Showing posts with label Flock of Seagulls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flock of Seagulls. Show all posts

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Round 138: Mrs Phillips double Maths class

Darts Thrown: March 7th 2019
Blog Written: August 16 2019

Highest Score: 134
Lowest Score: 4
Sixties: 19
100+: 4

Blogger's Note: Written in haste, so there will be spelling mistakes and slapdash grammar.

A bit random but this wasn't a single I bought back in the day, it was a single I borrowed. (Yep, that's how old I am.) Borrowed it from PD in Mrs Phillips' double Maths class.  I still think it's their best single despite what some American New Wavers will say. I will forever associate it with Hold Me Now by The Thompson Twins . . .  another bona fide classic.