A New Escalation of Armed Conflict in Myanmar

Fighting has intensified greatly in Myanmar in recent weeks. Having started in northern Shan State, it is now spreading elsewhere. As Crisis Group expert Richard Horsey explains in this Q&A, the military is under significant pressure on the battlefield, with worrying humanitarian implications.

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Attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank are spiking with attention focused on Gaza. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Mairav Zonszein explains what is behind this dangerous phenomenon and what can be done to stop it.

Sixteen months after Russia’s full-scale invasion, its attacks on Ukrainian cities continue, while Ukraine’s counteroffensive slowly advances. With NATO leaders convening soon, Crisis Group experts explain in this Q&A why a lengthy war may loom and what that means for NATO members and other states.

In The News

19 Nov 2023
Arab states feel they should not be held responsible for Israel's conflict with the Palestinians, which to them stands at the origin of much that ails the region. Fox News

Joost Hiltermann

Program Director, Middle East and North Africa
15 Nov 2023
Israel is seeking to change the reality on the ground in Gaza this time around and is not saying what exactly is its endgame. The National News

Michael Wahid Hanna

Program Director, U.S.
14 Nov 2023
The Xi-Biden meeting provides an … opportunity for the two leaders to convey to each other that neither seeks to overturn the status quo or kinetic conflict. Newsweek

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
14 Nov 2023
Myanmar needs Russia because it doesn't want to be isolated ... and they also need an alternative to China in the region. Newsweek

Oleg Ignatov

Senior Analyst, Russia
13 Nov 2023
If combat persists [in Rakhine State], it will open a significant new front for the regime [in Myanmar], which is already overstretched. Reuters

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
13 Nov 2023
Most [Central American] governments have recognized that what is of clear interest to the US is migration … They will either become partners or adversaries on this issue. AP

Pamela Ruiz

Analyst, Central America

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