WBAI-FM Community Advisory Board

All public broadcast stations receiving funds from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) are required by law to have a Community Advisory Board (CAB). Click here for the CPB’s statement of Community Advisory Board Requirements.

The CAB is a vehicle for the community to effectively provide input to the Local Station Board (LSB). The CAB's role is strictly advisory. It has no authority over the daily management or operation of the station. The function of the CAB is to review the station's programming goals, services provided by the station, and any significant policy decisions made by the station.

The CAB advises the LSB and the Program Director with respect to whether the programming and other policies of the station are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station, along with the CAB being able to offer other advice respecting station programming goals, the station’s service, and its significant policy decisions.

WBAI’s CAB meets regularly and its meetings are open to the public, with the public being invited to provide comment at he meeting. CAB meetings are announced on WBAI’s air waves and scheduled meetings and how to attend can be found on Pacifica’s calendar.

WBAI CAB’s current membership and officers are as follows:

Ronald Fecher   
Elenor Elizabet Forman   
Bruce Greif   
Denise Joy    (Vice Chair)
Patty Logan   
Darryl McPherson   
Thomas Murata    (Recording Secretary)
Neale Vos    (Chair)

To contact the WBAI CAB, including to express an interest in becoming a CAB member click here.

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