Oct 062012

‘She’s Pretty Good For a Girl’ is a project that grew out of one of the topics discussed at the Between the Lines reading group.

It’s difficult for women at every stage of becoming a musician.  There’s not enough role models, and the female musicians who are visible are usually airbrushed and pouting on the covers of magazines and album covers,  making young girls feel that they have to sexualise themselves to get anywhere.  If they do make it in to the local music shop they can expect to be patronised by the male staff, and then when they form a band, they end up forever playing lower down the bill while male bands headline.

The purpose of this project is to highlight the amount of sexist crap the average female-identified musician has to go through, by letting them tell their own stories.  We’re still looking for musicians (of all genders) to interview, so if you’re interested, get in touch!


Jun 112012

DIY Discussions is back with a vengeance in June & July! We’re still working out the details of all the fun stuff we’ll be doing and chatting about, but in the meantime get these dates in your diaries.. Also contact us if you have some ideas you’d like to share!

Please note the following CHANGE OF DATE! Wednesday 27th June 7.30pm onwards, please email us for the location: Join us to share skills on DIY tattooing (Stick ‘n’ Poke) and give each other summer haircuts. We will be discussing “Survivor’s in Solidarity with Prison Abolition” a project started by an anarcha-feminist group in the Philippines and contributing to a zine they are putting together. More info here.

14th, 15th, 16th July, time to be confirmed: We will be holding our July discussion at the Coal Action Scotland action camp “Take Back the Land” we don’t know exactly which evening it will be held on yet, but most likely it will be the 14th, 15th or 16th. We’ll confirm this nearer the time so keep an eye out for that. What we hope to be doing at the camp is skill-sharing camp based skills like how to make a fire – from chopping wood with different types of axes to lighting the fire. We’ll also hold a discussion on overcoming machismo and including feminist voices in direct action situations.  More info on the camp, what it’s all about and how to get to it here.

As always everyone is welcome to these events and we look forward to meeting you. Bring what you hope to find!

More general info on DIY discussions here

 Posted by at 2:16 pm
Jun 112012

Thursday, June 21, 2012 7:30pm until 10:00pm

Another fabulous evening of chuckles galore and quite frankly, unrestrained and unladylike laughter with top women comedians and compere Sian Bevan, The Megaphone Choir, Susie, McCabe, Viv Gee, Larah Bross and special guests.

All welcome!

Venue: Edinburgh City Football Club
7 Baxters Place, Edinburgh
7.30 – 10pm
Tix on the door – to reserve call Fiona on 0131 557 5869

 Posted by at 1:37 pm


 Next social  Comments Off
May 292012

No specific socials are planned at the moment, but come along to “Between The Lines” reading group and “DIY Discussions” events which happen on a semi-regular basis and definetly double up as social gatherings! More info on these events are published on our homepage.

Also, if you would like to help organise a social, event, meeting, action or whatever! Contact us and we’ll get back to you so we can organise something together!

 Posted by at 1:18 pm
May 122012

The next Between the lines: an anarcha feminist reading group is happening Thursday 24th May.

Date: Thursday 24th May
Time: 7.30pm
Location: 62 Marchmont road, Edinburgh
Researcher: Vanessa
Discussion: Sexism in Language

NOTE:  bring a laptop if you’ve got one!  As part of the discussion, we’re going to explore how sexism in our language and culture has been changing over time using this online linguistic corpus (just type in any words you want and it’ll show you how often those words appeared in google’s massive collection of books since 1800).  We’ll have enough laptops there for the break-out groups to use, but the more the merrier!

Reading:  Feminist meanings and the (de)politicization of the lexicon, by Susan Ehrlich and Ruth King.

Just read from the beginning through the end of page 64.
And optionally, the next section entitled “feminist linguistic innovations”.


To join the group please email betweenthelines.readinggroup@gmail.com

Apr 242012

Details of next session…

Date: Thursday 10th May
Time: 7.30pm
Location: 62 Marchmont road, Edinburgh
Researcher: Arielle

1) Wendy-O-Matik’s Redefining our Relationships (Attached) Read the chapters on Why an Alternative Relationship, Intimacy, Open Relationships, Misconceptions, Life as Options, and In Summary.
2) Polyamory: Barriers to Entry, Part 2: Kitchen Table Deconstruction (A look at gender relations within heterosexual polyamory)-http://www.anarchapistemology.net/archives/222#more-222
3) If someone has a copy of the Ethical Slut that they can bring to the discussion we can discuss the idea of the starvation economy (or whatever else people want to discuss from that book). Ditto for the book Opening Up.
Additional, for fun:
4) Dan Savage’s Column on the Monogamish (not really a fan of his work but this column is about successful non monogamous relationships and deserves a look)– http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/SavageLove?oid=11412386
Apr 092012

The next between the lines  meeting after the Easter break will be Thursday 19th April.
Where? 62 Marchmont road
Time: 7.30 pm
The meetings will carry on happening fortnightly (every second) Thursday.

The next topic is “Vegetarianism and feminism”, introduced by Lemor.

Readings are  the sections entitled “Virility, meat eating, and the politics of meat” and”The absent referent”, from the arcticle “Why feminist-vegan now?” by Carol J. Adams (in the journal “Feminism and Psychology” available here



DIY Discussions

 Feminist Events  Comments Off
Mar 192012

The next DIY Discussion will take place on Tuesday the 27th of March from 7pm onwards. The topic of discussion will be patriarchy and we will be skillsharing drawing.

For more details email us!

 Posted by at 3:44 pm