
Well it's that time of year again - where we have to concentrate on trying to get our articles written and edited and magazine together in time for the autumn! So we are suspending our monthly open meetings for the next few months. However, if you live in Dublin and want to get involved with RAG, just drop us an email at the address above. Also - there's a bit going on so here's some updates:

Queer Politics: Mainstream or Revolutionary?
Queer Spraoi/RAG/Seomra Spraoi Open Workshop
Wednesday 10th June 6pm sharp, Seomra Spraoi (map)

The contemporary Euro-American LGBT movement emerged out of the gay and lesbian liberation struggles associated with the radical politics of the 1960s, which in turn were inspired by mass revolutionary movements prominent at the turn of the twentieth century. Yet today the majority of men and women active in LGBT politics seek not revolutionary social change but inclusion within the boundaries of mainstream liberal culture. They tend to organise as a single-issue interest group seeking legislative reforms (for example, amendments to marriage laws), and unlike their forebears pose no radical challenges to either capitalism or the state.
In this workshop, sponsored jointly by Queer Spraoi, RAG, and Seomra Spraoi, we will explore the controversial question of whether contemporary queer politics can and ought to pursue a more ambitious political agenda. If so, what form might such a politics take, and how would it relate to its more conservative cousin?

This is a public and free event, and everyone is welcome! The workshop will be followed by a queer café and social night.

Congrats to RAG member Eve, who has been busy producing documentaries for local station Dublin Community Television (DCTV). Here is a link to the programme she produced on Seomra Spraoi, Dublin's social centre. 3 more to come!

Lash Back
Congrats also to our fellow Dublin femos Lash Back. We had the pleasure to attend their magazine launch last week. It was a classy affair with wine, cheese and grapes, super cool posters with feminist quotes and even a chill-out room with a bed and a safer spaces policy! The magazine will be available in Tower Records soon - and in the RAG distro (on its rare outings - next one will be at the Queer Politics meeting 10th June) Big respect to the Lash Back women and look forward to working with you again in the future.

Shell To Sea
Resistance has stepped up in Mayo, where Shell continue with their plans for an onshore gas refinery in Rossport/Glengad. A local man, Willie Corduff, was badly beaten by shell security staff last month and many protestors have been arrested and prosecuted. Shell are planning for the return of the pipe laying ship, the Solitaire, next month, and the Irish government are sending in navy ships to help them. Retired schoolteacher, Maura Harrington, who last year went on hunger strike when the Solitaire entered Irish waters was yesterday jailed again for non-payment of fines. Now is a good time to consider visiting the solidarity camp in Mayo, organising solidarity protests where you live or getting involved in those in Dublin. See you there. Links: Shell to Sea, Mayo gas info

Network to Fight Cuts
In the coming months RAG will be working with the long established Irish anarchist organisation the WSM to help form a network to organise around the issue of the recession and the cutbacks that are currently affecting us all. More details to follow.

RAG Open Meeting

Participatory discussion-based workshop on anti-racism and discrimination

RAG Open Meeting Monday 6th April
Anti-racism and discrimination

You are invited to a participatory discussion based workshop (no pressure!) exploring participants attitudes on the themes of anti-racism and discrimination.

When: Monday 6th April

What time: 7.30 pm

Where: Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, off Gardiner St

Walking Tour Thanks!

Thanks to all who came along to the Feminist Walking Tour - it was a great day. Thanks also to whoever organised the sunshine!

If anyone has any more good photos from the day, and wouldn't mind sharing, could you please email them to feministwalkingtour AT yahoo.ie.
(photo opposite thanks to Andrew Flood)

To those who would have liked to make it but couldn't: if you would like a booklet, (and/or activity sheet / colour-in map) you can send us a self addressed envelope (A5 - 55cent should do it in Ireland) to PO box 10785, Dublin 1. We can also email the pdfs.

A big thanks to Seomra Spraoi (Dublin's social centre) & to our guest speakers Bernie and Niav, and singer Cormac - and to co-organisers Choice Ireland and Lash Back.

Here we all are afterwards out the back of Seomra Spraoi. Photo by Karla Healion.

If anyone wants more details about any of the organising groups - or to be put on any of our mailing lists, you can drop us a line individually - or through feministwalkingtour AT yahoo.ie. (see links below)


colour-in map =)

Don't forget!

International Women's Day is this Sunday. Come celebrate with us on the Feminist Walking Tour! It starts at 1pm at The Custom House, Dublin 1. More info below. Promo here!

RAG at the Anarchist Bookfair

Some members of RAG will be giving a workshop at the Anarchist Bookfair in Liberty Hall, Dublin 1, Sat 8th March, entitled "Best positions for Anarchism" : discussing why sexual health is important for activists and activism. It is at 3pm sharp, is open to all, and should be interesting!

At 4pm, there will be a talk from American historian and feminist Martha Ackelsberg. Who wrote the wonderful book "Free Women of Spain". Her talk is entitled, “The Trials of Theory and Practice: Spanish Anarchism, Mujeres Libres, and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women”

RAG will also have a stall at the bookfair, selling anarchist and feminist books, zines and other goodies.

For more info about the bookfair, see http://www.wsm.ie/blogs/bookfair09/
At tomorrow evening's RAG meeting (Mon March 2nd; 7:30, Seomra Spraoi - address below) we will be having a discussion on the organisation of family life in capitalism today, its implications for women in particular and what alternatives there might be. This is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend. Apologies for the last minute nature of this notice!

Seomra Spraoi: The new building is at 10 Belvidere Court, off Gardiner Street in Dublin 1. Just north of Mountjoy Square. See map at:http://www.seomraspraoi.org:8080/Plone

Feminist Walking Tour 2009

Join Choice Ireland, the RAG collective and the Lashback collective to celebrate International Womens Day

1pm Sunday March 8th 2009, International Women's Day

Meet at the The Custom House, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1

On March 8th 2008 over 150 people took to the streets to take part in the first Feminist Walking Tour of Dublin to mark International Women's Day. Following the enormous success of last year's tour, we are once again stepping out to tell the often forgotten stories of the Dublin women who have shaped the world we live in.

"The tour will tell the stories of women throughout our history from Granuaile to the women of the Ladies Land League and Irish Women Workers’ Union to today's women activists who work to reduce poverty and exclusion in our city," comments Sinead Ahern

Commenting further Anne Lynott says "The walking tour is an educational and entertaining way to celebrate the courage and achievements of women past and present and an ideal way to mark International Women's Day."

The Feminist Walking Tour will follow a new route this year and will incorporate different aspects of women in Dublin’s history. The tour will finish with a social lunch where soup and sandwiches will be provided.

There will be a free booklet to accompany the tour with a map and information about each stop.

This event is free of charge and is open to all ages and genders. Please contact us if you have any accessibility or other needs.

For a report of last years tour see http://ie.indymedia.org/article/86643

For further information please contact

feministwalkingtour AT yahoo.ie

Sinead Ahern +353 (0)86 398 3189

Anne Lynott +353 (0)87 910 9147

The Rag, Issues 1 to 6

The Rag, Issues 1 to 6