Showing posts with label Tankies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tankies. Show all posts

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Take away the tanks . . .

. . . it does explains why I have not gone out of my way to make a 'new' friend in 49 years:

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Made Me Laugh

From the yahoogroup, Leftist Trainspotters:

"The late Dave Cook, who was National Organiser of the CPGB, had a funny story about the New Worker. He bought a copy on his way to work, and joked to the seller, "We'll be fighting over this at King Street". A week later, he saw a headline in the New Worker, "LEADING CPGB FULL-TIMER BUYS COPY OF NEW WORKER - We'll be fighting over this at King Street, says Dave Cook"."