The Bretton Woods Project is a civil society watchdog of the IMF and World Bank. We advocate for a multilateral system that is democratic, inclusive, transparent, accountable, and responsive to people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable.

Latest from the Bretton Woods Project

BRICS leaders’ official photo at the XV BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 2023.

IFI governance


Clock is ticking: Will IMF’s 16th Quota Review mean a further loss of legitimacy for the Fund?

The recent BRICS enlargement creates additional pressure for IMF governance reform.

4 October 2023



Balancing ambitions and bridging divides at multilateral development banks

The success of the World Bank Evolution Roadmap will depend on developed countries' willingness to bridge the gap with developing countries by increasing Global South decision-making power and committing to a capital increase.

4 October 2023



Demanding accountability: Response to reports of a child sexual abuse cover up at the World Bank

A joint statement from 34 global civil society organizations regarding the extremely disturbing reports of a child sexual abuse cover-up by World Bank Group officials in connection with IFC's investment in Bridge International Academies in Kenya.

19 October 2023 | Letters

IFI governance


V20 communiqué analysis Annual Meetings 2023: Climate vulnerable countries demand more voice at Bretton Woods Institutions

V20 seeks confirmation of official observer status at the Bretton Woods Institutions by COP28, as IMF quota review fails to give greater voting power to climate vulnerable countries.

18 October 2023

IFI governance


G24 communiqué analysis Annual Meetings 2023: Scramble for 'last resort' support to struggling countries

The Annuals 2023 G24 communiqué for reiterates an urgent need for financial support from both the IMF and World Bank for indebted countries, whilst also supporting reform through quotas, a new SDR allocation & surcharge abolishment and review.

18 October 2023

IFI governance


G20 communiqué analysis Annual Meetings 2023: Nothing new under the sun

The Group of 20 (G20) communiqué was published on 13 October. It focused on the consequences of the evolving debt situation, reaffirmed support for the much-criticised Common Framework and was silent on debt relief. The section on MDB reform meanwhile stressed ‘bigger’ rather than ‘better’ banks.

18 October 2023

Other news

IFI governance


Transformative policy pathways: Lessons from feminist economics programming for the IMF

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 10 October 2023 titled "Transformative policy pathways: Lessons from feminist economics programming for the IMF."

10 October 2023 | Minutes



Sri Lankan trade unions call out IMF and World Bank's dismantling of country’s social protection system in favour of ineffective targeting schemes

Sri Lankan trade unions call out IMF and World Bank's dismantling of country’s social protection system in favor of ineffective targeting schemes.

4 October 2023



Civil society raises concerns of widespread IFC noncompliance with its own Performance Standards on greenhouse gas emissions

New analysis by Bank Climate Advocates of 300 projects found IFC failed to follow its own guidelines on ‘emissions quantification, alternatives analysis, mitigation, disclosure and affected communities impact assessment’.

4 October 2023



Biden administration signals additional funding for World Bank and IMF

New financing for the IMF and World Bank proposed by the US will not fix the flawed private sector development paradigm that burdens Global South economies with debt.

4 October 2023



MIGA’s new insurance for voluntary carbon offsets risks propping up junk assets, say campaigners

World Bank’s political insurance arm to provide risk cover to existing offsets if they are affected by governments efforts to better regulate problem-plagued offset schemes.

4 October 2023



IMF acknowledges capital controls have helped Argentine economy

IMF research acknowledges measures to restrict capital outflows introduced in 2019 contributed to Argentina meeting the performance criteria for the Fund’s Extended Fund Facility.

4 October 2023