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SFBA Partner Initiatives are projects led by NLG partners and in many cases members, and partner with but are independent of the NLG.

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Recent News & Events

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Israel/occupied Palestinian territory: UN experts deplore attacks on civilians, call for truce and urge international community to address root causes of violence

Free Leonard Peltier: 79th Birthday Action

Today, far from his traditional homelands and relatives, Mr. Peltier (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa and Lakota/Dakota) turns 79 years old. Despite his innocence, Mr. Peltier has spent nearly five decades of his life in a maximum security prison. He is the longest-serving Political Prisoner in United States history.

Today, we again join the resounding voices of our relatives around the world: #FreeLeonardPeltier. The time for his freedom is now.

As a legal organization devoted to fighting for the sovereignty and self-determination of Indigenous Peoples, we will continue to support the work to free Mr. Peltier no matter the odds.

Urgent update from Haiti Action Committee:

The Chronicle sadly continued to avoid accountability for its irresponsible stigmatization of Honduran migrants, at Tuesday’s forum at Manny’s, as demanded by leading immigrant rights organizations such as CARECEN and ILRC. The San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the National Lawyers’ Guild joins in their demand for deeper public dialogue, way beyond yesterday’s failed public relations exercise, including full acknowledgment by editor Emilio García Ruiz of the damage that has been done and adequate measures to redress these harms. The crucial guiding thread missing from your utterly decontextualized coverage is critical examination of the decisive role played by U.S intervention and domination in Honduras and regionally, which has been the ultimate root cause of the mass migration which has resulted from the impositions of the drug war and of extractivist “development” policies. This is sadly the story you chose not to tell. All of this is especially outrageous and unacceptable as we mark the continuing toll in 2023 of 200 years of the Monroe Doctrine, and as yet another U.S-supported intervention is about to unfold in Haiti. Enough! The Chronicle can and must do much better.

– Camilo Pérez-Bustillo

NLG Condemns Georgia Indictments of Stop Cop City Protesters

Remembering Karen Jo Koonan

NLG Demands End To Racist Policing In The Mission And Criminalization Of Immigrants Amid San Francisco's Intensified War On The Unhoused And Drug Trafficking

Parents, livid over SFPD arrests of teens at Dolores hill bomb, vow lawsuits

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Teens, parents, commissioners blast SFPD for Dolores hill bomb arrests

Read More (Mission Local)

Supervisor defends Hondurans, economic impact of immigrants

Read More (San Francisco Examiner)

Hill bomb: SF plans to drop cases against majority of youth

Read More (Mission Local)

Police Commission hears community outrage—and two members call for investigation
The Chronicle sends a dangerous message about immigrants and crime

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Palestinian Liberation Struggle Update

Watch (YT)

Watch (YT)


Mexico Human Rights- Important New Developments In Ayotzinapa Case:

Read More (NY TImes)

Mexico asks Israel for second time to extradite ex-official accused of torture

Read More (Reuters) 


Iran Updates:

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Watch (YT)

The Border is Everywhere: Bay Area stands up for the right to asylum

Read More (El Tecolote) 



Read More (Black Agenda Report)

Journalists for Sale: US Troops to Peru, Castillo’s Coup and the Future of Latin America

Read More (Scheerpost)


Support Struggle for the Oakland People's Budget/Defund the Police

Federal Civil Rights Complaint Challenges Harvard’s Legacy Admissions

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African American Reparations Advisory Committee Final Report

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‘We’re going to wake up the world’: San Francisco’s bold reparations plan has a revolutionary spirit

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Oakland Community Leaders Unite in Support of a “People’s Budget” That Invests in Real Community Safety

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Anti-Police Terror Project (Posters/News)

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Defund OPD (Video)

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San Francisco Street Sweeps Of The Unhoused Halted By Judge

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Open Budget Oakland

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Oakland City Council Meeting 5/30

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Cali/SF Reparations News

California’s reparations process wasn’t pretty — but could yield important lessons for the rest of the country

Read more (SF Chronicle)

Read more (oag.ca.gov)

Read more (NY Times)

African American Reparations Advisory Committee

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DRAFT San Francisco Reparations Plan

Read more (sf.gov)

California task force approves proposal for state reparations to Black Descendants of enslavement.

