Moore,Coffee,Marriage,Mad Cow Disease,Judging by appearances,Germans and Amphetamines. Politically correct he is not and bad language is most definately included.


Use HJ Split to join ALL the download files


1) The Day My Pad Went Mad
2) I Married A Monster From Outer Space
3) Tom Jones
4) Limerick
5) Hire Car
6) Burnley
7) I Wrote The Songs
8) The Hardest Working Man In Showbusiness
9) Health Fanatic
10) Evidently Chickentown

Sunday 11 October 2009

The Cult - Live On UK TV 198?

I'm not sure what TV show this was off - it could be the same one as the Spear Of Destiny one but I'm not 100%. Anyway,its 5 songs (well nearly 5 as its starts into the first track but never mind its some rare Cult so it shouldn't matter. All these songs were from the "Love" album period.

I promised a friend I would download them a load of movies and stick them on dvd so for the next week or so I'm going to be busy doing that instead of uploading here. So I'll post again in around a week or when I'm finished.


1) Nirvana
2) Love
3) Hollow Man
4) Revolution
5) Rain

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Mau Maus - Live At Palm Cove,Bradford,England (198?)

This one has been lurking about on the computer for bloody ages and for the life of me I don't know where this footage came from or what year (surprise surprise) A rough guess would be some Punk compilation and 82-84 ish but the truth is I haven't a Kalou. All I do know is theres 27 minutes and 19 seconds of terrific fast,loud UK Punk to be had. The file size is 222mb.

Get Pogoing!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Important: Beware of this Scam!

Over the last month I became a victim of a clever 'Eastern European' scam while out shopping. Simply dropping into Tesco for a bit of shopping has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. This doesn't even involve carrier bags either!

Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking voluptuous 25-26 year-old women come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the boot. They both start cleaning your windscreen. Their large firm breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It's impossible not to look especially with all the rain we have been having.

When you thank them and offer them a tip, they'll say 'No' and instead ask you for a lift to another store.You agree and they both get in the backseat. On the way, they start undressing, and both get completely naked. Then, when you pull over to remonstrate, one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over your lap, kissing you, touching you intimately, and thrusting herself against you, while the other one steals your wallet!I had my wallet stolen on 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, and 29th in the last month alone. Also three times last Saturday! So Be Warned!

P.S. Lidl have wallets on sale for £1.99 each, Aldi are £1.75 and look nicer.

Monday 5 October 2009

Albertos Y Lost Trios Paranious - "Snuff Rock" Rockpalast (January 1978)

Every man,woman,child and pet worth their salt loved the Snuff Rock EP back in 1977. It was a fun EP,one big piss-take really although to the likes of a Longy here,it meant something at the time. Music to annoy your parents for a start. Somehow the Bert's landed on German soil circ 1978 and then onto TV so here they are with a cleaned up version of the all the Snuff Rock tracks. Includes a not so famous "impersonation" of The Stranglers. It made me laugh anyway.

Dedicated to all gloomy Liverpool supporters,still smarting from their miserable 2 0 defeat at Stamford Bridge yesterday :-)


After a bit of investigation using the www some more info for ya. The good news is there was a full gig of this. Info here You'll notice these songs are not listed there. And now the great news.....28 minute video footage of this gig is available to buy for the measly price of 3 quid from CP Lee's website. Not only that but other goodies too. Go have a look and click the paypal button and go grab some bargains. Free postage to the UK too!


1) Snuffin' Like That
2) Snuffin' Ina Babylon
3) Kill
4) Gobbin' On Life

Saturday 3 October 2009

Subhumans - Live in 1984

Who doesn't like this band? There can't be many surely! This little feature includes a short interview with the band,7 tracks from one gig and 3 from another,both from 1984. I have absolutely no idea where this came from or where it was filmed but whats new. All I do know is this is brilliant and includes some of their best songs.

Again use HJ-split to join the files >>>>>>>

261mb and 26 mins of classic (UK) Subhumans.


01) No
02) Human Error
03) Parasites
04) Minority
05) Micky Mouse Is Dead
06) Animal
07) Zyklon B Movie
08) Rats
09) I Don't Wanna Die
10) Pigman

Dear John

No its not a dear John letter but just a quick word for one of the best neighbours a person could wish for who died this morning at 8.30 am. John was 84 and an incredible character. Eccentric to the core some might say but in a land where most people don't even know who their neighbours are,John was the one-off. A very kind man and one I will miss after knowing him for the last 16 years. One of the few people that actually stopped and gave a person the time of day. Sometimes annoying,sometimes nosey and without doubt the most stubborn person I've ever met in my life - very set in his ways but hey nobody is perfect. Just a man you couldn't help but like though.

I've hated the last few weeks and seeing what I have - how a reasonably fit man has become so ill,lost so much weight,lost all mobility,needed constant oxygen and in the end,needed 24 hour proffessional care. John hated Doctors and Hospital's and it was 2 weeks ago that he finally agreed to go into hospital. When the Consultant asked what medication he on,he was staggered by Johns answer (none) and when John was offered morphine just last week.
he said "I don't want that stuff,I might get addicted" That says it all really and thats why I'll miss him.

R.I.P. John