Read More (PBS News)

Read More (NPR)

Read More(oag.gov)

Recording of Historic Decision (Youtube)


Recent News

The Border is Everywhere: Bay Area stands up for the right to asylum

Read More (El Tecolote)


Read More (The Intercept)

Mission Local Presents: Banko Brown Shooting and the Layers of SF Injustice

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Banko Brown’s Black Trans Life Mattered

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What does accountability now look like for the killing of Banko Brown? (SF Chronicle)

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D.A. Brooke Jenkins fumbled a chance to bring S.F. together after Banko Brown’s death (SF Chronicle)
Banko Brown Shooting: Protesters Decry DA’s Decision Not to Prosecute Guard (The San Francisco Standard)

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The US Failed Jordan Neely and Banko Brown Long Before They Were Murdered (truthout)

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Real SF dystopia: Two Black men fighting to death over Walgreens snacks

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Killed over ‘$14 of candy’: Banko Brown’s death is a tragedy of San Francisco’s making

Read More (SF Chronicle)

Banko Brown’s family calls for accountability at supes meeting

Read More (missionlocal.org)

Recent Articles

We Must Fight Poverty, Not the Poor

Read More (El Tecolote)

Wanted for War Crimes: Henry Kissinger

Watch here (Youtube MSNBC)

Read More (The Intercept)

Oxfam: G7 Countries Owe the Global South More Than $13 Trillion in Development & Climate Assistance

Read More (Oxfam)

H.R. 2 Secure the border Act

International Solidarity - Peru Update

Peru: UN experts call for end to violence during demonstrations, urge respect for human rights

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Experts of the Human Rights Committee Commend Advances in Promoting Gender Equality, Raise Issues Concerning the Trial of Former President Pedro Castillo 

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Peru’s Deteriorating Human Rights Situation Signals Deeper Political Crisis

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Human Rights Watch

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House Dems Push Biden to Cut Off Security Aid to Peru Over ‘Violent Repression of Protests’

Read More (Common Dreams)

We call for a condemnation and diligent investigation into the human rights violations in Peru

Read More(CEJIL.org)

Peru: Infinite Protest and Indolent Elites

Read More (NACLA.org)

Political Repression Under Peruvian Coup Regime
People’s Dispatch

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Peru: Referral to the UN mechanisms about the human rights violations and repression of social protest

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Peru: Lethal state repression is yet another example of contempt for the Indigenous and campesino population

Read More(Amnesty International)

Law Student Chapter News

Us Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Student Debt Relief Cases

Migrant Justice News

Migrants Died In Detention Fire Because They Couldn’t Pay $200 Bribe to Be Released

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UN Experts Call For Independent Investigation Into Ciudad Juárez Migrant Massacre

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MOBILIZE YOUR SOLIDARITY NOW!! ICE detainee hunger strikers updates:

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Migrant child labor:

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Read More (Democracy now)

Migrant Boat Sinking

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‘Slavery wages’ prompt hunger strike at ICE detention facilities

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U.S. / Global NEws

The Abolitionist Struggle to Stop Cop City

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New Cold War: U.S, Russia, and China Today

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Reject US Imperialism! Make Our Americas a Zone of Peace

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Palestine, Israel, and the Changing Global Order

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Read More (NY Times)

In Peru’s Andes, scars of protest deaths cut deep as families seek justice

Read More (Reuters)

Misión internacional de abogados: En Perú hay grave vulneración de derechos humanos

Read More (La República)

Conciencia de los Pueblos brinda conferencia de prensa para presentar informe preliminar sobre los DDHH en el Perú

Watch Here (FB Live)

Resistance News

Al-Haq Calls for International Accountability Measures as Alarming Settler Attacks on Palestinians Leave Huwwara Properties Razed in Blistering Inferno

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B’Tselem Accuses Israel Government of Backing Pogrom in West Bank Town of Huwara

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Colombia Political Prisoners On Hunger Strike

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Hunger Strike @ Golden State Annex Ice Detention


Peruvian People’s Resistance Intensifies



Asylum Related News

National Immigration Project’s (NIPNLG) Comment on the Proposed Rule by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)

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Witness at the Border – Virtual Event 

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Biden Asylum Ban Will Endanger Refugees

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March 27 deadline for asylum ban comments:

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58 Citizens Sentenced to Death or under the Impending Threat of Death Sentence

Iran Protests: at Least 458 People Killed &
11 Officially Sentenced to Death

In Honor of Indigenous Peoples

Please join us in observing Indigenous People’s Thanksgiving Day in the Bay Area with the International Indian Treaty Council’s annual sunrise gathering on Alcatraz Island (details below; will be live-streamed via KPFA), and stand together with us in solidarity with the National Day of Mourning that has been observed since 1970 at Plymouth, Massachusetts by the United American Indians of New England (see details below).
Please also join us Dec. 5 for a special film screening at the New Parkway Theater (474 24th Street, Oakland)
honoring the life and work of one of our chapter’s founding members, Steve Bingham.

Movie synopsis:

A Double Life, winer of an audience favorite award, unveils the gripping true story of Stephen Bingham, a lawyer accused of passing a gun to prisoners’ rights leader George Jackson in 1971. Forced into a life on the run, Bingham spends 13 years underground, eluding capture while fiercely determined to clear his name.

Steve Bingham, Abby Ginzberg and Susan Rutberg will be doing a Q and A after the screening. Please let your friends know about this screening.

In Honor of Indigenous Peoples

54th Annual National Day of Mourning

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